%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ brasero-&brasero-version; brasero Introduction to brasero The brasero package is an application to burn CD/DVD for the Gnome Desktop. It is designed to be as simple as possible and has some unique features to enable users to create their discs easily and quickly. &lfs70_built; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &brasero-md5sum; Download size: &brasero-size; Estimated disk space required: &brasero-buildsize; Estimated build time: &brasero-time; brasero Dependencies Required , , , , , and Recommended Optional libburn, libisofs, , and Recommended (Runtime) Cdrtools or cdrkit (For CD burning), and (For DVD burning) User Notes: Installation of brasero Install brasero by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=$GNOME_PREFIX && make This package does not come with a test suite. Now, as the root user: make install Command Explanations : This parameter disables updates to the scrollkeeper database. Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories brasero libbrasero-audio2cue.so, libbrasero-burn-uri.so, libbrasero-cdda2wav.so, libbrasero-cdrdao.so, libbrasero-cdrecord.so, libbrasero-checksum-file.so, libbrasero-checksum.so, libbrasero-dvdauthor.so, libbrasero-dvdcss.so, libbrasero-dvdrwformat.so, libbrasero-genisoimage.so, libbrasero-growisofs.so, libbrasero-local-track.so, libbrasero-mkisofs.so, libbrasero-normalize.so, libbrasero-readcd.so, libbrasero-readom.so, libbrasero-transcode.so, libbrasero-vcdimager.so, libbrasero-vob.so, libbrasero-wodim.so, libbrasero-burn.so, libbrasero-media.so, libbrasero-utils.so, and libnautilus-brasero-extension.so $GNOME_PREFIX/{include/brasero,lib/brasero/plugins, share/{brasero/icons/hicolor/*},gnome/help/brasero/*, gtk-doc/html/{libbrasero-burn,libbrasero-media},omf/brasero}} Short Descriptions brasero is a simple and easy to use CD/DVD burning application for the Gnome Desktop brasero libbrasero-burn.so contains the burning API functions. libLIBRARY1.so libbrasero-media.so contains the media API functions. libbrasero-media.so libbrasero-utils.so contains the brasero API functions. libbrasero-utils.so