#!/usr/bin/env python3 # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Copyright 2023 The LFS Editors # Stupid script to render "mconf"-style kernel configuration # Usage: kernel-config.py [path to kernel tree] [needed config].toml # The toml file should be like: # for bool and tristate: # EXT4="*" # DRM="*M" # EXPERT=" " # DRM_I915="*M" # for choice: # HIGHMEM64G="X" # an entry with comment: # DRM_I915 = { value = " *M", comment = "for i915, crocus, or iris" } choice_bit = 1 << 30 ind0 = 0 ind1 = 0 menu_id = 1 stack = [] if_stack = [] expand_var_mp = { 'SRCARCH': 'x86' } def expand_var(s): for k in expand_var_mp: s = s.replace('$(' + k + ')', expand_var_mp[k]) return s def pop_stack(cond): global ind0, ind1, stack assert(cond(stack[-1][0])) s, i0, i1, _ = stack[-1] stack = stack[:-1] ind0 -= i0 ind1 -= i1 def pop_stack_while(cond): while len(stack) and cond(stack[-1][0]): pop_stack(cond) def cur_menu(): global stack return stack[-1][3] if len(stack) else 0 def cur_if(): global if_stack return if_stack[-1] if len(if_stack) else [] def parse_config(buf): global ind0, ind1, stack, menu_id is_menu = buf[0].startswith('menu') key = buf[0].split()[1].strip() deps = ['menu'] + cur_if() title = None klass = None for line in buf[1:]: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('depends on '): new_deps = line[len('depends on '):].split('&&') deps += [x.strip() for x in new_deps] else: for prefix in ['tristate', 'bool', 'string']: if line.startswith(prefix + ' '): title = line[len(prefix) + 1:] klass = prefix elif line.startswith('def_' + prefix + ' '): klass = prefix elif line.startswith('prompt '): title = line[len('prompt '):] pop_stack_while(lambda x: x not in deps) if key not in known_config: return [] val = known_config[key] comment = None forced = None if type(val) == dict: comment = val.get('comment') forced = val.get('forced') val = val['value'] assert(title and klass) title = title.strip().lstrip('"') title = title[:title.find('"')] if klass == 'string': val = '(' + val + ')' else: assert((val == 'X') == bool(cur_menu() & choice_bit)) if (val == 'X'): val = '(X)' else: val = list(val) val.sort() for c in val: if c not in 'M* ' or (c == 'M' and klass != 'tristate'): raise Exception('unknown setting %s for %s' % (c, key)) bracket = None if klass == 'tristate': if forced and 'M' not in val: # render this "as-is" a forced bool klass = 'bool' else: bracket = '{}' if forced else '<>' if klass == 'bool': bracket = '--' if forced else '[]' if not bracket: raise Exception('should not reach here') val = bracket[0] + '/'.join(val) + bracket[1] arrow = ' --->' if is_menu else '' r = [(ind0, val, ind1, title, arrow, key, cur_menu(), comment)] menu_id += is_menu stack_ent = (key, 2, 0, menu_id) if is_menu else (key, 0, 2, cur_menu()) ind0 += stack_ent[1] ind1 += stack_ent[2] stack += [stack_ent] return r def parse_choice(buf): global ind0, ind1, stack, menu_id assert(buf[0] == 'choice\n') title = '' for line in buf: line = line.strip() if line.startswith('prompt '): title = line[len('prompt '):].strip().strip('"') r = [(ind0, "", ind1, title, ' --->', '', cur_menu(), None)] menu_id += 1 stack += [('menu', 2, 0, menu_id | choice_bit)] ind0 += 2 return r def load_kconfig(file): global ind0, ind1, stack, path, menu_id, if_stack r = [] config_buf = [] with open(path + file) as f: for line in f: if len(config_buf): if not line.startswith('\t'): if config_buf[0] == 'choice\n': r += parse_choice(config_buf) else: r += parse_config(config_buf) config_buf = [] else: config_buf += [line] continue if line.startswith('source'): sub = expand_var(line.split()[1].strip('"')) r += load_kconfig(sub) elif line.startswith('config') or line.startswith('menuconfig'): config_buf = [line] elif line.startswith('choice'): config_buf = [line] elif line.startswith("menu"): title = expand_var(line[4:].strip().strip('"')) r += [(ind0, "", ind1, title, ' --->', '', cur_menu(), None)] menu_id += 1 stack += [('menu', 2, 0, menu_id)] ind0 += 2 elif line.startswith('endmenu') or line.startswith('endchoice'): pop_stack_while(lambda x: x != 'menu') pop_stack(lambda x: x == 'menu') if r[-1][1] == "": # prune empty menu r = r[:-1] elif line.startswith('if '): line = line[3:] top = cur_if() top += [x.strip() for x in line.split("&&")] if_stack += [top] elif line.startswith('endif'): if_stack = if_stack[:-1] return r known_config = {} from sys import argv import tomllib path = argv[1] if path[-1] != '/': path += '/' with open(argv[2], 'rb') as f: known_config = tomllib.load(f) r = load_kconfig("Kconfig") # Now we are going to pretty-print r ## Calculate the maximum value length for each menu max_val_len = {} for _, val, _, _, _, _, menu, _ in r: x = max_val_len[menu] if menu in max_val_len else 0 max_val_len[menu] = max(x, len(val)) ## Output max_line = 80 buf = [] done = [x[5] for x in r] for i in known_config: if i not in done: raise Exception("%s seems not exist" % i) for i0, val, i1, title, arrow, key, menu, comment in r: if val: val += (max_val_len[menu] - len(val)) * ' ' line = i0 * ' ' + val + (i1 + bool(val)) * ' ' rem = max_line - len(line) - len(arrow) if len(title) > rem: title = title[:rem - 3] + '...' line += title + arrow rem = max_line - len(line) if key: key = ' [' + key + ']' if len(key) <= rem: line += (rem - len(key)) * ' ' + key else: key = '... ' + key line += '\n' + ' ' * (max_line - len(key)) + key if comment: line = ' ' * i0 + '# ' + comment + ':\n' + line buf += [line.replace('<', '<').replace('>', '>').rstrip()] import kernel_version kver = kernel_version.kernel_version(path) print(''' ''') print('') print('' + '\n'.join(buf) + '')