1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE chapter PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY kf5-download-http "&kf5-download-http;">
8 | <!ENTITY kf5-download-ftp "&kf5e-download-ftp;">
9 | <!ENTITY kf5-md5sum "See Below">
10 | <!ENTITY kf5-size "31 MB">
11 | <!ENTITY kf5-buildsize "1.0 GB">
12 | <!ENTITY kf5-time "43 SBU">
13 | ]>
14 |
15 | <sect1 id="kf5-frameworks" xreflabel="KDE Frameworks-&kf5-version;">
16 | <?dbhtml filename="krameworks5.html"?>
17 |
18 | <sect1info>
19 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
20 | <date>$Date$</date>
21 | </sect1info>
22 |
23 | <title>Building KDE Frameworks 5 (KF5)</title>
24 |
25 | <indexterm zone="kf5">
26 | <primary sortas="a-kf5">KDE Frameworks</primary>
27 | </indexterm>
28 |
29 | <para>KDE Frameworks 5 is a collection of libraries based on top of Qt5 and
30 | QML derived from the monolithic KDE 4 libraries. They can be used
31 | independent of the KDE Display Environment (Plasma 5).</para>
32 |
33 | &lfs78_checked;
34 |
35 | <para>The instructions below build all of the KDE Frameworks packages in one
36 | step by using a bash script. </para>
37 |
38 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
39 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
40 | <listitem>
41 | <para>Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&kf5-download-http;"/></para>
42 | </listitem>
43 | <listitem>
44 | <para>Download (FTP): <ulink url="&kf5-download-ftp;"/></para>
45 | </listitem>
46 | <listitem>
47 | <para>Download MD5 sum: &kf5-md5sum;</para>
48 | </listitem>
49 | <listitem>
50 | <para>Download size: &kf5-size;</para>
51 | </listitem>
52 | <listitem>
53 | <para>Estimated disk space required: &kf5-buildsize;</para>
54 | </listitem>
55 | <listitem>
56 | <para>Estimated build time: &kf5-time;</para>
57 | </listitem>
58 | </itemizedlist>
59 |
60 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">KF5 Dependencies</bridgehead>
61 |
62 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required</bridgehead>
63 | <para role="required">
64 | <xref linkend="boost"/>,
65 | <xref linkend="extra-cmake-modules"/>,
66 | <xref linkend="DocBook"/>,
67 | <xref linkend="docbook-xsl"/>,
68 | <xref linkend="giflib"/>,
69 | <xref linkend="libepoxy"/>,
70 | <xref linkend="libgcrypt"/>,
71 | <xref linkend="libjpeg"/>,
72 | <xref linkend="libpng"/>,
73 | <xref linkend="libxslt"/>,
74 | <xref linkend="phonon"/> (built with qt5),
75 | <xref linkend="shared-mime-info"/>, and
76 | <xref linkend="wget"/> (required to download the packages)
77 | </para>
78 |
79 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Recommended</bridgehead>
80 | <para role="recommended">
81 | <xref linkend="avahi"/> (DNS-SD backend for KDNSSD),
82 | <xref linkend="aspell"/> (Dictionary backend for Sonnet),
83 | <xref linkend="libdbusmenu-qt"/> (built with qt5), and
84 | <xref linkend="polkit-qt"/> (Authentication backend for KAuth)
85 | </para>
86 |
87 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional</bridgehead>
88 | <para role="optional">
89 | <xref linkend="bluez"/> (needed to build Bluez-Qt),
90 | <xref linkend="NetworkManager"/> (needed to build NetworkManager-Qt),
91 | <ulink url="http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ModemManager/">ModemManager</ulink> (needed to build ModemManager-Qt)
92 | </para>
93 |
94 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Runtime dependency for FrameworkIntegration</bridgehead>
