1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY xfsprogs-download-http "&kernel-dl;/linux/utils/fs/xfs/xfsprogs/xfsprogs-&xfsprogs-version;.tar.xz">
8 | <!ENTITY xfsprogs-download-ftp " ">
9 | <!ENTITY xfsprogs-md5sum "5ca3f79e76e3fb984a03d1b42a2e60ba">
10 | <!ENTITY xfsprogs-size "1.2 MB">
11 | <!ENTITY xfsprogs-buildsize "63 MB">
12 | <!ENTITY xfsprogs-time "0.3 SBU (Using parallelism=4)">
13 | ]>
14 |
15 | <sect1 id="xfsprogs" xreflabel="xfsprogs-&xfsprogs-version;">
16 | <?dbhtml filename="xfsprogs.html"?>
17 |
18 | <sect1info>
19 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
20 | <date>$Date$</date>
21 | </sect1info>
22 |
23 | <title>xfsprogs-&xfsprogs-version;</title>
24 |
25 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs">
26 | <primary sortas="a-xfsprogs">xfsprogs</primary>
27 | </indexterm>
28 |
29 | <sect2 role="package">
30 | <title>Introduction to xfsprogs</title>
31 |
32 | <para>The <application>xfsprogs</application> package contains
33 | administration and debugging tools for the XFS file system.</para>
34 |
35 | &lfs90_checked;
36 |
37 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
38 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
39 | <listitem>
40 | <para>Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&xfsprogs-download-http;"/></para>
41 | </listitem>
42 | <listitem>
43 | <para>Download (FTP): <ulink url="&xfsprogs-download-ftp;"/></para>
44 | </listitem>
45 | <listitem>
46 | <para>Download MD5 sum: &xfsprogs-md5sum;</para>
47 | </listitem>
48 | <listitem>
49 | <para>Download size: &xfsprogs-size;</para>
50 | </listitem>
51 | <listitem>
52 | <para>Estimated disk space required: &xfsprogs-buildsize;</para>
53 | </listitem>
54 | <listitem>
55 | <para>Estimated build time: &xfsprogs-time;</para>
56 | </listitem>
57 | </itemizedlist>
58 |
59 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
60 | <ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/xfs"/></para>
61 |
62 | </sect2>
63 |
64 | <sect2 role="kernel" id="xfsprogs-kernel">
65 | <title>Kernel Configuration</title>
66 |
67 | <para>Enable the following options in the kernel configuration
68 | and recompile the kernel:</para>
69 |
70 | <screen><literal>File systems --->
71 | <*/M> XFS filesystem support [CONFIG_XFS_FS]</literal></screen>
72 |
73 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfsprogs-kernel">
74 | <primary sortas="d-xfs">XFS Programs</primary>
75 | </indexterm>
76 |
77 | </sect2>
78 |
79 | <sect2 role="installation">
80 | <title>Installation of xfsprogs</title>
81 |
82 | <para>Install <application>xfsprogs</application> by running the following
83 | commands:</para>
84 |
85 | <screen><userinput>make DEBUG=-DNDEBUG \
86 | INSTALL_USER=root \
87 | INSTALL_GROUP=root \
88 | LOCAL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="--enable-readline"</userinput></screen>
89 |
90 | <para>This package does not come with a test suite.</para>
91 |
92 | <para>Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:</para>
93 |
94 | <screen role="root"><userinput>make PKG_DOC_DIR=/usr/share/doc/xfsprogs-&xfsprogs-version; install &&
95 | make PKG_DOC_DIR=/usr/share/doc/xfsprogs-&xfsprogs-version; install-dev &&
96 |
97 | rm -rfv /usr/lib/libhandle.a &&
98 | rm -rfv /lib/libhandle.{a,la,so} &&
99 | ln -sfv ../../lib/libhandle.so.1 /usr/lib/libhandle.so &&
100 | sed -i "s@libdir='/lib@libdir='/usr/lib@" /usr/lib/libhandle.la</userinput></screen>
101 |
102 | </sect2>
103 |
104 | <sect2 role="commands">
105 | <title>Command Explanations</title>
106 |
107 | <para><command>make DEBUG=-DNDEBUG</command>: Turns off debugging
108 | symbols.</para>
109 |
110 | <para><parameter>INSTALL_USER=root INSTALL_GROUP=root</parameter>: This
111 | sets the owner and group of the installed files.</para>
112 |
113 | <para><parameter>LOCAL_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS="..."</parameter>: This passes
114 | extra configuration options to the <filename>configure</filename> script.
