1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY qemu-download-http "http://download.qemu-project.org/qemu-&qemu-version;.tar.xz">
8 | <!ENTITY qemu-download-ftp " ">
9 | <!ENTITY qemu-md5sum "f3eb729786591f05a9ac5d8ab03b9269">
10 | <!ENTITY qemu-size "60 MB">
11 | <!ENTITY qemu-buildsize "1.1 GB (add 450 MB for tests)">
12 | <!ENTITY qemu-time "0.9 SBU (using parallelism=4; add 5.0 SBU for tests)">
13 | ]>
14 |
15 | <sect1 id="qemu" xreflabel="qemu-&qemu-version;">
16 | <?dbhtml filename="qemu.html"?>
17 |
18 | <sect1info>
19 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
20 | <date>$Date$</date>
21 | </sect1info>
22 |
23 | <title>qemu-&qemu-version;</title>
24 |
25 | <indexterm zone="qemu">
26 | <primary sortas="a-qemu">qemu</primary>
27 | </indexterm>
28 |
29 | <sect2 role="package">
30 | <title>Introduction to qemu</title>
31 |
32 | <para>
33 | <application>qemu</application> is a full virtualization solution for
34 | Linux on x86 hardware containing virtualization extensions (Intel VT or
35 | AMD-V).
36 | </para>
37 |
38 | &lfs91_checked;
39 |
40 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
41 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
42 | <listitem>
43 | <para>
44 | Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&qemu-download-http;"/>
45 | </para>
46 | </listitem>
47 | <listitem>
48 | <para>
49 | Download (FTP): <ulink url="&qemu-download-ftp;"/>
50 | </para>
51 | </listitem>
52 | <listitem>
53 | <para>
54 | Download MD5 sum: &qemu-md5sum;
55 | </para>
56 | </listitem>
57 | <listitem>
58 | <para>
59 | Download size: &qemu-size;
60 | </para>
61 | </listitem>
62 | <listitem>
63 | <para>
64 | Estimated disk space required: &qemu-buildsize;
65 | </para>
66 | </listitem>
67 | <listitem>
68 | <para>
69 | Estimated build time: &qemu-time;
70 | </para>
71 | </listitem>
72 | </itemizedlist>
73 |
74 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Qemu Dependencies</bridgehead>
75 |
76 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required</bridgehead>
77 | <para role="required">
78 | <xref linkend="glib2"/>, and
79 | <xref linkend="x-window-system"/>
80 | </para>
81 |
82 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Recommended</bridgehead>
83 | <para role="recommended">
84 | <xref linkend="alsa-lib"/> and
85 | <xref linkend="sdl2"/>
86 | </para>
87 |
88 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional</bridgehead>
89 | <para role="optional">
90 | Depending on the sound system, various packages in <xref linkend="alsa"/>,
91 | <xref linkend="python3"/>,
92 | <xref linkend="pulseaudio"/>,
93 | <xref linkend="bluez"/>,
94 | <xref linkend="curl"/>,
95 | <xref linkend="cyrus-sasl"/>,
96 | <xref linkend="gnutls"/>,
97 | <xref linkend="gtk2"/>,
98 | <xref linkend="gtk3"/>,
99 | <xref linkend="libusb"/>,
100 | <xref linkend="libgcrypt"/>,
101 | <xref linkend="libssh2"/>,
102 | <xref linkend="lzo"/>,
103 | <xref linkend="nettle"/>,
104 | <xref linkend="mesa"/>,
105 | <xref linkend="sdl"/>,
106 | <xref role="nodep" linkend="vte"/> or <xref linkend="vte2"/>, and
107 | <!-- libcacard has been a standalone project since qemu-2.5.-->
108 | <ulink url="https://www.spice-space.org/page/Libcacard">libcacard</ulink>
109 | </para>
110 |
111 | <note>
112 | <para>
113 | This optional dependencies list is not comprehensive. See the output of
114 | <command>./configure --help</command> for a more complete list.
115 | </para>
116 | </note>
117 |
118 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
119 | <ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/qemu"/></para>
120 |
121 | </sect2>
122 |
123 | <sect2 id='qemu-prereq'>
124 | <title>KVM Prerequisites</title>
125 |
126 | <para>
127 | Before building <application>qemu</application>, check to see if
128 | your processor supports Virtualization Technology (VT):
129 | </para>
130 |
131 | <screen><userinput>egrep '^flags.*(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo</userinput></screen>
132 |
133 | <para>
134 | If you get any output, you have VT technology (vmx for Intel
135 | processors and svm for AMD processors). You then need to go into your
136 | system BIOS and ensure it is enabled. After enabing, reboot back to your
137 | LFS instance.
