%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy: ken $ $Date: 2014-10-22 01:24:32 +0200 (Wed, 22 Oct 2014) $ Setting the PATH for TeX Live Before starting to build TeX Live, set up your PATH so that the system can properly find the files. If you set up your login scripts as recommended in , update the needed paths by appending to the extrapaths.sh script. The programs are always installed in an <ARCH>-linux subdirectory and on 32-bit x86 this is always i386-linux. For x86_64 and i?86 we can generate this as $TEXARCH: export TEXARCH=$(uname -m | sed -e 's/i.86/i386/' -e 's/$/-linux/') && cat >> /etc/profile.d/extrapaths.sh << EOF # Begin texlive addition pathappend /opt/texlive/&texlive-year;/texmf-dist/doc/man MANPATH pathappend /opt/texlive/&texlive-year;/texmf-dist/doc/info INFOPATH pathappend /opt/texlive/&texlive-year;/bin/$TEXARCH # End texlive addition EOF unset TEXARCH The new paths can be immediately activated by running source /etc/profile. You should now proceed either to for a binary installation of texlive, or to to begin installing from source.