%general-entities; ]> GNOME Speech-&gnome-speech-version; Introduction to <application><acronym>GNOME</acronym> Speech</application> The GNOME Speech gives a simple general API for producing text-to-speech output. Multiple backends are supported by the GNOME Speech library, but currently only the Festival backend is enabled in this package; the other backends require either Java or proprietary software. Package information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download size: &gnome-speech-size; Estimated Disk space required: &gnome-speech-buildsize; Estimated build time: &gnome-speech-time; <application><acronym>GNOME</acronym> Speech</application> dependencies Required Optional , , Festival, FreeTTS, ViaVoice, Eloquence, DECTalk and Theta Installation of <application><acronym>GNOME</acronym> Speech</application> Install GNOME Speech by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=`pkg-config --variable=prefix ORBit-2.0` && make && make install Contents The GNOME Speech package contains festival-synthesis-driver, test-speech and libgnomespeech. Description libgnomespeech libgnomespeech provides the API for programs to convert text into speech.