138 | </para>
139 |
140 | </sect2>
141 |
142 | <sect2 role="kernel" id='qemu-kernel'>
143 | <title>Kernel Configuration</title>
144 |
145 | <para>
146 | Enable the following options in the kernel configuration and
147 | recompile the kernel if necessary:
148 | </para>
149 |
150 | <screen><literal>[*] Virtualization: ---> [CONFIG_VIRTUALIZATION]
151 | <*/M> Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) support [CONFIG_KVM]
152 | <*/M> KVM for Intel processors support [CONFIG_KVM_INTEL]
153 | <*/M> KVM for AMD processors support [CONFIG_KVM_AMD]</literal></screen>
154 |
155 | <indexterm zone="qemu qemu-kernel">
156 | <primary sortas="d-qemu">qemu</primary>
157 | </indexterm>
158 |
159 | <para>
160 | The Intel or AMD settings are not both required, but the one matching
161 | your system processor is required.
162 | </para>
163 |
164 | <para>
165 | To use the <quote>bridge</quote> network device, as explained below,
166 | check that <xref linkend='bridgeutils'/> is installed
167 | and the following options in the kernel configuration are enabled:
168 | </para>
169 |
170 | <screen><literal>[*] Networking support ---> [CONFIG_NET]
171 | Networking options --->
172 | <*/M> 802.1d Ethernet Bridging [CONFIG_BRIDGE]
173 | Device Drivers --->
174 | [*] Network device support ---> [CONFIG_NETDEVICES]
175 | <*/M> Universal TUN/TAP device driver support [CONFIG_TUN]</literal></screen>
176 |
177 | </sect2>
178 |
179 | <sect2 role="installation">
180 | <title>Installation of qemu</title>
181 |
182 | <para revision="sysv">
183 | You will need a dedicated group that will contain users (other than root)
184 | allowed to access the KVM device. Create this group by running the
185 | following command as the
186 | <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:
187 | </para>
188 |
189 | <screen role="root" revision="sysv"><userinput>groupadd -g 61 kvm</userinput></screen>
190 |
191 | <para>
192 | Add any users that might use the KVM device to that group:
193 | </para>
194 |
195 | <screen role="root"><userinput>usermod -a -G kvm <replaceable><username></replaceable></userinput></screen>
196 |
197 | <para>
198 | Install <application>qemu</application> by running the following
199 | commands:
200 | </para>
201 |
202 | <note>
203 | <para>
204 | Qemu is capable of running many targets. The build process
205 | is also capable of building multiple targets at one time in a
206 | comma delimited list assigned to <option>--target-list</option>. Run
207 | <command>./configure --help</command> to get a complete list of
208 | available targets.
209 | </para>
210 | </note>
211 |
212 |
213 | <screen><userinput>if [ $(uname -m) = i686 ]; then
214 | QEMU_ARCH=i386-softmmu
215 | else
216 | QEMU_ARCH=x86_64-softmmu
217 | fi
218 |
219 |
220 | mkdir -vp build &&
221 | cd build &&
222 |
223 | ../configure --prefix=/usr \
224 | --sysconfdir=/etc \
225 | --target-list=$QEMU_ARCH \
226 | --audio-drv-list=alsa \
227 | --docdir=/usr/share/doc/qemu-&qemu-version; &&
228 |
229 | unset QEMU_ARCH &&
230 |
231 | make</userinput></screen>
232 |
233 | <para>
234 | To run the built in tests, run <command>make V=1 -k check</command>.
