%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ DocBook-utils-&docbook-utils-version; Introduction to <application>DocBook-utils</application> The DocBook-utils package is a collection of utility scripts used to convert and analyze SGML documents in general, and DocBook files in particular. The scripts are used to convert from DocBook or other SGML formats into classical file formats like HTML, man, info, RTF and many more. There's also a utility to compare two SGML files and only display the differences in markup. This is useful for comparing documents prepared for different languages. Package information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download size: &docbook-utils-size; Estimated Disk space required: &docbook-utils-buildsize; Estimated build time: &docbook-utils-time; <application>DocBook-utils</application> dependencies Required , and Optional (for conversion to DVI, PS and PDF), : SGMLSpm-&SGMLSpm-version; (for conversion to man and texinfo), and or or (for conversion to ASCII text) Installation of <application>DocBook-utils</application> Earlier versions of the BLFS OpenSP instructions installed a catalog containing an SGMLDECL unicode.sd declaration into the system SGML catalogs. This declaration causes some of the OpenJade programs to fail occasionally. You'll need to remove these catalog definitions if they exist, or the package build will fail. The following command can determine if you need to remove these catalog definitions: grep "OpenSP-1.5.1" /etc/sgml/catalog If anything was returned, run the following command to remove the catalog definitions: sed -i.orig \ -e "/CATALOG \/etc\/sgml\/OpenSP-1.5.1.cat/d" \ /etc/sgml/catalog \ /etc/sgml/sgml-docbook.cat Install DocBook-utils by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/usr && make && make install Many packages use an alternate name for the DocBook-utils scripts. If you wish to create these alternate names, use the following command: for doctype in html ps dvi man pdf rtf tex texi txt do ln -s docbook2$doctype /usr/bin/db2$doctype done Contents The DocBook-utils package contains docbook2dvi, docbook2html, docbook2man, docbook2pdf, docbook2ps, docbook2rtf, docbook2tex, docbook2texi, docbook2txt, jw and sgmldiff. Description docbook2{dvi,html,man,pdf,ps,rtf,tex,texi,txt} The docbook2{format} scripts are simple one-line wrappers to jw. They are provided as easy-to-remember names used to convert DocBook or other SGML files to the respective format. jw jw is a script used to convert DocBook or other SGML files to various output formats. It hides most of OpenJade's complexity and adds comfortable features. sgmldiff sgmldiff is used to compare two SGML files and only return the differences in the markup. This is especially useful to compare files that should be identical except for language differences in the content.