1 | <sect1 id="postlfs-config-profile" xreflabel="The Bash Shell Startup Files">
2 | <?dbhtml filename="profile.html"?>
3 | <title>The Bash Shell Startup Files</title>
4 |
5 | <para>The shell program <filename>/bin/bash</filename> (hereafter
6 | referred to as just "the shell") uses a collection of startup files to
7 | help create an environment. Each file has a specific use and
8 | may affect login and interactive environments differently. The files in
9 | the <filename class="directory">/etc</filename> directory generally provide global
10 | settings. If an equivalent file exists in your home directory it may
11 | override the global settings.
12 | </para>
13 |
14 | <para>An interactive login shell is started after a successful login, using
15 | <filename>/bin/login</filename>, by reading the <filename>/etc/passwd</filename>
16 | file. This shell invocation normally reads <filename>/etc/profile</filename>
17 | and its private equivalent <filename>~/.bash_profile</filename> upon startup.</para>
18 |
19 | <para>An interactive non-login shell is normally started at the command-line
20 | (e.g. <prompt>[prompt]$</prompt><command>/bin/bash</command>) or by the
21 | <command>/bin/su</command> command. An interactive non-login shell is also
22 | started with a terminal program such as <command>xterm</command> or
23 | <command>konsole</command> from within a graphical environment. This type of
24 | shell invocation normally copies the parent environment and then reads the
25 | user's <filename>~/.bashrc</filename> file for additional startup configuration
26 | instructions.</para>
27 |
28 | <para>A non-interactive shell is usually present when a shell script is
29 | running. It is non-interactive because it is processing a script and not
30 | waiting for user input between commands. For these shell invocatinos, only
31 | the environment inherited form the parent shell is used.</para>
32 |
33 | <para> The file <filename>~/.bash_logout</filename> is not used for an
34 | invocation of the shell. It is read and executed when a user exits from an
35 | interactive login shell.</para>
36 |
37 | <para>To the standard files, we also add <filename>/etc/bashrc</filename>
38 | which is called from the user's <filename>~/.bashrc</filename> for
39 | system wide initialization of non-login shells.</para>
40 |
41 | <para>For more information see <command>info bash</command> --
42 | <emphasis role="strong">Nodes: Bash Startup Files and Interactive
43 | Shells.</emphasis></para>
44 |
45 | <sect2>
46 | <title><filename>/etc/profile</filename></title>
47 |
48 | <para>Here is a base <filename>/etc/profile</filename>. This file starts by
49 | setting up some helper functions and some basic parameters. It specifies some
50 | <filename>bash</filename> history parameters and, for security purposes,
51 | disables keeping a permanent history file for the root user. It also sets a
52 | default user prompt. It then calls small, single purpose scripts in the
53 | <filename class='directory'>/etc/profile.d</filename> directory to provide most
54 | initialization. </para>
55 |
56 | <para>For more information on the escape sequences you can use for your prompt
57 | (e.g. the <envar>PS1</envar> environment variable) see <command>info
58 | bash</command> -- <emphasis role="strong">Node: Printing a
59 | Prompt.</emphasis></para>
60 |
61 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/profile << "EOF"</command>
62 | # Begin /etc/profile
63 | # Written for Beyond Linux From Scratch
64 | # by James Robertson <jameswrobertson@earthlink.net>
65 | # modifications by Dagmar d'Surreal <rivyqntzne@pbzpnfg.arg>
66 |
67 | # System wide environment variables and startup programs.
68 |
69 | # System wide aliases and functions should go in /etc/bashrc. Personal
70 | # environment variables and startup programs should go into
71 | # ~/.bash_profile. Personal aliases and functions should go into
72 | # ~/.bashrc.
73 |
74 | # Functions to help us manage paths. Second argument is the name of the
75 | # path variable to be modified (default: PATH)
76 | pathremove () {
77 | local IFS=':'
78 | local NEWPATH
79 | local DIR
80 | local PATHVARIABLE=${2:-PATH}
81 | for DIR in ${!PATHVARIABLE} ; do
82 | if [ "$DIR" != "$1" ] ; then
84 | fi
85 | done
87 | }
88 |
89 | pathprepend () {
90 | pathremove $1 $2
91 | local PATHVARIABLE=${2:-PATH}
93 | }
94 |
95 | pathappend () {
96 | pathremove $1 $2
97 | local PATHVARIABLE=${2:-PATH}
99 | }
100 |
101 | if [ $EUID -eq 0 ] ; then
102 | unset HISTFILE
103 | fi
104 |
105 | # Setup some environment variables.