235 | </para>
236 |
237 | <para>
238 | Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:
239 | </para>
240 |
241 | <screen role="root"><userinput>make install</userinput></screen>
242 |
243 | <para>
244 | You will also need to add an Udev rule so that the KVM device gets correct
245 | permissions:
246 | </para>
247 |
248 | <screen role="root"><userinput>cat > /lib/udev/rules.d/65-kvm.rules << "EOF"
249 | <literal>KERNEL=="kvm", GROUP="kvm", MODE="0660"</literal>
250 | EOF</userinput></screen>
251 |
252 | <para>
253 | Change the permissions and ownership of a helper script, which is needed
254 | when using the <quote>bridge</quote> network device (see below):
255 | </para>
256 |
257 | <screen role="root"><userinput>chgrp kvm /usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper &&
258 | chmod 4750 /usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper</userinput></screen>
259 |
260 | <note>
261 | <para>
262 | For convenience you may want to create a symbolic link to run
263 | the installed program. For instance:
264 | </para>
265 |
266 | <screen role="root"><userinput>ln -sv qemu-system-`uname -m` /usr/bin/qemu</userinput></screen>
267 | </note>
268 |
269 | </sect2>
270 |
271 | <sect2 role="commands">
272 | <title>Command Explanations</title>
273 |
274 | <!-- Not used anymore
275 | <para>
276 | <command>sed ... util/memfd.c</command>: This command fixes a conflict
277 | introduced with glibc-2.27.
278 | </para>
279 | -->
280 | <para>
281 | <parameter>--audio-drv-list=alsa</parameter>: This switch sets the audio
282 | driver to ALSA. See below for enabling other audio drivers.
283 | </para>
284 |
285 | <para>
286 | <option>--audio-drv-list=pa</option>: This switch sets the audio
287 | driver to pulseaudio. For other drivers see the --audio-drv-list list in
288 | <command>configure</command>'s help output. The default audio driver is
289 | OSS. To enable support for both alsa and pulseaudio, use
290 | <option>--audio-drv-list=alsa,pa</option>.
291 | </para>
292 |
293 | <!-- this appears to be rejected in 4.1.0
294 | ERROR: unknown option \-\-with-gtkabi=3.0
295 | <para>
296 | <option>\-\-with-gtkabi=3.0</option>: builds with GTK+-3 if both GTK+-2
297 | and GTK+-3 are installed.
298 | </para> -->
299 |
300 | </sect2>
301 |
302 | <sect2 role="using">
303 | <title>Using Qemu</title>
304 |
305 | <para>
306 | Since using qemu means using a virtual computer, the steps to set up
307 | the virtual machine are in close analogy with those to set up a real
308 | computer. You'll need to decide about CPU, memory, disk, USB devices,
309 | network card(s), screen size, etc. Once the <quote>hardware</quote> is
310 | decided, you'll have for example to choose how to connect the machine
311 | to internet, and/or to install an OS. In the following, we show basic
312 | ways of performing those steps. But qemu is much more than this, and it
313 | is strongly advised to read the qemu documentation in
314 | <filename>/usr/share/doc/qemu-&qemu-version;/qemu-doc.html</filename>.
315 | </para>
316 |
317 | <note>
318 | <para>
319 | It is standard practice to name the computer running qemu
320 | <quote>host</quote> and the emulated machine running under qemu the
321 | <quote>guest</quote>. We'll use those notations in the following.
322 | </para>
323 | </note>
324 |
325 | <note>
326 | <para>
327 | The following instructions assume the optional symbolic link,
328 | <filename>qemu</filename>, has been created. Additionally,
329 | <command>qemu</command> must be run from an X Window System based
330 | terminal (either locally or over ssh).
331 | </para>
332 | </note>
333 |
334 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Disk</bridgehead>
335 | <para>
336 | A virtual disk may be set up in the following way:
337 | </para>
338 |
339 | <screen><userinput>VDISK_SIZE=<replaceable>50G</replaceable>
340 | VDISK_FILENAME=<replaceable>vdisk.img</replaceable>
341 | qemu-img create -f qcow2 $VDISK_FILENAME $VDISK_SIZE</userinput></screen>
342 |
343 | <para>
344 | The virtual disk size and filename should be ajusted as desired. The
345 | actual size of the file will be less than specified, but will expand as
346 | needed, so it is safe to put a high value.
347 | </para>
348 |
349 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Operating System</bridgehead>
350 | <para>
351 | To install an operating system, download an iso image from your preferred
352 | Linux distribution. For the purposes of this example, we'll use
353 | <filename>Fedora-16-x86_64-Live-LXDE.iso</filename> in the current
354 | directory. Run the following:
355 | </para>
356 |
357 | <screen><userinput>qemu -enable-kvm \
358 | -drive file=$VDISK_FILENAME \
359 | -cdrom Fedora-16-x86_64-Live-LXDE.iso \
360 | -boot d \
361 | -m <replaceable>1G</replaceable></userinput></screen>
362 |
363 | <para>
364 | Follow the normal installation procedures for the chosen distribution.
