1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 |
8 | <!ENTITY mariadb-download-http "https://downloads.mariadb.org/interstitial/mariadb-&mariadb-version;/source/mariadb-&mariadb-version;.tar.gz">
9 | <!ENTITY mariadb-download-ftp "ftp://mirrors.fe.up.pt/pub/mariadb/mariadb-&mariadb-version;/source/mariadb-&mariadb-version;.tar.gz">
10 | <!ENTITY mariadb-md5sum "056c7351d99f2dff579f8ab40ee4a463">
11 | <!ENTITY mariadb-size "83 MB">
12 | <!ENTITY mariadb-buildsize "1.7 GB (639 MB installed)">
13 | <!ENTITY mariadb-time "9.4 SBU (with parallelism=4, add 0.4 SBU for tests)">
14 | ]>
15 |
16 | <sect1 id="mariadb" xreflabel="MariaDB-&mariadb-version;">
17 | <?dbhtml filename="mariadb.html"?>
18 |
19 | <sect1info>
20 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
21 | <date>$Date$</date>
22 | </sect1info>
23 |
24 | <title>MariaDB-&mariadb-version;</title>
25 |
26 | <indexterm zone="mariadb">
27 | <primary sortas="a-MariaDB">MariaDB</primary>
28 | </indexterm>
29 |
30 | <sect2 role="package">
31 | <title>Introduction to MariaDB</title>
32 |
33 | <para>
34 | <application>MariaDB</application> is a community-developed fork and a
35 | drop-in replacement for the <application>MySQL</application> relational
36 | database management system.
37 | </para>
38 |
39 | &lfs91_checked;
40 |
41 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
42 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
43 | <listitem>
44 | <para>
45 | Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&mariadb-download-http;"/>
46 | </para>
47 | </listitem>
48 | <listitem>
49 | <para>
50 | Download (FTP): <ulink url="&mariadb-download-ftp;"/>
51 | </para>
52 | </listitem>
53 | <listitem>
54 | <para>
55 | Download MD5 sum: &mariadb-md5sum;
56 | </para>
57 | </listitem>
58 | <listitem>
59 | <para>
60 | Download size: &mariadb-size;
61 | </para>
62 | </listitem>
63 | <listitem>
64 | <para>
65 | Estimated disk space required: &mariadb-buildsize;
66 | </para>
67 | </listitem>
68 | <listitem>
69 | <para>
70 | Estimated build time: &mariadb-time;
71 | </para>
72 | </listitem>
73 | </itemizedlist>
74 |
75 | <note>
76 | <para>
77 | The installed size of MariaDB is 473 MB, but this can be
78 | reduced by about 200 MB, if desired, by removing the <filename
79 | class="directory">/usr/share/mysql/test</filename>
80 | directory after installation.
81 | </para>
82 | </note>
83 |
84 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">MariaDB Dependencies</bridgehead>
85 |
86 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required</bridgehead>
87 | <para role="required">
88 | <xref linkend="cmake"/>
89 | </para>
90 |
91 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Recommended</bridgehead>
92 | <para role="recommended">
93 | <xref linkend="libevent"/>
94 | </para>
95 |
96 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional</bridgehead>
97 | <para role="optional">
98 | <xref linkend="boost"/>,
99 | <xref linkend="libaio"/>,
100 | <xref linkend="libxml2"/>,
101 | <xref linkend="linux-pam"/>,
102 | <xref linkend="mitkrb"/>,
103 | <xref linkend="pcre"/>,
104 | <xref linkend="ruby"/>,
105 | <xref linkend="unixodbc"/>,
106 | <xref linkend="valgrind"/>,
107 | <ulink url="http://groonga.org/">Groonga</ulink>,
108 | <ulink url="http://www.phontron.com/kytea/">KyTea</ulink>,
109 | <ulink url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/judy/">Judy</ulink>,
110 | <ulink url="https://github.com/Cyan4973/lz4">lz4</ulink>,
111 | <ulink url="http://taku910.github.io/mecab">MeCab</ulink>,
112 | <ulink url="http://msgpack.org/">MessagePack</ulink>,
113 | <ulink url="http://www.mruby.org/">mruby</ulink>,
114 | <ulink url="http://sphinxsearch.com/downloads/">Sphinx</ulink>,
115 | <ulink url="https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb/tokudb/">TokuDB</ulink>, and
116 | <ulink url="http://zeromq.org/">ZeroMQ</ulink>
117 | </para>
118 |
119 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
120 | <ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/mariadb"/>
121 | </para>
122 |
123 | </sect2>
124 |
125 | <sect2 role="installation">
126 | <title>Installation of MariaDB</title>
127 |
128 | <warning>
129 | <para>
130 | MariaDB and MySQL cannot be installed on the same system without
131 | extensive changes to the build configuration of one of the two applications.
