%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy: archaic $ $Date: 2004-08-09 23:25:57 -0500 (Mon, 09 Aug 2004) $ Getting the Source Packages Within the BLFS instructions, each package has two references for finding the source files for the package—an http link and an ftp link (some packages may only list one of these links). Every effort has been made to ensure that these links are accurate. However, the World Wide Web is in continuous flux. Packages are sometimes moved or updated and the exact URL specified is not always available. To overcome this problem, the BLFS Team, with the assistance of Server Beach, has made an http/ftp site available at anduin.linuxfromscratch.org. This site has all the sources of the exact versions of the packages used in BLFS. If you can't find the BLFS package you need, get it there. We would like to ask a favor, however. Although this is a public resource for you to use, we do not want to abuse it. We have already had one unthinking individual download over 3 GB of data, including multiple copies of the same files that are placed at different locations (via symlinks) to make finding the right package easier. This person clearly did not know what files he needed and downloaded everything. The best place to download files is the site or sites set up by the source code developer. Please try there first.