95 | <para role="optional">
96 | <ulink url="http://download.kde.org/stable/plasma/5.2.0">oxygen-fonts</ulink>
97 | </para>
98 |
99 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Runtime dependencies for kapidox</bridgehead>
100 | <para role="optional">
101 | <xref linkend="doxygen"/>,
102 | <ulink url="https://pypi.python.org/packages/source/J/Jinja2/">Jinja2</ulink>, and
103 | <ulink url="http://pyyaml.org/">PyYAML</ulink>
104 | </para>
105 |
106 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Additional image formats support in KImageFormats</bridgehead>
107 | <para role="optional">
108 | <xref linkend="jasper"/> and
109 | <ulink url="http://www.openexr.com/">OpenEXR</ulink>
110 | </para>
111 |
112 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional dependencies for KIO</bridgehead>
113 | <para role="optional">
114 | <xref linkend="mitkrb"/>
115 | </para>
116 |
117 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional dependencies for ModemManager-QT</bridgehead>
118 | <para role="optional">
119 | <ulink url="http://www.freedesktop.org/software/ModemManager/">ModemManager</ulink>
120 | </para>
121 |
122 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional dependencies for Solid</bridgehead>
123 | <para role="optional">
124 | <xref linkend="udisks2"/>,
125 | <xref linkend="upower"/> and
126 | <ulink url="http://www.freedesktop.org/software/media-player-info/">media-player-info</ulink> (runtime)
127 | </para>
128 |
129 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional dictionary backends for Sonnet</bridgehead>
130 | <para role="optional">
131 | <ulink url="http://hspell.ivrix.org.il/">Hspell</ulink> and
132 | <ulink url="http://hunspell.sourceforge.net/">Hunspell</ulink>
133 | </para>
134 |
135 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
136 | <ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/kf5"/></para>
137 |
138 | <sect2>
139 | <title>Downloading KDE Frameworks</title>
140 |
141 | <para>
142 | The easiest way to get the KDE Frameworks packages is to use a single
143 | <command>wget</command> to fetch them all at once:
144 | </para>
145 |
146 | <screen><userinput>url=http://download.kde.org/stable/frameworks/&kf5-short-version;/
147 | wget -r -nH --cut-dirs=3 -A '*.xz' -np $url</userinput>
148 | <literal>
149 | The options used here are:
150 | -r recurse through child directories
151 | -nH disable generation of host-prefixed directories
152 | --cut-dirs=3 remove three levels of directories when saving
153 | -A '*.xz' just get the *.xz files
154 | -np don't get parent directories</literal></screen>
155 |
156 | </sect2>
157 |
158 | <sect2>
159 | <title>Setting Package Order</title>
160 |
161 | <para>
162 | The order of building files is important due to internal dependencies.
163 | Create the list of files in the proper order as follows:
164 | </para>
165 |
166 | <screen><userinput>cat > frameworks-&kf5-version;.md5 << "EOF"
167 | <literal>206256ed0dda3161d73a61d29835b04b attica-5.14.0.tar.xz
168 | #5c5db16c6038e63e7b741fa32e4eaddd extra-cmake-modules-5.14.0.tar.xz
169 | 6852e7e3c52f18dc0f08811440f7159a kapidox-5.14.0.tar.xz
170 | 1250214279c42c5802f998ee1f2b91b8 karchive-5.14.0.tar.xz
171 | 5089c3e4f3f9e97a9be526a17264268e kcodecs-5.14.0.tar.xz
172 | a4b12b753b855d8fa1240b499bc17135 kconfig-5.14.0.tar.xz
173 | 3b6b2ac66ff2c436c7b8af6d1ca426be kcoreaddons-5.14.0.tar.xz
174 | f549e9e7c7340df301b52530817ced0a kdbusaddons-5.14.0.tar.xz
