1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY network-manager-applet-download-http
8 | "&gnome-download-http;/network-manager-applet/1.8/network-manager-applet-&network-manager-applet-version;.tar.xz">
9 | <!ENTITY network-manager-applet-download-ftp
10 | "&gnome-download-ftp;/network-manager-applet/1.8/network-manager-applet-&network-manager-applet-version;.tar.xz">
11 | <!ENTITY network-manager-applet-md5sum "9fd564a430201d0a8ff34f5ab50fc609">
12 | <!ENTITY network-manager-applet-size "1.4 MB">
13 | <!ENTITY network-manager-applet-buildsize "40 MB (with tests)">
14 | <!ENTITY network-manager-applet-time "0.2 SBU (with tests)">
15 | ]>
16 |
17 | <sect1 id="network-manager-applet" xreflabel="network-manager-applet-&network-manager-applet-version;">
18 | <?dbhtml filename="network-manager-applet.html"?>
19 |
20 | <sect1info>
21 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
22 | <date>$Date$</date>
23 | </sect1info>
24 |
25 | <title>network-manager-applet-&network-manager-applet-version;</title>
26 |
27 | <indexterm zone="network-manager-applet">
28 | <primary sortas="a-network-manager-applet">network-manager-applet</primary>
29 | </indexterm>
30 |
31 | <sect2 role="package">
32 | <title>Introduction to NetworkManager Applet</title>
33 |
34 | <para>
35 | The <application>NetworkManager Applet</application> provides a tool and
36 | a panel applet used to configure wired and wireless network connections
37 | through GUI. It's designed for use with any desktop environment that uses
38 | <application>GTK+</application> like <application>Xfce</application> and
39 | <application>LXDE</application>.
40 | </para>
41 |
42 | &lfs81_checked;
43 |
44 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
45 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
46 | <listitem>
47 | <para>
48 | Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&network-manager-applet-download-http;"/>
49 | </para>
50 | </listitem>
51 | <listitem>
52 | <para>
53 | Download (FTP): <ulink url="&network-manager-applet-download-ftp;"/>
54 | </para>
55 | </listitem>
56 | <listitem>
57 | <para>
58 | Download MD5 sum: &network-manager-applet-md5sum;
59 | </para>
60 | </listitem>
61 | <listitem>
62 | <para>
63 | Download size: &network-manager-applet-size;
64 | </para>
65 | </listitem>
66 | <listitem>
67 | <para>
68 | Estimated disk space required: &network-manager-applet-buildsize;
69 | </para>
70 | </listitem>
71 | <listitem>
72 | <para>
73 | Estimated build time: &network-manager-applet-time;
74 | </para>
75 | </listitem>
76 | </itemizedlist>
77 |
78 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">NetworkManager Applet Dependencies</bridgehead>
79 |
80 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required</bridgehead>
81 | <para role="required">
82 | <xref linkend="gtk3"/>,
83 | <xref linkend="iso-codes"/>,
84 | <xref linkend="libsecret"/>,
85 | <xref linkend="libnotify"/>, and
86 | <xref linkend="NetworkManager"/>
87 | </para>
88 |
89 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Recommended</bridgehead>
90 | <para role="recommended">
91 | <xref linkend="gobject-introspection"/> and
92 | <xref linkend="ModemManager"/>
93 | </para>
94 |
95 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required (Runtime)</bridgehead>
96 | <para role="required">
97 | <xref role="runtime" linkend="polkit-gnome"/>
98 | </para>
99 |
100 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional</bridgehead>
101 | <para role="optional" revision="sysv">
102 | <xref linkend="gc"/> (for linker garbage collection),
103 | <ulink url="&gnome-download-http;/gnome-bluetooth/">
104 | GNOME Bluetooth</ulink>, and
105 | <ulink url="&gnome-download-http;/mobile-broadband-provider-info">
106 | mobile-broadband-provider-info</ulink> (runtime)
107 | </para>
108 | <para role="optional" revision="systemd">
109 | <xref linkend="gc"/> (for linker garbage collection),
110 | <xref linkend="gnome-bluetooth"/>,
111 | <ulink url="&gnome-download-http;/mobile-broadband-provider-info">
112 | mobile-broadband-provider-info</ulink> (runtime), and
113 | <ulink url="http://www.digip.org/jansson/">Jansson</ulink> (for the team configuration editor)
114 | </para>
115 |
116 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
117 | <ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/network-manager-applet"/>
118 | </para>
119 |
120 | </sect2>
121 |
122 | <sect2 role="installation">
123 | <title>Installation of NetworkManager Applet</title>
124 |
125 | <para>
126 | Install <application>NetworkManager Applet</application> by running
127 | the following commands:
128 | </para>
129 |
130 | <screen><userinput>mkdir build &&
131 | cd build &&
132 |
133 | meson --prefix=/usr \
134 | --sysconfdir=/etc \
135 | -Denable-libnm-gtk=true \
136 | -Denable-selinux=false \
137 | -Denable-team=false &&
138 | ninja</userinput></screen>
139 |
140 | <para>
141 | To test the results, issue: <command>ninja test</command>.