365 | The <parameter>-boot</parameter> option specifies the boot order of
366 | drives as a string of drive letters. Valid drive letters are: a, b
367 | (floppy 1 and 2), c (first hard disk), d (first CD-ROM). The
368 | <parameter>-m</parameter> option is the amount of memory to use for the
369 | virtual machine. The choice depends on the load of the host. Modern
370 | distributions should be comfortable with 1GB.
371 | The <parameter>-enable-kvm</parameter> option allows hardware
372 | acceleration. Without this switch, the emulation is much slower.
373 | </para>
374 |
375 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Defining the virtual hardware</bridgehead>
376 | <para>
377 | The virtual machine hardware is defined by the qemu command line.
378 | An example command is given below:
379 | </para>
380 |
381 | <screen><userinput>qemu -enable-kvm \
382 | -smp 4 \
383 | -cpu host \
384 | -m 1G \
385 | -drive file=$VDISK_FILENAME \
386 | -cdrom grub-img.iso \
387 | -boot order=c,once=d,menu=on \
388 | -net nic,netdev=net0 \
389 | -netdev user,id=net0 \
390 | -soundhw ac97 \
391 | -vga std \
392 | -serial mon:stdio \
393 | -name "fedora-16"</userinput></screen>
394 |
395 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Meaning of the command line options</bridgehead>
396 | <para>
397 | <parameter>-enable-kvm</parameter>: enable full KVM virtualization
398 | support. On some hardware, it may be necessary to add the undocumented
399 | <option>-machine smm=off</option> option in order to enable KVM.
400 | </para>
401 |
402 | <para>
403 | <parameter>-smp <N></parameter>: enable symmetric multiprocessing
404 | with <N> CPUs.
405 | </para>
406 |
407 | <para>
408 | <parameter>-cpu <model></parameter>: simulate CPU <model>.
409 | the list of supported models can be obtained with <option>-cpu
410 | help</option>.
411 | </para>
412 |
413 | <para>
414 | <parameter>-drive file=<filename></parameter>: defines a virtual
415 | disk whose image is stored in <filename><filename></filename>.
416 | </para>
417 |
418 | <para>
419 | <parameter>-cdrom grub-img.iso</parameter>: defines an iso formated file
420 | to use as a cdrom. Here we use a grub rescue disk, which may turn handy
421 | when something goes wrong at boot time.
422 | </para>
423 |
424 | <para>
425 | <parameter>-boot order=c,once=d,menu=on</parameter>: defines the boot
426 | order for the virtual BIOS.
427 | </para>
428 |
429 | <para>
430 | <parameter>-net nic,netdev=<netid></parameter>: defines a network
431 | card connected to the network device with id <netid>.
432 | </para>
433 |
434 | <para>
435 | <parameter>-netdev user,id=<netid></parameter>: defines the
436 | network <quote>user</quote> device. This is a virtual local network
437 | with addresses, where the host has address and
438 | acts as a gateway to internet, and with a name server at address
439 |, and an smb server at address A builtin DHCP server
440 | can allocate addresses between and
441 | </para>
442 |
443 | <para>
444 | <parameter>-soundhw <model></parameter>: defines the soundcard
445 | model. The list may be obtained with <option>-soundhw help</option>.
446 | </para>
447 |
448 | <para>
449 | <parameter>-vga <type></parameter>: defines the type of vga card
450 | to emulate.
451 | </para>
452 |
453 | <para>
454 | <parameter>-serial mon:stdio</parameter>: sends the serial port of the
455 | guest (<filename>/dev/ttyS0</filename> on linux guests), multiplexed with
456 | the qemu monitor, to the standard input and output of the qemu
457 | process.
458 | </para>
459 |
460 | <para>
461 | <parameter>-name <name></parameter>: sets the name of the guest.
462 | This name is displayed in the guest window caption. It may be useful
463 | if you run several guests at the same time.
464 | </para>
465 |
466 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Controlling the Emulated Display</bridgehead>
467 | <para>
468 | It may happen that the guest window displayed by qemu does not correspond
469 | to the full capability of the emulated vga card. For example, the vmware
470 | card is 1600x900 capable, but only 1024x768 is displayed by default.