132 | </para>
133 | </warning>
134 |
135 | <para>
136 | For security reasons, running the server as an unprivileged user
137 | and group is strongly encouraged. Issue the following (as
138 | <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>) to create the
139 | user and group:
140 | </para>
141 |
142 | <screen role="root"><userinput>groupadd -g 40 mysql &&
143 | useradd -c "MySQL Server" -d /srv/mysql -g mysql -s /bin/false -u 40 mysql</userinput></screen>
144 |
145 | <para>
146 | Install <application>MariaDB</application> by running the
147 | following commands:
148 | </para>
149 |
150 | <screen><userinput>mkdir build &&
151 | cd build &&
152 |
153 | cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
155 | -DINSTALL_DOCDIR=share/doc/mariadb-&mariadb-version; \
156 | -DINSTALL_DOCREADMEDIR=share/doc/mariadb-&mariadb-version; \
157 | -DINSTALL_MANDIR=share/man \
158 | -DINSTALL_MYSQLSHAREDIR=share/mysql \
159 | -DINSTALL_MYSQLTESTDIR=share/mysql/test \
160 | -DINSTALL_PLUGINDIR=lib/mysql/plugin \
161 | -DINSTALL_SBINDIR=sbin \
163 | -DINSTALL_SQLBENCHDIR=share/mysql/bench \
165 | -DMYSQL_DATADIR=/srv/mysql \
166 | -DMYSQL_UNIX_ADDR=/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock \
167 | -DWITH_EXTRA_CHARSETS=complex \
170 | -DTOKUDB_OK=0 \
171 | .. &&
172 | make</userinput></screen>
173 |
174 | <para>
175 | To test the results, issue: <command>make test</command>.
176 | One test, test-connect, is known to fail.
177 | </para>
178 |
179 | <note><para>
180 | A more extensive set of tests can be run with the following:</para>
181 |
182 | <screen remap="test"><userinput>pushd mysql-test
183 | ./mtr --parallel <replaceable><N></replaceable> --mem --force
184 | popd</userinput></screen>
185 |
186 | <para>
187 | Where N is the number of tests to run in parallel.
188 | Over 5400 tests are run in about 24 SBU with N=4. Two tests
189 | are known to fail due to character set issues.
190 | </para></note>
191 |
192 | <para>
193 | Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:
194 | </para>
195 |
196 | <screen role="root"><userinput>make install </userinput></screen>
197 |
198 | </sect2>
199 |
200 | <sect2 role="commands">
201 | <title>Command Explanations</title>
202 |
203 | <para>
204 | <parameter>-DWITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER=ON</parameter>: This switch enables
205 | compiling the embedded server library needed by certain applications,
206 | such as <application>Amarok</application>..
207 | </para>
208 |
209 | <para>
210 | <parameter>-DWITH_EXTRA_CHARSETS=complex</parameter>: This switch enables
211 | support for the complex character sets.
212 | </para>
213 |
214 | <para>
215 | <parameter>-DSKIP_TESTS=ON</parameter>: This switch disables
216 | tests for MariaDB Connector/C which are not supported without
217 | additional setup.
218 | </para>
219 |
220 | <para>
221 | <option>-DWITHOUT_SERVER=ON</option>: Use this
222 | switch if you don't want the server and would like to build the client
223 | only.
224 | </para>
225 |
226 | <note><para>
227 | There are numerous options available to <command>cmake</command>. Check
228 | the output of the <command>cmake . -LH</command> for additional
229 | customization options.
