%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ texlive-&texlive-version; texlive Introduction to TeX Live The TeX Live package is a comprehensive TeX document production system. It includes TEX, LaTeX2e, ConTEXt, Metafont, MetaPost, BibTeX and many other programs; an extensive collection of macros, fonts and documentation; and support for typesetting in many different scripts from around the world. &lfs74_checked; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &texlive-source-md5sum; Download size: &texlive-source-size; Estimated disk space required: &texlive-buildsize; Estimated build time: &texlive-time; Additional Downloads The TeX Live installer: TeX Live Dependencies Recommended (to build from source) The source ships with its own versions of many libraries, and will use them unless it is forced to use the system versions. , , , , , (linked to graphite2), , , Optional (to build from source) The source ships with its own versions of these libraries, which are either not under active development, or only used for limited functionality. If you install these, as with some other optional dependencies in this book you will need to tell configure to use the system versions. GD, t1lib, ZZIPlib, CLISP, TECkit Runtime dependencies if building from source not yet adequate to rebuild this), for ep2pdftk. User Notes: Installation of TeX Live The TeX Live set of programs with its supporting documents, fonts, and utilities is very large. The upstream maintainers recommend placing all files in a single directory structure. BLFS recommends /opt/texlive. First, unpack the installer and change into the installer's directory, install-tl-<CCYYMMDD>. This directory name changes frequently when the installer is updated, so replace <CCYYMMDD> by the correct directory name. tar -xf install-tl-unx.tar.gz && cd install-tl-<CCYYMMDD> The distribution binaries installed below use static linking for internal TeX Live libraries. Additional libraries as specified in the dependencies section do not need to be present during the install, but the programs that need them will not run until their specific dependencies are installed. Now, as the root user: TEXLIVE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/texlive ./install-tl This command is interactive and allows selection or modification of platform, packages, directories, and other options. The full installation scheme will require about 3.5 gigabytes of disk space. The time to complete the download will depend on your internet connection speed and the number of packages selected. After the package download is complete, the next step is to make sure that the system can properly find the files. If you set up your login scripts as recommended in , update the needed paths by appending to the extrapaths.sh script. The programs are always installed in an <ARCH>-linux subdirectory. If you are not using x86_64, always change that to your actual installation location. cat >> /etc/profile.d/extrapaths.sh << "EOF" pathappend /usr/share/man MANPATH pathappend /opt/texlive/&texlive-year;/texmf-dist/doc/man MANPATH pathappend /usr/share/info INFOPATH pathappend /opt/texlive/&texlive-year;/texmf-dist/doc/info INFOPATH pathappend /opt/texlive/&texlive-year;/bin/x86_64-linux EOF The standard MANPATH and INFOPATH path are specified above to ensure they are included. If they are already set in the boot script procedure, the pathappend function will ensure duplicates are removed, so including them here will do no harm. The new paths can be immediately activated by running source /etc/profile. At this point the binary installation is complete. Please note that installing from source will recompile the binary programs and recreate the man and info files. It will also overwrite the scripts - some of these may be older versions than those from the newer installer. It will not recreate any of the following: the more than 200 symlinks in the <ARCH>-linux directory (some are alternate names, many are pointers to the scripts), html files, PDF files, licenses, README files, two config files (texmf.cnf and texmfcnf.lua), nor the many package and font files in texmf-dist and texmf-var, nor the files recording the actions of the installer, and the ls-R files listing what was originally installed. At the moment, these instructions do not rebuild asy and xindy which were installed by the binary installer. If building from source is desired, continue as a normal user. Extract the source package as usual. Again, change x86_64-linux to whatever matches your architecture. The developers do not recommend building in the source directory, so enter the following commands: mkdir texlive-build && cd texlive-build && ../configure --prefix=/opt/texlive/2013 \ --bindir=/opt/texlive/2013/bin/x86_64-linux \ --datarootdir=/opt/texlive/2013 \ --includedir=/usr/include \ --infodir=/opt/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/doc/info \ --libdir=/usr/lib \ --mandir=/opt/texlive/2013/texmf-dist/doc/man \ --disable-native-texlive-build \ --disable-static --enable-shared \ --with-system-libgs \ --with-system-poppler \ --with-system-freetype2 \ --with-system-fontconfig \ --with-system-libpng \ --with-system-icu \ --with-system-graphite2 \ --with-system-harfbuzz \ --with-system-xpdf \ --with-system-poppler \ --with-system-cairo \ --with-system-pixman \ --with-system-zlib \ --with-banner-add=" - BLFS" && make To test the results, issue: make -k check. Now, as the root user: make install Command Explanations --prefix=, --bindir=, --datarootdir=, --infodir=, --mandir= ... : these switches ensure that the files installed from source will overwrite the corresponding files previously installed by install-tl. --includedir=, --libdir= ... : these switches ensure that the libraries will be found at runtime, and that programs can be compiled against them. --enable-shared: Use shared versions of libkpathsea and libptexenc. --with-system-...: Unless this parameter is used, the included versions of these libraries will be statically compiled into the programs which need them. If you decided not to install a recommended library, omit the corresponding switches. --with-system-xpdf: Uniquely, this parameter has a non-standard meaning, it tells configure to use the system-installed poppler headers and library. Again, omit this if you have not installed poppler. : use this if you do not have Xorg installed. Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories Over 300 binaries and symlinks to scripts None /opt/texlive Short Descriptions TeX programs included in the TeX Live package are too numerous to individually list. Please refer to the individual program man and html pages in the installation directory's 2011/index.html directory. TeX Live programs