175 | 60c2eb4b4bc7227213bc1b570be75cfd kdnssd-5.14.0.tar.xz
176 | d2eccbda7aa054cfb4e6f0bd3c79aa3f kguiaddons-5.14.0.tar.xz
177 | a6d89fc546487e02dc921a7c21cb782d ki18n-5.14.0.tar.xz
178 | 821deeab6cbd9e37c8e676c7ca0f2eac kidletime-5.14.0.tar.xz
179 | 187a448cbfd6302bba9bb45a812322b8 kimageformats-5.14.0.tar.xz
180 | 3b0dbc6a5c684ac6d2831df8c7f6d262 kitemmodels-5.14.0.tar.xz
181 | 06a1fbd90019b98f037d59554c6cec84 kitemviews-5.14.0.tar.xz
182 | 69b884e9c9e5705c92e495737b8f5a4d kplotting-5.14.0.tar.xz
183 | c0bff34af9beb98133342541cc0ef1cd kwidgetsaddons-5.14.0.tar.xz
184 | a50dbdb6c25499bbd958e6df4a5b293d kwindowsystem-5.14.0.tar.xz
185 | #ea34cd8d1093724fc60da6e2555f2750 networkmanager-qt-5.14.0.tar.xz
186 | 8e487975994ba2c5811f6830609c73de solid-5.14.0.tar.xz
187 | 19ee48d23eb44e3ba5c101112474775e sonnet-5.14.0.tar.xz
188 | 35411b704157912a305c3d4b2b1b5a32 threadweaver-5.14.0.tar.xz
189 | ea724c2152b88149893784a234c5bbcc kauth-5.14.0.tar.xz
190 | d330c841ddf9d3857543daff933471af kcompletion-5.14.0.tar.xz
191 | faa443c8a45cb942e2f2b2ae647c695b kcrash-5.14.0.tar.xz
192 | 48a3a630dc242ba9de061a565b608ea9 kdoctools-5.14.0.tar.xz
193 | a08cbe17b90a6757affb443cb7cbd499 kpty-5.14.0.tar.xz
194 | ff33baab025aaa15776c5a47036f2aa9 kunitconversion-5.14.0.tar.xz
195 | e58351e0a9feb51885593c208060fb1c kconfigwidgets-5.14.0.tar.xz
196 | e768f46da97986de5ae853be0af40632 kglobalaccel-5.14.0.tar.xz
197 | 989e314e2c6ac4a1657f9096d17e1766 kpackage-5.14.0.tar.xz
198 | 6bdf66cffc9b3028b4367e7a5e48f571 kservice-5.14.0.tar.xz
199 | 0daa6599557fd00f1679245b38971f21 kservice-5.14.1.tar.xz
200 | eca764e18afbcef5496183c96c613c91 kservice-5.14.2.tar.xz
201 | c5004c66f5037ef838421665a08828b1 kservice-5.14.3.tar.xz
202 | 7bb862e6a4897554f224741f9d16f0c2 kdesu-5.14.0.tar.xz
203 | 2eed2c3af124630323aa550cc1fa9378 kemoticons-5.14.0.tar.xz
204 | d206ae75a9f950e026c7923b272ddc3e kiconthemes-5.14.0.tar.xz
205 | 037b07877f3a3cd514b9c19b069872f6 kjobwidgets-5.14.0.tar.xz
206 | dc062d457181a4e1f0b6853cbf55666d knotifications-5.14.0.tar.xz
207 | 0a0fb3b469fc2e532b6bf9ab19fe8967 ktextwidgets-5.14.0.tar.xz
208 | 9c6ddf667c3a4dfca3f617ec22f3b6bc kwallet-5.14.0.tar.xz
209 | dada98dd85d6f60596f36063aeda1a66 kxmlgui-5.14.0.tar.xz
210 | 5df918cc7e7143fca74b00eb7210502c kbookmarks-5.14.0.tar.xz
211 | aad540c6a23327756c259afe72e531d1 kio-5.14.0.tar.xz
212 | 46c2fbccef981359cb9af1c73bd8eada kdeclarative-5.14.0.tar.xz
213 | fdb3eaa651bf61bbdcef094f281b9caf kcmutils-5.14.0.tar.xz
214 | d5094cba8ca4d280d6e817d334fb2dc1 frameworkintegration-5.14.0.tar.xz
215 | 18300dc5a57f07e7d81fba87ca55921b kinit-5.14.0.tar.xz
216 | 17e952f64c00a844d23f56381fa53f5b knewstuff-5.14.0.tar.xz
217 | e66f03050ce37783261c56adea9dd244 knotifyconfig-5.14.0.tar.xz
218 | 74170ab4a66416be46efc6c8f73f7031 kparts-5.14.0.tar.xz
219 | fd307cea16adbb0eca5cf2349bb2b88a kactivities-5.14.0.tar.xz
220 | 5a14cc490517fad7b087057b3ec34265 kded-5.14.0.tar.xz
221 | 83039b3a1fc1098f904cfa5afaa38e57 kdewebkit-5.14.0.tar.xz
222 | 2c5c660aea6c55c3f21f29cc3f1df604 ktexteditor-5.14.0.tar.xz
223 | d560c5c583abe4741b1794b9108ee324 kdesignerplugin-5.14.0.tar.xz
224 | c0900fcf4a78902a99eeaa7ae3d012e7 plasma-framework-5.14.0.tar.xz
225 | #644a45b79fd1106a68f0478d89e891e8 modemmanager-qt-5.14.0.tar.xz
226 | d2122e29193fbbea680c82d9bd442a00 kpeople-5.14.0.tar.xz
227 | 7e66a2d58a299a125336b9e81600b686 kxmlrpcclient-5.14.0.tar.xz
228 | #ed07b3649612f4692b8e6714cbf1e6ca bluez-qt-5.14.0.tar.xz
