%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ ConsoleKit-&consolekit-version; ConsoleKit Introduction to ConsoleKit The ConsoleKit package is a framework for keeping track of the various users, sessions, and seats present on a system. It provides a mechanism for software to react to changes of any of these items or of any of the metadata associated with them. &lfs75_checked; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &consolekit-md5sum; Download size: &consolekit-size; Estimated disk space required: &consolekit-buildsize; Estimated build time: &consolekit-time; ConsoleKit Dependencies Required , and Recommended and If you intend NOT to install polkit, you will need to manually edit the ConsoleKit.conf file to lock down the service. Failure to do so may be a huge SECURITY HOLE. Optional User Notes: Installation of ConsoleKit Install ConsoleKit by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --localstatedir=/var \ --enable-udev-acl \ --enable-pam-module && make This package does not come with a test suite. Now, as the root user: make install Command Explanations : This switch enables building of the udev-acl tool, which is used to allow normal users to access device nodes normally only accessible to root. : This switch enables building of the ConsoleKit PAM module which is needed for ConsoleKit to work correctly with PAM. Remove if Linux PAM is NOT installed. : Use this switch if xmlto is installed and you wish to build the API documentation. : This option creates a ConsoleKit directory in /usr/lib instead of putting the program's private executables into /usr/libexec in accordance with the old version of the FHS used before LFS-7.5. Configuring ConsoleKit PAM Module Configuration If you use Linux PAM you need to configure Linux PAM to activate ConsoleKit upon user login. This can be achieved by editing the /etc/pam.d/system-session file as the root user: cat >> /etc/pam.d/system-session << "EOF" # Begin ConsoleKit addition session optional pam_loginuid.so session optional pam_ck_connector.so nox11 # End ConsoleKit addition EOF You will also need a helper script that creates a file in /var/run/console named as the currently logged in user and that contains the D-Bus address of the session. You can create the script by running the following commands as the root user: cat > /usr/lib/ConsoleKit/run-session.d/pam-foreground-compat.ck << "EOF" #!/bin/sh TAGDIR=/var/run/console [ -n "$CK_SESSION_USER_UID" ] || exit 1 [ "$CK_SESSION_IS_LOCAL" = "true" ] || exit 0 TAGFILE="$TAGDIR/`getent passwd $CK_SESSION_USER_UID | cut -f 1 -d:`" if [ "$1" = "session_added" ]; then mkdir -p "$TAGDIR" echo "$CK_SESSION_ID" >> "$TAGFILE" fi if [ "$1" = "session_removed" ] && [ -e "$TAGFILE" ]; then sed -i "\%^$CK_SESSION_ID\$%d" "$TAGFILE" [ -s "$TAGFILE" ] || rm -f "$TAGFILE" fi EOF chmod -v 755 /usr/lib/ConsoleKit/run-session.d/pam-foreground-compat.ck See /usr/share/doc/ConsoleKit/spec/ConsoleKit.html for more configuration. Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories ck-history, ck-launch-session, ck-list-sessions, ck-log-system-restart, ck-log-system-start, ck-log-system-stop and console-kit-daemon libck-connector.so and pam_ck_connector.so /etc/ConsoleKit, /usr/include/ConsoleKit, /usr/lib/ConsoleKit, /usr/share/doc/ConsoleKit and /var/log/ConsoleKit