115 | The example <parameter>--enable-readline</parameter> parameter
116 | enables linking the XFS programs with the
117 | <filename class="libraryfile">libreadline.so</filename> library, in order
118 | to allow editing interactive commands.</para>
119 |
120 | <para><option>OPTIMIZER="..."</option>: Adding this parameter to
121 | the end of the <command>make</command> command overrides the
122 | default optimization settings.</para>
123 |
124 | </sect2>
125 |
126 | <sect2 role="content">
127 | <title>Contents</title>
128 |
129 | <segmentedlist>
130 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
131 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
132 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
133 |
134 | <seglistitem>
135 | <seg>fsck.xfs, mkfs.xfs, xfs_admin, xfs_bmap, xfs_copy, xfs_db,
136 | xfs_estimate, xfs_freeze, xfs_fsr, xfs_growfs, xfs_info, xfs_io,
137 | xfs_logprint, xfs_mdrestore, xfs_metadump, xfs_mkfile, xfs_ncheck,
138 | xfs_quota, xfs_repair, xfs_rtcp, and xfs_spaceman</seg>
139 | <seg>libhandle.so</seg>
140 | <seg>/usr/include/xfs and /usr/share/doc/xfsprogs-&xfsprogs-version;</seg>
141 | </seglistitem>
142 | </segmentedlist>
143 |
144 | <variablelist>
145 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
146 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
147 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
148 |
149 | <varlistentry id="fsck.xfs">
150 | <term><command>fsck.xfs</command></term>
151 | <listitem>
152 | <para>simply exits with a zero status, since XFS
153 | partitions are checked at mount time.</para>
154 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs fsck.xfs">
155 | <primary sortas="b-fsck.xfs">fsck.xfs</primary>
156 | </indexterm>
157 | </listitem>
158 | </varlistentry>
159 |
160 | <varlistentry id="mkfs.xfs">
161 | <term><command>mkfs.xfs</command></term>
162 | <listitem>
163 | <para>constructs an XFS file system.</para>
164 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs mkfs.xfs">
165 | <primary sortas="b-mkfs.xfs">mkfs.xfs</primary>
166 | </indexterm>
167 | </listitem>
168 | </varlistentry>
169 |
170 | <varlistentry id="xfs_admin">
171 | <term><command>xfs_admin</command></term>
172 | <listitem>
173 | <para>changes the parameters of an XFS file system.</para>
174 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_admin">
175 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_admin">xfs_admin</primary>
176 | </indexterm>
177 | </listitem>
178 | </varlistentry>
179 |
180 | <varlistentry id="xfs_bmap">
181 | <term><command>xfs_bmap</command></term>
182 | <listitem>
183 | <para>prints block mapping for an XFS file.</para>
184 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_bmap">
185 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_bmap">xfs_bmap</primary>
186 | </indexterm>
187 | </listitem>
188 | </varlistentry>
189 |
190 | <varlistentry id="xfs_copy">
191 | <term><command>xfs_copy</command></term>
192 | <listitem>
193 | <para>copies the contents of an XFS file system
194 | to one or more targets in parallel.</para>
195 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_copy">
196 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_copy">xfs_copy</primary>
197 | </indexterm>
198 | </listitem>
199 | </varlistentry>
200 |
201 | <varlistentry id="xfs_estimate">
202 | <term><command>xfs_estimate</command></term>
203 | <listitem>
204 | <para>for each directory argument, estimates the space that directory
205 | would take if it were copied to an XFS filesystem
206 | (does not cross mount points).</para>
207 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_estimate">
208 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_estimate">xfs_estimate</primary>
209 | </indexterm>
210 | </listitem>
211 | </varlistentry>
212 |
213 | <varlistentry id="xfs_db">
214 | <term><command>xfs_db</command></term>
215 | <listitem>
216 | <para>is used to debug an XFS file system.</para>
217 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_db">
218 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_db">xfs_db</primary>
219 | </indexterm>
220 | </listitem>
221 | </varlistentry>
222 |
223 | <varlistentry id="xfs_freeze">
224 | <term><command>xfs_freeze</command></term>
225 | <listitem>
226 | <para>suspends access to an XFS file system.</para>
227 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_freeze">
228 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_freeze">xfs_freeze</primary>
229 | </indexterm>
230 | </listitem>
231 | </varlistentry>
232 |
233 | <varlistentry id="xfs_fsr">
234 | <term><command>xfs_fsr</command></term>
235 | <listitem>
236 | <para>applicable only to XFS filesystems, improves the organization
237 | of mounted filesystems, the reorganization algorithm operates on one
238 | file at a time, compacting or othewise improving the layout of the
239 | file extents (contiguous blocks of file data).</para>
240 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_fsr">
241 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_fsr">xfs_fsr</primary>
242 | </indexterm>
243 | </listitem>
244 | </varlistentry>
245 |
246 | <varlistentry id="xfs_growfs">
247 | <term><command>xfs_growfs</command></term>
248 | <listitem>
249 | <para>expands an XFS file system.</para>