230 | </para></note>
231 |
232 | </sect2>
233 |
234 | <sect2 role="configuration">
235 | <title>Configuring MySQL</title>
236 |
237 | <sect3 id="mariadb-config">
238 | <title>Config Files</title>
239 |
240 | <para>
241 | <filename>/etc/mysql/my.cnf</filename> and
242 | <filename>~/.my.cnf</filename>
243 | </para>
244 |
245 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mariadb-config">
246 | <primary sortas="e-AA.my.cnf">~/.my.cnf</primary>
247 | </indexterm>
248 |
249 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mariadb-config">
250 | <primary sortas="e-etc-mysql-my.cnf">/etc/mysql/my.cnf</primary>
251 | </indexterm>
252 |
253 | </sect3>
254 |
255 | <sect3>
256 | <title>Configuration Information</title>
257 |
258 | <para>
259 | Create basic <filename>/etc/mysql/my.cnf</filename>
260 | using the following command as the <systemitem
261 | class="username">root</systemitem> user:
262 | </para>
263 |
264 | <screen role="root"><userinput>install -v -dm 755 /etc/mysql &&
265 | cat > /etc/mysql/my.cnf << "EOF"
266 | <literal># Begin /etc/mysql/my.cnf
267 |
268 | # The following options will be passed to all MySQL clients
269 | [client]
270 | #password = your_password
271 | port = 3306
272 | socket = /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
273 |
274 | # The MySQL server
275 | [mysqld]
276 | port = 3306
277 | socket = /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock
278 | datadir = /srv/mysql
279 | skip-external-locking
280 | key_buffer_size = 16M
281 | max_allowed_packet = 1M
282 | sort_buffer_size = 512K
283 | net_buffer_length = 16K
284 | myisam_sort_buffer_size = 8M
285 |
286 | # Don't listen on a TCP/IP port at all.
287 | skip-networking
288 |
289 | # required unique id between 1 and 2^32 - 1
290 | server-id = 1
291 |
292 | # Uncomment the following if you are using BDB tables
293 | #bdb_cache_size = 4M
294 | #bdb_max_lock = 10000
295 |
296 | # InnoDB tables are now used by default
297 | innodb_data_home_dir = /srv/mysql
298 | innodb_log_group_home_dir = /srv/mysql
299 | # All the innodb_xxx values below are the default ones:
300 | innodb_data_file_path = ibdata1:12M:autoextend
301 | # You can set .._buffer_pool_size up to 50 - 80 %
302 | # of RAM but beware of setting memory usage too high
303 | innodb_buffer_pool_size = 128M<!--
304 | This variable has been removed in version 10.2.2:
305 | innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 2M-->
306 | innodb_log_file_size = 48M
307 | innodb_log_buffer_size = 16M
308 | innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 1
309 | innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50
310 |
311 | [mysqldump]
312 | quick
313 | max_allowed_packet = 16M
314 |
315 | [mysql]
316 | no-auto-rehash
317 | # Remove the next comment character if you are not familiar with SQL
318 | #safe-updates
319 |
320 | [isamchk]
321 | key_buffer = 20M
322 | sort_buffer_size = 20M
323 | read_buffer = 2M
324 | write_buffer = 2M
325 |
326 | [myisamchk]
327 | key_buffer_size = 20M
328 | sort_buffer_size = 20M
329 | read_buffer = 2M
330 | write_buffer = 2M
331 |
332 | [mysqlhotcopy]
333 | interactive-timeout
334 |
335 | # End /etc/mysql/my.cnf</literal>
336 | EOF</userinput></screen>
337 |
338 | <para>
339 | You can now install a database and change the ownership to the
340 | unprivileged user and group (perform as the <systemitem
341 | class="username">root</systemitem> user):
342 | </para>
343 |
344 | <screen role="root"><userinput>mysql_install_db --basedir=/usr --datadir=/srv/mysql --user=mysql &&
345 | chown -R mysql:mysql /srv/mysql</userinput></screen>
346 |
347 | <para>
348 | Further configuration requires that the
349 | <application>MariaDB</application> server is running. Start
350 | the server using the following commands as the <systemitem
351 | class="username">root</systemitem> user:
352 | </para>
353 |
354 | <screen role="root"><userinput>install -v -m755 -o mysql -g mysql -d /run/mysqld &&
355 | mysqld_safe --user=mysql 2>&1 >/dev/null &</userinput></screen>
356 |
357 | <para>
358 | A default installation does not set up a password for the
359 | administrator, so use the following command as the <systemitem
360 | class="username">root</systemitem> user to set one.
