%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ Audacious-&audacious-version; Audacious Introduction to Audacious Audacious is a Gtk+ audio player. &lfs71_checked; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &audacious-md5sum; Download size: &audacious-size; Estimated disk space required: &audacious-buildsize; Estimated build time: &audacious-time; Additional Downloads Required Plugins: Plugins Md5 sum: &audacious-plugins-md5sum; Plugins Size: &audacious-plugins-size; Estimated Plugins disk space required: &audacious-plugins-buildsize; Estimated Plugins build time: &audacious-plugins-time; Audacious Dependencies Required or , if both are installed it defaults to using . Recommended and . Optional or Oniguruma, , libguess and . Optional (for Plugins) , (for online mpg3 and ogg radio), , , , , , , , , , AdPlug, libcdio, libmms, libsndfile, JACK, libroar, FluidSynth, libmtp, libcue, The Bauer stereophonic-to-binaural DSP (bs2b) library, libbinio, and WavPack. User Notes: Installation of Audacious Install Audacious by running the following commands: TPUT=/bin/true ./configure --prefix=/usr LIBS=-lgmodule-2.0 && make This package does not come with a test suite. Now, as the root user: make install Installation of Audacious Plugins Install the required plugins package by unpacking the tarball, changing into the newly created directory, and issuing the following commands: TPUT=/bin/true ./configure --prefix=/usr LIBS=-lgmodule-2.0 && make This package does not come with a test suite. Now, as the root user: make install Command Explanations TPUT=/bin/true: the default is for make to output text in color. This is fine if you're building in a terminal, but if you script the build process and pipe the output from make to a log file then the control characters used to color the text can make the logfile unreadable. This option stops it coloring the text. LIBS=-lgmodule-2.0: this parameter is needed to ensure that it links correctly to libgmodule-2.0.so. Configuring Audacious If you prefer the old, smaller, Winamp/XMMS interface click on View> Interface> Winamp Classic Interface Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories audacious and audtool libaudacious.so, libaudclient.so, libaudgui.so and numerous Container, Effect, General, Input, Output, Transport and Visualization plugin modules (exactly what gets installed depends on the dependencies you installed first). /usr/include/audacious, /usr/include/libaudcore, /usr/include/libaudgui, /usr/lib/audacious and /usr/share/audacious. Short Descriptions audacious is a Gtk2 port of XMMS based on the Beep Media Player. audacious audtool is a small tool to modify the behavior of a running audacious instance. audtool libaudacious.so contains functions that are used by audacious to render its graphical interface. libaudacious.so