229 | 73a2904c00ba6c1aca8a2efde26a552f kfilemetadata-5.14.0.tar.xz
230 | 0e708135232432d371596d22ed864e3e baloo-5.14.0.tar.xz
231 | 349a11564686f99666071b2327910f61 portingAids/kjs-5.14.0.tar.xz
232 | feb4bb63b373a4fdf7084be2a904d447 portingAids/kdelibs4support-5.14.0.tar.xz
233 | d3e33cf31a47b33259d3bf2b5385f751 portingAids/khtml-5.14.0.tar.xz
234 | b98728da482f20bf0331ddbb56429622 portingAids/kjsembed-5.14.0.tar.xz
235 | e803fc78fb1acf9884621cca1e81fe88 portingAids/kmediaplayer-5.14.0.tar.xz
236 | 057ed7d554d16bb5439496e0537c2ed3 portingAids/kross-5.14.0.tar.xz
237 | 8125ed94b4b2a19fef7430b0cc649212 portingAids/krunner-5.14.0.tar.xz</literal>
238 | EOF</userinput></screen>
239 |
240 | <para>In the above list, notice that some files have been commented out with
241 | a hash (#) character. The extra-cmake-modules entry has been commented out
242 | because it was built earlier in the <xref linkend="kde-prereq"/>. The
243 | others may be built if the optional dependencies have been installed.</para>
244 |
245 | </sect2>
246 |
247 | <sect2 role="installation">
248 | <title>Installation of KDE Frameworks</title>
249 |
250 | &as_root;
251 |
252 | <caution>
253 | <para>If inatalling in /opt and there is an existing /opt/kf5 either as a
254 | regular directory or a symbolic link, it should be removed (as root):</para>
255 |
256 | <screen><userinput>rm -rf /opt/kf5</userinput></screen>
257 | </caution>
258 |
259 | <para>
260 | First, start a subshell that will exit on error:
261 | </para>
262 |
263 |
264 | <screen><userinput>bash -e</userinput></screen>
265 |
266 | <para>
267 | Install all of the packages by running the following
268 | commands:
269 | </para>
270 |
271 | <screen><userinput>while read -r line; do
272 |
273 | # Get the file name, ignoring comments and blank lines
274 | if $(echo $line | grep -E -q '^ *$|^#' ); then continue; fi
275 | file=$(echo $line | cut -d" " -f2)
276 |
277 | pkg=$(echo $file|sed 's|^.*/||') # Remove directory
278 | packagedir=$(echo $pkg|sed 's|\.tar.*||') # Package directory
279 |
280 | tar -xf $file
281 | pushd $packagedir
282 |
283 | mkdir build
284 | cd build
285 |
288 | -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
289 | -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR=lib \
291 | -Wno-dev ..
292 | make
293 | as_root make install
294 | popd
295 |
296 | rm -rf $packagedir
297 | as_root /sbin/ldconfig
298 |
299 | done < frameworks-&kf5-version;.md5
300 |
301 | exit</userinput></screen>
302 |
303 | <note><para>Any modules that have been omitted can be installed later by
304 | using the same mkdir build; cd build; cmake; make; make install procedure
305 | as above.</para></note>
306 |
307 | <para>Sometimes the installation paths are hardcoded into installed files.
308 | If the installed directory is not /usr, rename the directory and create a
309 | symlink:</para>
310 |
311 | <screen><userinput>mv -v /opt/kf5 /opt/kf5-&kf5-version;
312 | ln -sfvn kf5-&kf5-version; /opt/kf5</userinput></screen>
313 |
314 | </sect2>
315 |
316 | <sect2 role="commands">
317 | <title>Command Explanations</title>
318 |
319 | <para>
320 | <parameter>-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$QT5DIR</parameter>: This switch is used
321 | to allow cmake to find the proper Qt libraries.
322 | </para>
323 |
324 | <para>
325 | <parameter>-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release</parameter>: This switch is used
326 | to apply higher level of the compiler optimizations.