106 | export HISTSIZE=1000
107 | export HISTIGNORE="&:[bf]g:exit"
108 | #export PS1="[\u@\h \w]\\$ "
109 | export PS1='\u@\h:\w\$ '
110 |
111 | for script in /etc/profile.d/*.sh ; do
112 | if [ -x $script ] ; then
113 | . $script
114 | fi
115 | done
116 |
117 | # Now to clean up after ourselves
118 | unset pathremove pathprepend pathappend
119 |
120 | # End /etc/profile
121 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
122 |
123 | <para>Now create the <filename class='directory'>/etc/profile.d</filename> directory.</para>
124 |
125 | <screen><userinput><command>install --directory --mode=0755 --owner=root --group=root /etc/profile.d</command></userinput></screen>
126 |
127 | <sect3>
128 | <title><filename>/etc/profile.d/dircolors.sh</filename></title>
129 |
130 | <para>This script uses the <filename>~/.dircolors</filename> and
131 | <filename>/etc/dircolors</filename> files to control the colors of file names in a
132 | directory listing. They control colorized output of things like <command>ls
133 | --color</command>. The explaination of how to initialize these files is at the
134 | end of this section. </para>
135 |
136 |
137 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/profile.d/dircolors.sh << "EOF"</command>
138 | # Setup for /bin/ls to support color, the alias is in /etc/bashrc.
139 | if [ -f "/etc/dircolors" ] ; then
140 | eval $(dircolors -b /etc/dircolors)
141 |
142 | if [ -f "$HOME/.dircolors" ] ; then
143 | eval $(dircolors -b $HOME/.dircolors)
144 | fi
145 | fi
146 | alias ls='ls --color=auto'
147 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
148 | </sect3>
149 |
150 |
151 | <sect3>
152 | <title><filename>/etc/profile.d/extrapaths.sh</filename></title>
153 |
154 | <para>This script adds several useful paths to the <envar>PATH</envar> and
155 | <envar>PKG_CONFIG_PATH</envar> environment variables. If you want, you can uncomment
156 | the last section to put a dot at the end of your path. This will allow executables in the
157 | current working directory to be executed without specifiying a ./, however
158 | you are warned that this is generally considered a security hazard.</para>
159 |
160 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/profile.d/extrapaths.sh << "EOF"</command>
161 | if [ -d /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ] ; then
162 | pathappend /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig PKG_CONFIG_PATH
163 | fi
164 | if [ -d /usr/local/bin ]; then
165 | pathprepend /usr/local/bin
166 | fi
167 | if [ -d /usr/local/sbin -a $EUID -eq 0 ]; then
168 | pathprepend /usr/local/sbin
169 | fi
170 | for directory in $(find /opt/*/lib/pkgconfig -type d); do
171 | pathappend $directory PKG_CONFIG_PATH
172 | done
173 | for directory in $(find /opt/*/bin -type d); do
174 | pathappend $directory
175 | done
176 | if [ -d ~/bin ]; then
177 | pathprepend ~/bin
178 | fi
179 | #if [ $EUID -gt 99 ]; then
180 | # pathappend .
181 | #fi
182 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
183 | </sect3>
184 |
185 | <sect3>
186 | <title><filename>/etc/profile.d/readline.sh</filename></title>
187 |
188 | <para>This script sets up the default <filename>inputrc</filename> configuration file.
189 | If the user does not have individual settings, it uses the global file.</para>
190 |
191 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/profile.d/readline.sh << "EOF"</command>
192 | # Setup the INPUTRC environment variable.
193 | if [ -z "$INPUTRC" -a ! -f "$HOME/.inputrc" ] ; then
194 | INPUTRC=/etc/inputrc
195 | fi
196 | export INPUTRC
197 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
198 | </sect3>
199 |
200 | <sect3>
201 | <title><filename>/etc/profile.d/tinker-term.sh</filename></title>
202 |
203 | <para>Some applications need a specific <envar>TERM</envar> setting to support color.</para>
204 |
205 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/profile.d/tinker-term.sh << "EOF"</command>
206 | # This will tinker with the value of TERM in order to convince certain apps
207 | # that we can, indeed, display color in their window.
