1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY rpcbind-download-http "&sourceforge-dl;/rpcbind/rpcbind-&rpcbind-version;.tar.bz2">
8 | <!ENTITY rpcbind-download-ftp " ">
9 | <!ENTITY rpcbind-md5sum "2d84ebbb7d6fb1fc3566d2d4b37f214b">
10 | <!ENTITY rpcbind-size "124 KB">
11 | <!ENTITY rpcbind-buildsize "1.6 MB">
12 | <!ENTITY rpcbind-time "less than 0.1 SBU">
13 | ]>
14 |
15 | <sect1 id="rpcbind" xreflabel="rpcbind-&rpcbind-version;">
16 | <?dbhtml filename="rpcbind.html"?>
17 |
18 | <sect1info>
19 | <date>$Date$</date>
20 | </sect1info>
21 |
22 | <title>rpcbind-&rpcbind-version;</title>
23 |
24 | <indexterm zone="rpcbind">
25 | <primary sortas="a-rpcbind">rpcbind</primary>
26 | </indexterm>
27 |
28 | <sect2 role="package">
29 | <title>Introduction to rpcbind</title>
30 |
31 | <para>
32 | The <application>rpcbind</application> program is a replacement for
33 | <application>portmap</application>. It is required for import or export
34 | of Network File System (NFS) shared directories.
35 | </para>
36 |
37 | &lfs101_checked;
38 |
39 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
40 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
41 | <listitem>
42 | <para>
43 | Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&rpcbind-download-http;"/>
44 | </para>
45 | </listitem>
46 | <listitem>
47 | <para>
48 | Download (FTP): <ulink url="&rpcbind-download-ftp;"/>
49 | </para>
50 | </listitem>
51 | <listitem>
52 | <para>
53 | Download MD5 sum: &rpcbind-md5sum;
54 | </para>
55 | </listitem>
56 | <listitem>
57 | <para>
58 | Download size: &rpcbind-size;
59 | </para>
60 | </listitem>
61 | <listitem>
62 | <para>
63 | Estimated disk space required: &rpcbind-buildsize;
64 | </para>
65 | </listitem>
66 | <listitem>
67 | <para>
68 | Estimated build time: &rpcbind-time;
69 | </para>
70 | </listitem>
71 | </itemizedlist>
72 |
73 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Additional Downloads</bridgehead>
74 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
75 | <listitem>
76 | <para>
77 | Required patch:
78 | <ulink url="&patch-root;/rpcbind-&rpcbind-version;-vulnerability_fixes-1.patch"/>
79 | </para>
80 | </listitem>
81 | </itemizedlist>
82 |
83 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">rpcbind Dependencies</bridgehead>
84 |
85 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required</bridgehead>
86 | <para role="required">
87 | <xref linkend="libtirpc"/>
88 | </para>
89 |
90 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
91 | <ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/rpcbind"/></para>
92 |
93 | </sect2>
94 |
95 | <sect2 role="installation">
96 | <title>Installation of rpcbind</title>
97 |
98 | <para revision="systemd">
99 | There should be a dedicated user and group to take control
100 | of the <command>rpcbind</command> daemon after it is started.
101 | Issue the following commands as the
102 | <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:
103 | </para>
104 |
105 | <screen role="root" revision="systemd"><userinput>groupadd -g 28 rpc &&
106 | useradd -c "RPC Bind Daemon Owner" -d /dev/null -g rpc \
107 | -s /bin/false -u 28 rpc</userinput></screen>
108 |
109 | <!-- Packages should adapt to standards, not the other way around -->
110 | <para>
111 | In order to get <application>rpcbind</application> to work
112 | properly, first fix the package to use correct service name:
113 | </para>
114 |
115 | <screen><userinput>sed -i "/servname/s:rpcbind:sunrpc:" src/rpcbind.c</userinput></screen>
116 |
117 | <para>
118 | Install <application>rpcbind</application> by running the following
119 | commands:
120 | </para>
121 |
122 | <screen revision="sysv"><userinput>patch -Np1 -i ../rpcbind-&rpcbind-version;-vulnerability_fixes-1.patch &&
123 |
124 | ./configure --prefix=/usr \
125 | --bindir=/sbin \
126 | --sbindir=/sbin \
127 | --with-rpcuser=root \
128 | --enable-warmstarts \
129 | --without-systemdsystemunitdir &&
130 | make</userinput></screen>
131 |
132 | <screen revision="systemd"><userinput>patch -Np1 -i ../rpcbind-&rpcbind-version;-vulnerability_fixes-1.patch &&
133 |
134 | ./configure --prefix=/usr \
135 | --bindir=/sbin \
136 | --sbindir=/sbin \
137 | --enable-warmstarts \
138 | --with-rpcuser=rpc &&
139 | make</userinput></screen>
140 |
141 | <para>
142 | This package does not come with a test suite.