471 | A suitable Xorg configuration on the guest allows to use the full size
472 | (Note that the Xorg video driver to use is <xref
473 | linkend="xorg-vmware-driver"/>):
474 | </para>
475 |
476 | <screen role="root"><userinput>cat > /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-vmware.conf << "EOF"
477 | <literal>Section "Monitor"
478 | Identifier "Monitor0"
479 | # cvt 1600 900
480 | # 1600x900 59.95 Hz (CVT 1.44M9) hsync: 55.99 kHz; pclk: 118.25 MHz
481 | Modeline "1600x900" 118.25 1600 1696 1856 2112 900 903 908 934 -hsync +vsync
482 | Option "PreferredMode" "1600x900"
483 | HorizSync 1-200
484 | VertRefresh 1-200
485 | EndSection
486 |
487 | Section "Device"
488 | Identifier "VMware SVGA II Adapter"
489 | Option "Monitor" "default"
490 | Driver "vmware"
491 | EndSection
492 |
493 | Section "Screen"
494 | Identifier "Default Screen"
495 | Device "VMware SVGA II Adapter"
496 | Monitor "Monitor0"
497 |
498 | SubSection "Display"
499 | Depth 24
500 | Modes "1600x900" "1440x900" "1366x768" "1280x720" "800x480"
501 | EndSubSection
502 |
503 | EndSection</literal>
504 | EOF</userinput></screen>
505 |
506 | <para>
507 | New sizes will be available besides the native ones. You need to
508 | restart X in order to have the new sizes available.
509 | </para>
510 |
511 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Networking</bridgehead>
512 | <para>
513 | The above solution for networking allows the guest to access the local
514 | network through the host (and possibly to access internet through the
515 | local routers), but the converse is not true. Not even the host can
516 | access the guest, unless port forwarding is enabled. And in the case
517 | several guests are running, they cannot communicate with each other.
518 | Other network devices can be used for this purpose. For example, there
519 | is the <quote>socket</quote> device, which allows several guests to
520 | share a common virtual network. In the following, we describe in more
521 | details how to set up the <quote>bridge</quote> device, which allows
522 | the guests to appear as if connected to the local network. All the
523 | commands below should be run as the <systemitem
524 | class="username">root</systemitem> user.
525 | </para>
526 |
527 | <para revision="sysv">
528 | Set up bridging with <xref linkend="bridgeutils"/>. Only the physical
529 | interface(s) should be set up at boot. The virtual interface(s) will be
530 | added as needed when qemu is started.
531 | </para>
532 |
533 | <para revision="systemd">
534 | <!-- On SYS-V, IP_FORWARD is enabled by the bridge script. -->
535 | Allow the host to forward IP packets:
536 | </para>
537 |
538 | <screen role="root"
539 | revision="systemd"><userinput>sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1</userinput></screen>
540 |
541 | <para revision="systemd">
542 | To make this permanent, add the command to
543 | <filename>/etc/sysctl.d/60-net-forward.conf:</filename>
544 | </para>
545 |
546 | <screen role="root"
547 | revision="systemd"><userinput>cat >> /etc/sysctl.d/60-net-forward.conf << EOF
548 | <literal>net.ipv4.ip_forward=1</literal>
549 | EOF</userinput></screen>
550 |
551 | <para>
552 | Set up a required configuration file:
553 | </para>
554 |
555 | <!-- /etc/qemu has not been installed by "make install" since version 2.4 -->
556 | <screen role="root"><userinput>install -vdm 755 /etc/qemu &&
557 | echo allow br0 > /etc/qemu/bridge.conf</userinput></screen>
558 |
559 | <para>
560 | In the command above, replace the switch <parameter>-netdev user,...
561 | </parameter> with <parameter>-netdev bridge,id=net0</parameter>.
562 | </para>
563 |
564 | </sect2>
565 |
566 | <sect2 role="content">
567 | <title>Contents</title>
568 |
569 | <segmentedlist>
570 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
571 | <segtitle>Installed Library</segtitle>
572 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
573 |
574 | <seglistitem>
575 | <seg>
576 | ivshmem-client,
577 | ivshmem-server,
578 | qemu (symlink),
579 | qemu-ga,
580 | qemu-img,
581 | qemu-io,
582 | qemu-nbd,
583 | qemu-system-<arch>, and
584 | virtfs-proxy-helper
585 | </seg>
586 | <seg>None</seg>
587 | <seg>
588 | /usr/share/qemu and
589 | /usr/share/doc/qemu-&qemu-version;
590 | </seg>
591 | </seglistitem>
592 | </segmentedlist>
593 |
594 | <variablelist>
595 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Description</bridgehead>
596 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
597 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
598 |
599 | <varlistentry id="ivshmem-client">
600 | <term><command>ivshmem-client</command></term>
601 | <listitem>
602 | <para>
603 | is a standalone client for using the ivshmem device.
