%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ juffed-&juffed-version; juffed Introduction to JuffEd The JuffEd package is a Qt based editor with support for multiple tabs. It is simple and clear, but very powerful. It supports language syntax highlighting, auto-indents in accordance with file type, code blocks folding, matching braces highlighting with instant jumps between them, powerful search and replacing text using regular expressions (including multiline ones) with the opportunity to use matches \1, \2, … in substitutions, a terminal emulator, saving named sessions and many other features. &lfs7a_checked; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &juffed-md5sum; Download size: &juffed-size; Estimated disk space required: &juffed-buildsize; Estimated build time: &juffed-time; The source tarball shown above was created by the BLFS team by cloning the source code repository, finding the correct version to rename accordingly the source code directory, removing .git directory and .gitignore file, and finally making the compressed tarball. No other modification has been made. JuffEd Dependencies Required Recommended (for the terminal) Optional and Enca User Notes: Installation of JuffEd For compilation with Qt4, see Command Explanations below. Install JuffEd by running the following commands: mkdir -v build && cd build && cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr \ -DLIB_INSTALL_DIR=/usr/lib \ -DBUILD_TERMINAL=ON \ -DUSE_QT5=true \ .. && make The choice of /usr prefix is due to the general characteristics of this program, which can be used without LXQt. This package does not come with a test suite. Now, as the root user: make install Command Explanations -DBUILD_TERMINAL=ON: This switch is used in order to enable building the terminal. Toggle to OFF or remove the switch, if you do not wish it. -DUSE_QT5=true: This switch is used in order to build this application linked to Qt5. Toggle to false, if you prefer to use Qt4. Contents Installed Program Installed Libraries Installed Directory juffed libjuff.so, libjuffed-engine-qsci.so and plugins under /usr/lib/juffed/plugins /usr/{include,lib,share}/juffed Short Descriptions juffed is a Qt based text editor. juffed libjuff.so contains the JuffEd API functions. libjuff.so libjuffed-engine-qsci.so contains the QScintilla bindings. libjuffed-engine-qsci.so