143 | </para>
144 |
145 | <para>
146 | Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:
147 | </para>
148 |
149 | <screen role="root"><userinput>make install</userinput></screen>
150 |
151 | </sect2>
152 |
153 | <sect2 role="commands">
154 | <title>Command Explanations</title>
155 |
156 | <para revision="sysv">
157 | <command>--with-rpcuser=root</command>: This works
158 | around an error in the configure script.
159 | </para>
160 |
161 | <para revision="sysv">
162 | <command>--without-systemdsystemunitdir</command>:
163 | This version of BLFS does not support systemd.
164 | </para>
165 |
166 | <para revision="systemd">
167 | <parameter>--with-rpcuser=rpc</parameter>:
168 | This switch is used so the <command>rpcbind</command> daemon will
169 | run as an unprivileged user instead of the
170 | <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user.
171 | </para>
172 |
173 | </sect2>
174 |
175 | <sect2 role="configuration">
176 | <title>Configuring rpcbind</title>
177 |
178 | <sect3 id="rpcbind-init">
179 | <title><phrase revision="sysv">Boot Script</phrase>
180 | <phrase revision="systemd">Systemd Unit</phrase></title>
181 |
182 | <para>
183 | Install the
184 | <phrase revision="sysv"><filename>/etc/rc.d/init.d/rpcbind</filename>
185 | init script</phrase>
186 | <phrase revision="systemd"><filename>rpcbind.service</filename>
187 | unit</phrase> included in the
188 | <xref linkend="bootscripts" revision="sysv"/>
189 | <xref linkend="systemd-units" revision="systemd"/> package.
190 | </para>
191 |
192 | <indexterm zone="rpcbind rpcbind-init" revision="sysv">
193 | <primary sortas="f-rpcbind">rpcbind</primary>
194 | </indexterm>
195 |
196 | <indexterm zone="rpcbind rpcbind-init" revision="systemd">
197 | <primary sortas="f-rpcbind">rpcbind.service</primary>
198 | </indexterm>
199 |
200 | <screen role="root"><userinput>make install-rpcbind</userinput></screen>
201 |
202 | </sect3>
203 |
204 | </sect2>
205 |
206 | <sect2 role="content">
207 | <title>Contents</title>
208 |
209 | <segmentedlist>
210 | <segtitle>Installed Program</segtitle>
211 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
212 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
213 |
214 | <seglistitem>
215 | <seg>rpcbind and rpcinfo</seg>
216 | <seg>None</seg>
217 | <seg>None</seg>
218 | </seglistitem>
219 | </segmentedlist>
220 |
221 | <variablelist>
222 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
223 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
224 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
225 |
226 | <varlistentry id="rpcbind-prog">
227 | <term><command>rpcbind</command></term>
228 | <listitem>
229 | <para>
230 | is a server that converts RPC program numbers into universal
231 | addresses. It must be running on the host to be able to make RPC
232 | calls on a server on that machine
233 | </para>
234 | <indexterm zone="rpcbind rpcbind-prog">
235 | <primary sortas="b-rpcbind">rpcbind</primary>
236 | </indexterm>
237 | </listitem>
238 | </varlistentry>
239 |
240 | <varlistentry id="rpcinfo">
241 | <term><command>rpcinfo</command></term>
242 | <listitem>
243 | <para>
244 | makes an RPC call to an RPC server and reports data according
245 | to the requested options
246 | </para>
247 | <indexterm zone="rpcbind rpcinfo">
248 | <primary sortas="b-rpcinfo">rpcinfo</primary>
249 | </indexterm>
250 | </listitem>
251 | </varlistentry>
252 |
253 | </variablelist>
254 |
255 | </sect2>
256 |
257 | </sect1>