327 | </para>
328 |
329 | <para>
330 | <parameter>-DLIB_INSTALL_DIR=lib</parameter>: This switch is used
331 | to get libraries to install to <filename
332 | class="directory">$KF5_PREFIX/lib</filename> instead of <filename
333 | class="directory">$KF5_PREFIX/lib64</filename> on a 64 bit system.
334 | </para>
335 |
336 | <para>
337 | <parameter>-DBUILD_TESTING=OFF</parameter>: This switch is used to prevent
338 | building test programs and libraries that are of no use to an end user.
339 | </para>
340 |
341 | </sect2>
342 | <sect2 role="content">
343 | <title>Contents</title>
344 |
345 | <segmentedlist>
346 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
347 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
348 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
349 |
350 | <seglistitem>
351 | <seg>
352 | checkXML5, depdiagram-generate, depdiagram-generate-all, depdiagram-prepare,
353 | desktoptojson, kactivitymanagerd, kbuildsycoca5, kconfig_compiler_kf5,
354 | kcookiejar5, kdebugdialog5, kded5, kdeinit5, kdeinit5_shutdown, kdeinit5_wrapper,
355 | kf5-config, kf5kross, kgenapidox, kgendesignerplugin, genframeworksapidox,
356 | kglobalaccel5, kiconfinder5, kjs5, kjscmd5, kjsconsole, kmailservice5,
357 | kpackagelauncherqml, kpackagetool5, kquitapp5, kreadconfig5, kshell5,
358 | ktelnetservice5, ktrash5, kwalletd5, kwrapper5, kwriteconfig5, meinproc5,
359 | plasmapkg2, preparetips5, and solid-hardware5
360 | </seg>
361 | <seg>
362 | libkdeinit5_kded5.so, libkdeinit5_klauncher.so, libKF5Activities.so,
363 | libKF5Archive.so, libKF5Attica.so, libKF5Auth.so, libKF5BluezQt.so,
364 | libKF5Bookmarks.so, libKF5Codecs.so, libKF5Completion.so,
365 | libKF5ConfigCore.so, libKF5ConfigGui.so, libKF5ConfigWidgets.so,
366 | libKF5CoreAddons.so, libKF5Crash.so, libKF5DBusAddons.so,
367 | libKF5Declarative.so, libKF5DNSSD.so, libKF5Emoticons.so,
368 | libKF5GlobalAccelPrivate.so, libKF5GlobalAccel.so, libKF5GuiAddons.so,
369 | libKF5I18n.so, libKF5IconThemes.so, libKF5IdleTime.so,
370 | libKF5ItemModels.so, libKF5ItemViews.so, libKF5JobWidgets.so, libKF5JSApi.so,
371 | libKF5JsEmbed.so, libKF5JS.so, libKF5KCMUtils.so, libKF5KDELibs4Support.so,
372 | libKF5KHtml.so, libKF5KIOCore.so, libKF5KIOFileWidgets.so, libKF5KIONTLM.so,
373 | libKF5KIOWidgets.so, libKF5KrossCore.so, libKF5KrossUi.so, libKF5MediaPlayer.so,
374 | libKF5ModemManagerQt.so, libKF5NetworkManagerQt.so, libKF5NewStuff.so,
375 | libKF5Notifications.so, libKF5NotifyConfig.so, libKF5Package.so,
376 | libKF5Parts.so, libKF5PeopleBackend.so, libKF5People.so,
377 | libKF5PeopleWidgets.so, libKF5PlasmaQuick.so, libKF5Plasma.so,
378 | libKF5Plotting.so, libKF5Pty.so, libKF5QuickAddons.so, libKF5Runner.so,
379 | libKF5Service.so, libKF5Solid.so, libKF5SonnetCore.so, libKF5SonnetUi.so,
380 | libKF5Style.so, libKF5Su.so, libKF5TextEditor.so, libKF5TextWidgets.so,
381 | libKF5ThreadWeaver.so, libKF5UnitConversion.so, libKF5Wallet.so,
382 | libKF5WebKit.so, libKF5WidgetsAddons.so, libKF5WindowSystem.so,
383 | libKF5XmlGui.so, libKF5XmlRpcClient.so, libKF5XsltKde.a, and
384 | libkwalletbackend5.so
385 | </seg>
386 | <seg>
387 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{Attica,BluezQt,KActivities,KArchive,KAuth},
388 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KBookmarks,KCMUtils,KCodecs,KCompletion},
389 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KConfigCore,KConfigGui,KConfigWidgets,KCoreAddons},
390 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KCrash,KDBusAddons,KDeclarative,KDELibs4Support},
391 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KDESu,KDEWebKit,KDNSSD,KEmoticons,KGlobalAccel},
392 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KGuiAddons,KHtml,KI18n,KIconThemes,KIdleTime},
393 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{kio,KIOCore,KIOFileWidgets,KIOWidgets},
394 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KItemModels,KItemViews,KJobWidgets,kjs,KJsEmbed},
395 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KMediaPlayer,KNewStuff3,KNotifications},
396 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KNotifyConfig,KPackage,KParts,KPeople,KPlotting},