208 |
209 | if [ -n "$COLORTERM" ]; then
210 | export TERM=xterm-color
211 | fi
212 |
213 | if [ "$TERM" = "xterm" ]; then
214 | export TERM=xterm-color
215 | fi
216 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
217 | </sect3>
218 |
219 | <sect3>
220 | <title><filename>/etc/profile.d/umask.sh</filename></title>
221 |
222 | <para>Setting the <command>umask</command> value is important for security. Here
223 | we turn off the default group write permissions for system users and when the
224 | user name and group name are not the same.</para>
225 |
226 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/profile.d/umask.sh << "EOF"</command>
227 | # By default we want the umask to get set.
228 | if [ "$(id -gn)" = "$(id -un)" -a $EUID -gt 99 ] ; then
229 | umask 002
230 | else
231 | umask 022
232 | fi
233 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
234 | </sect3>
235 |
236 | <sect3>
237 | <title><filename>/etc/profile.d/X.sh</filename></title>
238 |
239 | <para>If <application>X</application> is installed, we also update the <envar>PATH</envar>
240 | and <envar>PKG_CONFIG_PATH</envar> variables.</para>
241 |
242 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/profile.d/X.sh << "EOF"</command>
243 | if [ -x /usr/X11R6/bin/X ]; then
244 | pathappend /usr/X11R6/bin
245 | fi
246 | if [ -d /usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig ] ; then
247 | pathappend /usr/X11R6/lib/pkgconfig PKG_CONFIG_PATH
248 | fi
249 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
250 | </sect3>
251 |
252 | <sect3>
253 | <title><filename>/etc/profile.d/xterm-titlebars.sh</filename></title>
254 |
255 | <para>This script shows an example of a different way of setting the prompt. The normal
256 | variable, <envar>PS1</envar>, is supplemented by <envar>PROMPT_COMMAND</envar>.
257 | If set, the value of <envar>PROMPT_COMMAND</envar> is executed as a command prior to
258 | issuing each primary prompt. </para>
259 |
260 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/profile.d/xterm-titlebars.sh << "EOF"</command>
261 | # The substring match ensures this will work for "xterm" and "xterm-xfree86".
262 | if [ "${TERM:0:5}" = "xterm" ]; then
263 | PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME} : ${PWD}\007"'
264 | export PROMPT_COMMAND
265 | fi
266 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
267 |
268 | <para>Other initialization can easily be added to the <filename>profile</filename>
269 | by adding additional scripts to the
270 | <filename class='directory'>/etc/profile.d</filename> directory.</para>
271 | </sect3>
272 | </sect2>
273 |
274 | <sect2>
275 | <title><filename>/etc/bashrc</filename></title>
276 | <para>Here is a base <filename>/etc/bashrc</filename>. Comments in the
277 | file should explain everything you need.</para>
278 |
279 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/bashrc << "EOF"</command>
280 | # Begin /etc/bashrc
281 | # Written for Beyond Linux From Scratch
282 | # by James Robertson <jameswrobertson@earthlink.net>
283 |
284 | # System wide aliases and functions.
285 |
286 | # System wide environment variables and startup programs should go into
287 | # /etc/profile. Personal environment variables and startup programs
288 | # should go into ~/.bash_profile. Personal aliases and functions should
289 | # go into ~/.bashrc
290 |
291 | # Provides a colored /bin/ls command. Used in conjunction with code in
292 | # /etc/profile.
293 |
294 | alias ls='ls --color=auto'
295 |
296 | # Provides prompt for non-login shells, specifically shells started
297 | # in the <application>X</application> environment. [Review the LFS archive thread titled
298 | # PS1 Environment Variable for a great case study behind this script addendum.]
299 |
300 | export PS1="[\u@\h \w]\\$ "
301 |
302 | # End /etc/bashrc
303 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
304 | </sect2>
305 |
306 |
307 | <sect2>
308 | <title><filename>~/.bash_profile</filename></title>
309 |
310 | <para>Here is a base <filename>~/.bash_profile</filename>. If you want each
311 | new user to have this file automatically, just change the output of
312 | the command to <filename>/etc/skel/.bash_profile</filename> and check the
313 | permissions after the command is run. You can then copy
314 | <filename>/etc/skel/.bash_profile</filename> to the home directories of already
315 | existing users, including root, and set the owner and group appropriately.
