1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
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4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY certhost "https://hg.mozilla.org/">
8 | <!ENTITY certpath "/lib/ckfw/builtins/certdata.txt">
9 | <!ENTITY make-ca-buildsize "6.6 MB (with all runtime deps)">
10 | <!ENTITY make-ca-time "0.1 SBU (with all runtime deps)">
11 |
12 | <!ENTITY make-ca-download "https://github.com/djlucas/make-ca/releases/download/v&make-ca-version;/make-ca-&make-ca-version;.tar.xz">
13 | <!ENTITY make-ca-size "28 KB">
14 | <!ENTITY make-ca-md5sum "b038d38233f970aad60c29dfc0502021">
15 | ]>
16 |
17 | <sect1 id="make-ca" xreflabel="make-ca-&make-ca-version;">
18 | <?dbhtml filename="make-ca.html"?>
19 |
20 | <sect1info>
21 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
22 | <date>$Date$</date>
23 | </sect1info>
24 |
25 | <title>make-ca-&make-ca-version;</title>
26 | <indexterm zone="make-ca">
27 | <primary sortas="a-make-ca">make-ca</primary>
28 | </indexterm>
29 |
30 | <sect2 role="package">
31 | <title>Introduction to make-ca</title>
32 |
33 | <para>
34 | Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is a method to validate the authenticity
35 | of an otherwise unknown entity across untrusted networks. PKI works by
36 | establishing a chain of trust, rather than trusting each individual host
37 | or entity explicitly. In order for a certificate presented by a remote
38 | entity to be trusted, that certificate must present a complete chain of
39 | certificates that can be validated using the root certificate of a
40 | Certificate Authority (CA) that is trusted by the local machine.
41 | </para>
42 |
43 | <para>
44 | Establishing trust with a CA involves validating things like company
45 | address, ownership, contact information, etc., and ensuring that the CA
46 | has followed best practices, such as undergoing periodic security audits
47 | by independent investigators and maintaining an always available
48 | certificate revocation list. This is well outside the scope of BLFS (as
49 | it is for most Linux distributions). The certificate store provided here
50 | is taken from the Mozilla Foundation, who have established very strict
51 | inclusion policies described <ulink
52 | url="https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/about/governance/policies/security-group/certs/">here</ulink>.
53 | </para>
54 |
55 | &lfs83_checked;
56 |
57 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
58 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
59 | <listitem>
60 | <para>Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&make-ca-download;"/></para>
61 | </listitem>
62 | <listitem>
63 | <para>Download size: &make-ca-size;</para>
64 | </listitem>
65 | <listitem>
66 | <para>Download MD5 Sum: &make-ca-md5sum;</para>
67 | </listitem>
68 | <listitem>
69 | <para>Estimated disk space required: &make-ca-buildsize;</para>
70 | </listitem>
71 | <listitem>
72 | <para>Estimated build time: &make-ca-time;</para>
73 | </listitem>
74 | </itemizedlist>
75 |
76 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">make-ca Dependencies</bridgehead>
77 |
78 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required</bridgehead>
79 | <para role="required"><xref linkend="p11-kit"/> (required at runtime to
80 | generate certificate stores from trust anchors)</para>
81 | <!-- /usr/bin/trust is needed to extract the certs to /etc/ssl/certs -->
82 |
83 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional (runtime)</bridgehead>
84 | <para role="optional">
85 | <xref role="runtime" linkend="java"/> or
86 | <xref role="runtime" linkend="openjdk"/> (to generate a java PKCS#12
87 | store), and <xref role="runtime" linkend="nss"/> (to generate a shared
88 | NSSDB)
89 | </para>
90 |
91 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
92 | <ulink url='&blfs-wiki;/make-ca'/></para>
93 | </sect2>
94 |
95 | <sect2 role="installation">
96 | <title>Installation of make-ca</title>
97 |
98 | <para>The <application>make-ca</application> script will download and
99 | process the certificates included in the <filename>certdata.txt</filename>
100 | file for use as trust anchors for the <xref linkend="p11-kit"/> trust
101 | module. Additionally, it will generate system certificate stores used by
102 | BLFS applications (if the recommended and optional applications are present
103 | on the system). Any local certificates stored in
104 | <filename>/etc/ssl/local</filename> will be imported to both the trust
105 | anchors and the generated certificate stores (overriding Mozilla's trust).