604 | </para>
605 | <indexterm zone="qemu ivshmem-client">
606 | <primary sortas="b-ivshmem-client">ivshmem-client</primary>
607 | </indexterm>
608 | </listitem>
609 | </varlistentry>
610 |
611 | <varlistentry id="ivshmem-server">
612 | <term><command>ivshmem-server</command></term>
613 | <listitem>
614 | <para>
615 | is an example server for the ivshmem device.
616 | </para>
617 | <indexterm zone="qemu ivshmem-server">
618 | <primary sortas="b-ivshmem-server">ivshmem-server</primary>
619 | </indexterm>
620 | </listitem>
621 | </varlistentry>
622 |
623 | <varlistentry id="qemu-edid">
624 | <term><command>qemu-edid</command></term>
625 | <listitem>
626 | <para>
627 | is a test tool for the qemu EDID generator.
628 | </para>
629 | <indexterm zone="qemu qemu-edid">
630 | <primary sortas="b-qemu-edid">qemu-edid</primary>
631 | </indexterm>
632 | </listitem>
633 | </varlistentry>
634 |
635 | <varlistentry id="qemu-ga">
636 | <term><command>qemu-ga</command></term>
637 | <listitem>
638 | <para>
639 | implements support for QMP (QEMU Monitor Protocol) commands and
640 | events that terminate and originate respectively within the guest
641 | using an agent built as part of QEMU.
642 | </para>
643 | <indexterm zone="qemu qemu-ga">
644 | <primary sortas="b-qemu-ga">qemu-ga</primary>
645 | </indexterm>
646 | </listitem>
647 | </varlistentry>
648 |
649 | <varlistentry id="qemu-img">
650 | <term><command>qemu-img</command></term>
651 | <listitem>
652 | <para>
653 | provides commands to manage QEMU disk images.
654 | </para>
655 | <indexterm zone="qemu qemu-img">
656 | <primary sortas="b-qemu-img">qemu-img</primary>
657 | </indexterm>
658 | </listitem>
659 | </varlistentry>
660 |
661 | <varlistentry id="qemu-io">
662 | <term><command>qemu-io</command></term>
663 | <listitem>
664 | <para>
665 | is a diagnostic and manipulation program for (virtual) memory
666 | media. It is still at an early stage of development.
667 | </para>
668 | <indexterm zone="qemu qemu-io">
669 | <primary sortas="b-qemu-io">qemu-io</primary>
670 | </indexterm>
671 | </listitem>
672 | </varlistentry>
673 |
674 | <varlistentry id="qemu-nbd">
675 | <term><command>qemu-nbd</command></term>
676 | <listitem>
677 | <para>
678 | exports Qemu disk images using the QEMU Disk Network Block
679 | Device (NBD) protocol.
680 | </para>
681 | <indexterm zone="qemu qemu-nbd">
682 | <primary sortas="b-qemu-nbd">qemu-nbd</primary>
683 | </indexterm>
684 | </listitem>
685 | </varlistentry>
686 |
687 | <varlistentry id="qemu-system">
688 | <term><command>qemu-system-x86_64</command></term>
689 | <listitem>
690 | <para>
691 | is the QEMU PC System emulator.
692 | </para>
693 | <indexterm zone="qemu qemu-system">
694 | <primary sortas="b-qemu-system">qemu-system-x86_64</primary>
695 | </indexterm>
696 | </listitem>
697 | </varlistentry>
698 |
699 | <varlistentry id="virtfs-proxy-helper">
700 | <term><command>virtfs-proxy-helper</command></term>
701 | <listitem>
702 | <para>
703 | creates a socket pair or a named socket. QEMU and proxy helper
704 | communicate using this socket. QEMU proxy fs driver sends
705 | filesystem request to proxy helper and receives the response
706 | from it.
707 | </para>
708 | <indexterm zone="qemu virtfs-proxy-helper">
709 | <primary sortas="b-virtfs-proxy-helper">virtfs-proxy-helper</primary>
710 | </indexterm>
711 | </listitem>
712 | </varlistentry>
713 |
714 | </variablelist>
715 |
716 | </sect2>
717 |
718 | </sect1>