316 | </para>
317 |
318 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > ~/.bash_profile << "EOF"</command>
319 | # Begin ~/.bash_profile
320 | # Written for Beyond Linux From Scratch
321 | # by James Robertson <jameswrobertson@earthlink.net>
322 | # updated by Bruce Dubbs <bdubbs@linuxfromscratch.org>
323 |
324 | # Personal environment variables and startup programs.
325 |
326 | # Personal aliases and functions should go in ~/.bashrc. System wide
327 | # environment variables and startup programs are in /etc/profile.
328 | # System wide aliases and functions are in /etc/bashrc.
329 |
330 | append () {
331 | # First remove the directory
332 | local IFS=':'
333 | local NEWPATH
334 | for DIR in $PATH; do
335 | if [ "$DIR" != "$1" ]; then
337 | fi
338 | done
339 |
340 | # Then append the directory
341 | export PATH=$NEWPATH:$1
342 | }
343 |
344 | if [ -f "$HOME/.bashrc" ] ; then
345 | source $HOME/.bashrc
346 | fi
347 |
348 | if [ -d "$HOME/bin" ] ; then
349 | append $HOME/bin
350 | fi
351 |
352 | unset append
353 |
354 | # End ~/.bash_profile
355 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
356 | </sect2>
357 |
358 | <sect2>
359 | <title><filename>~/.bashrc</filename></title>
360 |
361 | <para>Here is a base <filename>~/.bashrc</filename>. The comments and
362 | instructions for using <filename class="directory">/etc/skel</filename> for
363 | <filename>.bash_profile</filename> above also apply here. Only the target file
364 | names are different.</para>
365 |
366 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > ~/.bashrc << "EOF"</command>
367 | # Begin ~/.bashrc
368 | # Written for Beyond Linux From Scratch
369 | # by James Robertson <jameswrobertson@earthlink.net>
370 |
371 | # Personal aliases and functions.
372 |
373 | # Personal environment variables and startup programs should go in
374 | # ~/.bash_profile. System wide environment variables and startup
375 | # programs are in /etc/profile. System wide aliases and functions are
376 | # in /etc/bashrc.
377 |
378 | if [ -f "/etc/bashrc" ] ; then
379 | source /etc/bashrc
380 | fi
381 |
382 | # End ~/.bashrc
383 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
384 | </sect2>
385 |
386 |
387 | <sect2>
388 | <title><filename>~/.bash_logout</filename></title>
389 |
390 | <para>This is an empty <filename>~/.bash_logout</filename> that can be used as
391 | a template. You will notice that the base <filename>~/.bash_logout</filename>
392 | does not include a <userinput>clear</userinput> command. This is because the
393 | clear is handled in the <filename>/etc/issue</filename> file.</para>
394 |
395 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > ~/.bash_logout << "EOF"</command>
396 | # Begin ~/.bash_logout
397 | # Written for Beyond Linux From Scratch
398 | # by James Robertson <jameswrobertson@earthlink.net>
399 |
400 | # Personal items to perform on logout.
401 |
402 | # End ~/.bash_logout
403 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
404 | </sect2>
405 |
406 |
407 | <sect2>
408 | <title><filename>/etc/dircolors</filename></title>
409 |
410 | <para> If you want to use the <filename>dircolors</filename> capability then
411 | run the following command. The <filename class="directory">/etc/skel</filename>
412 | setup steps seen above also can be used here to provide a
413 | <filename>.dircolors</filename> file when a new user is set up. As before, just
414 | change the output file name on the following command and assure the
415 | permissions, owner and group are correct on the files created and/or copied.
416 | </para>
417 |
418 | <screen><userinput><command>dircolors -p > /etc/dircolors</command></userinput></screen>
419 |
420 | <para>If you wish to customize the colors used for different file types, you can
421 | edit the <filename>/etc/dircolors</filename> file. The instructions for setting
422 | the colors are embedded in the file.</para>
423 |
424 |
425 | <para>Finally, Ian Macdonald has written an excellent collection of tips and
426 | tricks to enhance your shell environment. You can read it online at
427 | <ulink
428 | url="http://www.caliban.org/bash/index.shtml">http://www.caliban.org/bash/index.shtml</ulink></para>
429 | </sect2>
430 | </sect1>