106 | Certificates in this directory should be stored as PEM encoded
107 | <application>OpenSSL</application> trusted certificates.</para>
108 |
109 | <para>To create an <application>OpenSSL</application> trusted certificate
110 | from a regular PEM encoded file, you need to add trust arguments to the
111 | <command>openssl</command> command, and create a new certificate. There are
112 | three trust types that are recognized by the
113 | <application>make-ca</application> script, SSL/TLS, S/Mime, and code
114 | signing. For example, using the
115 | <ulink url="http://www.cacert.org/">CAcert</ulink> roots, if you want to
116 | trust both for all three roles, the following commands will create
117 | appropriate OpenSSL trusted certificates (run as the <systemitem
118 | class="username">root</systemitem> user after
119 | <xref linkend="wget"/> is installed):</para>
120 |
121 | <screen role="nodump"><userinput>install -vdm755 /etc/ssl/local &&
122 | wget http://www.cacert.org/certs/root.crt &&
123 | wget http://www.cacert.org/certs/class3.crt &&
124 | openssl x509 -in root.crt -text -fingerprint -setalias "CAcert Class 1 root" \
125 | -addtrust serverAuth -addtrust emailProtection -addtrust codeSigning \
126 | > /etc/ssl/local/CAcert_Class_1_root.pem &&
127 | openssl x509 -in class3.crt -text -fingerprint -setalias "CAcert Class 3 root" \
128 | -addtrust serverAuth -addtrust emailProtection -addtrust codeSigning \
129 | > /etc/ssl/local/CAcert_Class_3_root.pem</userinput></screen>
130 |
131 | <para>If one of the three trust arguments is omitted, the certificate is
132 | neither trusted, nor rejected for that role. Clients that use
133 | <application>OpenSSL</application> or <application>NSS</application>
134 | encountering this certificate will present a warning to the user. Clients
135 | using <application>GnuTLS</application> without
136 | <application>p11-kit</application> support are not aware of trusted
137 | certificates. To include this CA into the ca-bundle.crt (used for
138 | <application>GnuTLS</application>), it must have <envar>serverAuth</envar>
139 | trust. Additionally, to explicitly disallow a certificate for a particular
140 | use, replace the <parameter>-addtrust</parameter> flag with the
141 | <parameter>-addreject</parameter> flag.</para>
142 |
143 | <para>To install the various certificate stores, first install the
144 | <application>make-ca</application> script into the correct location.
145 | As the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:</para>
146 |
147 | <screen role="root"><userinput>make install</userinput></screen>
148 |
149 | <para>As the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user, after
150 | installing <xref linkend="p11-kit"/>, download the certificate source and
151 | prepare for system use with the following command:</para>
152 |
153 | <note>
154 | <para>If running the script a second time with the same version of
155 | <filename>certdata.txt</filename>, for instance, to add additional stores
156 | as the requisite software is installed, add the <parameter>-r</parameter>
157 | switch to the command line. If packaging, run <command>make-ca
158 | --help</command> to see all available command line options.</para>
159 | </note>
160 |
161 | <screen role="root"><userinput>/usr/sbin/make-ca -g</userinput></screen>
162 |
163 | <!-- Remove at 8.5 or 9.0 -->
164 | <para>Previous version of BLFS used the path
165 | <filename>/etc/ssl/ca-bundle.crt</filename> for the
166 | <xref linkend="gnutls"/> certificate store. If software is still installed
167 | that references this file, create a compatibilty symlink for the old
168 | location as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:</para>
169 |
170 | <screen role="nodump"><userinput>ln -sfv /etc/pki/tls/certs/ca-bundle.crt \
171 | /etc/ssl/ca-bundle.crt</userinput></screen>
172 |
173 | <para>You should periodically update the store with the above command
174 | either manually, or via a <phrase revision="sysv">cron job.</phrase>
175 | <phrase revision="systemd">systemd timer. A timer is installed at
176 | <filename>/etc/systemd/system/update-pki.timer</filename> that, if enabled,
177 | will check for updates weekly.</phrase></para>
178 |
179 | </sect2>
180 |
181 | <sect2 role="configuration" id="make-ca-config">
182 | <title>Configuring make-ca</title>
183 |
184 | <para>Genearally, no configuration is necessary on an LFS system, however,
185 | the default <filename>certdata.txt</filename> file provided by make-ca
186 | is obtained from the mozilla-release branch, and is modified to provide a
187 | Mercurial revision. This will be the correct version for most systems.
188 | There are several other variants of the file available for use that might
189 | be preferred for one reason or another, including the files shipped with
190 | Mozilla products in this book. RedHat and OpenSUSE, for instance, use the
191 | version included in <xref linkend="nss"/>. Additional upstream downloads
192 | are available at the links included in
193 | <filename>/etc/make-ca.conf.dist</filename>. Simply copy the file to
194 | <filename>/etc/make-ca.conf</filename> and edit as appropriate.</para>
195 |
196 | <indexterm zone="make-ca make-ca-config">
197 | <primary sortas="e-etc-make-ca-conf">/etc/make-ca.conf</primary>
198 | </indexterm>
199 |
200 | </sect2>
201 |
202 | <sect2 role="content">
203 | <title>Contents</title>
204 |
205 | <segmentedlist>
206 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
207 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
208 |
209 | <seglistitem>
210 | <seg>make-ca</seg>
211 | <seg>/etc/ssl/{certs,java,local} and /etc/pki/{nssdb,anchors}</seg>
212 | </seglistitem>
213 | </segmentedlist>
214 |
215 | <variablelist>
216 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
217 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
218 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
219 |
220 | <varlistentry id="make-ca-bin">
221 | <term><command>make-ca</command></term>
222 | <listitem>
223 | <para>is a shell script that adapts a current version of
224 | <filename>certdata.txt</filename>, and prepares it for use
225 | as the system trust store.</para>
226 | <indexterm zone="make-ca make-ca">
227 | <primary sortas="b-make-ca">make-ca</primary>
228 | </indexterm>
229 | </listitem>
230 | </varlistentry>
231 | </variablelist>
232 |
233 | </sect2>
234 | </sect1>