397 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KPty,KrossCore,KrossUi,KRunner,KService,KStyle},
398 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KTextEditor,KTextWidgets,KUnitConversion,KWallet},
399 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KWidgetsAddons,KWindowSystem,KXmlGui},
400 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{KXmlRpcClient,ModemManagerQt,NetworkManagerQt},
401 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{plasma,Plasma,Solid,SonnetCore},
402 | $KF5_PREFIX/include/KF5/{SonnetUi,ThreadWeaver,wtf,XsltKde},
403 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KDED,KDELibs4,KF5Activities,KF5Archive,KF5Attica},
404 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5Auth,KF5BluezQt,KF5Bookmarks,KF5Codec},
405 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5Completion,KF5Config,KF5ConfigWidgets},
406 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5CoreAddons,KF5Crash,KF5DBusAddons},
407 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5Declarative,KF5DesignerPlugin,KF5DNSSD},
408 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5DocTools,KF5Emoticons,F5FrameworkIntegration},
409 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5GlobalAccel,KF5GuiAddons,KF5I18n},
410 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5IconThemes,KF5IdleTime,KF5Init},
411 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5ItemModels,KF5ItemViews,KF5JobWidgets},
412 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5JS,KF5JsEmbed,KF5KCMUtils},
413 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5KDE4Support,KF5KDELibs4Support},
414 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5KHtml,KF5KIO,KF5Kross,KF5MediaPlayer},
415 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5ModemManagerQt,KF5NetworkManagerQt,KF5NewStuff},
416 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5Notifications,KF5NotifyConfig,KF5Package},
417 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5Parts,KF5People,KF5Plasma,KF5PlasmaQuick},
418 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5Plotting,KF5Pty,KF5Runner,KF5Service},
419 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5Solid,KF5Sonnet,KF5Su,KF5TextEditor},
420 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5TextWidgets,KF5ThreadWeaver},
421 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5UnitConversion,KF5Wallet,KF5WebKit},
422 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/{KF5WidgetsAddons,KF5WindowSystem,KF5XmlGui},
423 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/cmake/KF5XmlRpcClient,
424 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/libexec/{kauth,kf5},
425 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/python&python2-majorver;/site-packages/kapidox,
426 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/qt5/{designer,imageformats,kactivitymanagerd},
427 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/qt5/{kauth,kf5,org.kde.kglobalaccel5.platforms},
428 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/qt5/{plasma,platformthemes,script},
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431 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/qml/org/kde/{kquickcontrolsaddons,kwindowsystem},
432 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/qml/org/kde/{people,plasma,private,runnermodel},
433 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/qml/org/kde/solid,
434 | $KF5_PREFIX/lib/qml/QtQuick/Controls/Styles/Plasma,
435 | $KF5_PREFIX/share/doc/HTML/*/{kdebugdialog5,kdoctools5-common,kioslave5},
436 | $KF5_PREFIX/share/emoticons/Glass,
437 | $KF5_PREFIX/share/{katepart5,knotifications5,kservices5,kservicetypes5},
438 | $KF5_PREFIX/share/kf5/{infopage,kactivitymanagerd,kauth,kcharselect},
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441 | $KF5_PREFIX/share/kf5/{locale,sonnet,widgets},
442 | $KF5_PREFIX/share/kxmlgui5/{katepart,khtml}, and
443 | $KF5_PREFIX/share/plasma/{desktoptheme,services}
444 | </seg>
445 | </seglistitem>
446 | </segmentedlist>
447 |
448 | </sect2>
449 |
450 | </sect1>
451 |