142 | </para>
143 |
144 | <para>
145 | Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:
146 | </para>
147 |
148 | <screen role="root"><userinput>ninja install</userinput></screen>
149 |
150 | </sect2>
151 |
152 | <sect2 role="commands">
153 | <title>Command Explanations</title>
154 |
155 | <para>
156 | <parameter>-Denable-libnm-gtk=true</parameter>: This switch enables build
157 | of the legacy libnm-gtk (required for <application>Gnome</application>).
158 | </para>
159 |
160 | <para>
161 | <parameter>-Denable-team=false</parameter>: This switch disables the team
162 | configuration editor since it requires <application>Jansson</application>
163 | which is not currently in BLFS.
164 | </para>
165 |
166 | <para>
167 | <parameter>-Denable-selinux=false</parameter>: This switch forcibly
168 | disables <application>SELinux</application> support since it is not
169 | currently in BLFS and the build will fail without it.
170 | </para>
171 |
172 | <para>
173 | <option>-Denable-wwan=flase</option>: This switch disables WWAN support.
174 | Use this if you do not have <xref linkend="ModemManager"/> installed.
175 | </para>
176 |
177 | </sect2>
178 |
179 | <sect2 role="content">
180 | <title>Contents</title>
181 |
182 | <segmentedlist>
183 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
184 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
185 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
186 |
187 | <seglistitem>
188 | <seg>
189 | nm-applet and nm-connection-editor
190 | </seg>
191 | <seg>
192 | libnma.so and libnm-gtk.so
193 | </seg>
194 | <seg>
195 | /usr/include/{libnma,libnm-gtk}
196 | </seg>
197 | </seglistitem>
198 | </segmentedlist>
199 |
200 | <variablelist>
201 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
202 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
203 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
204 |
205 | <varlistentry id="nm-connection-editor">
206 | <term><command>nm-connection-editor</command></term>
207 | <listitem>
208 | <para>
209 | allows users to view and edit network connection settings.
210 | </para>
211 | <indexterm zone="network-manager-applet nm-connection-editor">
212 | <primary sortas="b-nm-connection-editor">nm-connection-editor</primary>
213 | </indexterm>
214 | </listitem>
215 | </varlistentry>
216 |
217 | <varlistentry id="libnma">
218 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libnma.so</filename></term>
219 | <listitem>
220 | <para>
221 | contains internal functions for the
222 | <application>Network Manager GTK+ Interface</application>.
223 | </para>
224 | <indexterm zone="network-manager-applet libnma">
225 | <primary sortas="c-libnma">libnma.so</primary>
226 | </indexterm>
227 | </listitem>
228 | </varlistentry>
229 |
230 | <varlistentry id="libnm-gtk">
231 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libnm-gtk.so</filename></term>
232 | <listitem>
233 | <para>
234 | contains the <application>NetworkManager</application>
235 | <application>GTK+</application> bindings.
236 | </para>
237 | <indexterm zone="network-manager-applet libnm-gtk">
238 | <primary sortas="c-libnm-gtk">libnm-gtk.so</primary>
239 | </indexterm>
240 | </listitem>
241 | </varlistentry>
242 |
243 | </variablelist>
244 |
245 | </sect2>
246 |
247 | </sect1>