250 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_growfs">
251 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_growfs">xfs_growfs</primary>
252 | </indexterm>
253 | </listitem>
254 | </varlistentry>
255 |
256 | <varlistentry id="xfs_info">
257 | <term><command>xfs_info</command></term>
258 | <listitem>
259 | <para>is equivalent to invoking <command>xfs_growfs</command>, but
260 | specifying that no change to the file system is to be made.</para>
261 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_info">
262 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_info">xfs_info</primary>
263 | </indexterm>
264 | </listitem>
265 | </varlistentry>
266 |
267 | <varlistentry id="xfs_io">
268 | <term><command>xfs_io</command></term>
269 | <listitem>
270 | <para>is a debugging tool like <command>xfs_db</command>, but is
271 | aimed at examining the regular file I/O path rather than the raw
272 | XFS volume itself.</para>
273 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_io">
274 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_io">xfs_io</primary>
275 | </indexterm>
276 | </listitem>
277 | </varlistentry>
278 |
279 | <varlistentry id="xfs_logprint">
280 | <term><command>xfs_logprint</command></term>
281 | <listitem>
282 | <para>prints the log of an XFS file system.</para>
283 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_logprint">
284 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_logprint">xfs_logprint</primary>
285 | </indexterm>
286 | </listitem>
287 | </varlistentry>
288 |
289 | <varlistentry id="xfs_mdrestore">
290 | <term><command>xfs_mdrestore</command></term>
291 | <listitem>
292 | <para>restores an XFS metadump image to a filesystem image.</para>
293 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_mdrestore">
294 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_mdrestore">xfs_mdrestore</primary>
295 | </indexterm>
296 | </listitem>
297 | </varlistentry>
298 |
299 | <varlistentry id="xfs_metadump">
300 | <term><command>xfs_metadump</command></term>
301 | <listitem>
302 | <para>copies XFS filesystem metadata to a file.</para>
303 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_metadump">
304 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_metadump">xfs_metadump</primary>
305 | </indexterm>
306 | </listitem>
307 | </varlistentry>
308 |
309 | <varlistentry id="xfs_mkfile">
310 | <term><command>xfs_mkfile</command></term>
311 | <listitem>
312 | <para>creates an XFS file, padded with zeroes by default.</para>
313 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_mkfile">
314 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_mkfile">xfs_mkfile</primary>
315 | </indexterm>
316 | </listitem>
317 | </varlistentry>
318 |
319 | <varlistentry id="xfs_ncheck">
320 | <term><command>xfs_ncheck</command></term>
321 | <listitem>
322 | <para>generates pathnames from inode numbers for an
323 | XFS file system.</para>
324 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_ncheck">
325 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_ncheck">xfs_ncheck</primary>
326 | </indexterm>
327 | </listitem>
328 | </varlistentry>
329 |
330 | <varlistentry id="xfs_quota">
331 | <term><command>xfs_quota</command></term>
332 | <listitem>
333 | <para>is a utility for reporting and editing various
334 | aspects of filesystem quota.</para>
335 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_quota">
336 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_quota">xfs_quota</primary>
337 | </indexterm>
338 | </listitem>
339 | </varlistentry>
340 |
341 | <varlistentry id="xfs_repair">
342 | <term><command>xfs_repair</command></term>
343 | <listitem>
344 | <para>repairs corrupt or damaged XFS file systems.</para>
345 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_repair">
346 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_repair">xfs_repair</primary>
347 | </indexterm>
348 | </listitem>
349 | </varlistentry>
350 |
351 | <varlistentry id="xfs_rtcp">
352 | <term><command>xfs_rtcp</command></term>
353 | <listitem>
354 | <para>copies a file to the real-time partition on an
355 | XFS file system.</para>
356 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_rtcp">
357 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_rtcp">xfs_rtcp</primary>
358 | </indexterm>
359 | </listitem>
360 | </varlistentry>
361 |
362 | <varlistentry id="xfs_spaceman">
363 | <term><command>xfs_spaceman</command></term>
364 | <listitem>
365 | <para>reports and controls free space usage in an
366 | XFS file system.</para>
367 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_spaceman">
368 | <primary sortas="b-xfs_spaceman">xfs_spaceman</primary>
369 | </indexterm>
370 | </listitem>
371 | </varlistentry>
372 |
373 | <varlistentry id="libhandle">
374 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libhandle.so</filename></term>
375 | <listitem>
376 | <para>contains XFS-specific functions that provide a way to perform
377 | certain filesystem operations without using a file descriptor to
378 | access filesystem objects.</para>
379 | <indexterm zone="xfsprogs libhandle">
380 | <primary sortas="c-libhandle">libhandle.so</primary>
381 | </indexterm>
382 | </listitem>
383 | </varlistentry>
384 |
385 | </variablelist>
386 |
387 | </sect2>
388 |
389 | </sect1>