361 | </para>
362 |
363 | <screen role="root"><userinput>mysqladmin -u root password</userinput></screen>
364 |
365 | <para>
366 | Configuration of the server is now finished. Shut the server
367 | down using the following command as the <systemitem
368 | class="username">root</systemitem> user:
369 | </para>
370 |
371 | <screen role="root"><userinput>mysqladmin -p shutdown</userinput></screen>
372 |
373 | </sect3>
374 |
375 | <sect3 id="mariadb-init">
376 | <title><phrase revision="sysv">Boot Script</phrase>
377 | <phrase revision="systemd">Systemd Unit</phrase></title>
378 |
379 | <para>
380 | Install the
381 | <phrase revision="sysv"><filename>/etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql</filename> init
382 | script</phrase>
383 | <phrase revision="systemd"><filename>mysqld.service</filename>
384 | unit</phrase> included in the
385 | <xref linkend="bootscripts" revision="sysv"/>
386 | <xref linkend="systemd-units" revision="systemd"/> package as
387 | the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user to start the
388 | <application>MariaDB</application> server during system boot-up.
389 | </para>
390 |
391 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mariadb-init">
392 | <primary sortas="f-mysql">mysql</primary>
393 | </indexterm>
394 |
395 | <screen role="root" revision="sysv"><userinput>make install-mysql</userinput></screen>
396 |
397 | <screen role="root" revision="systemd"><userinput>make install-mysqld</userinput></screen>
398 |
399 | </sect3>
400 |
401 | </sect2>
402 |
403 | <sect2 role="content">
404 | <title>Contents</title>
405 |
406 | <segmentedlist>
407 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
408 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
409 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
410 |
411 | <seglistitem>
412 | <seg>
413 | aria_chk, aria_dump_log, aria_ftdump, aria_pack, aria_read_log,
414 | innochecksum, mariabackup, mariadb_config, mbstream, msql2mysql,
415 | my_print_defaults, myisamchk,
416 | myisam_ftdump, myisamchk, myisamlog, myisampack, mysql,
417 | mysql_client_test, mysql_client_test_embedded, mysql_config,
418 | mysql_convert_table_format, mysql_embedded, mysql_find_rows,
419 | mysql_fix_extensions, mysql_install_db, mysql_ldb, mysql_plugin,
420 | mysql_secure_installation, mysql_setpermission, mysql_tzinfo_to_sql,
421 | mysql_upgrade, mysql_waitpid, mysqlaccess, mysqladmin, mysqlbinlog,
422 | mysqlcheck, mysqld, mysqld_multi, mysqld_safe, mysqld_safe_helper,
423 | mysqldump, mysqldumpslow, mysqlhotcopy, mysqlimport, mysqlshow,
424 | mysqlslap, mysqltest, mysqltest_embedded, mytop, perror, replace,
425 | resolve_stack_dump, resolveip, sst_dump, wsrep_sst_common,
426 | wsrep_sst_mariabackup, wsrep_sst_mysqldump,
427 | wsrep_sst_rsync, wsrep_sst_xtrabackup, and wsrep_sst_xtrabackup-v2
428 | </seg>
429 | <seg>
430 | libmariadbclient.a, libmariadb.so, libmysqlclient.a,
431 | libmysqlclient_r.a (symbolic links to libmariadbclient.a),
432 | libmysqld.{so,a}, libmysqlservices.a,
433 | and several under /usr/lib/mysql/plugin/
434 | </seg>
435 | <seg>
436 | /etc/mysql,
437 | /usr/{include,lib,share}/mysql, and
438 | /usr/share/doc/mariadb-&mariadb-version;
439 | </seg>
440 | </seglistitem>
441 | </segmentedlist>
442 |
443 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
444 |
445 | <!--
446 | <para>
447 | Descriptions of all the programs and libraries would be several
448 | pages long. Instead, consult the man pages
449 | or the online documentation at <ulink
450 | url="https://mariadb.com/kb/en/mariadb-documentation/"/>.
451 | </para>
452 | -->
453 | <para>
454 | The <application>Perl</application> DBI modules must be installed
455 | for some of the <application>MariaDB</application> support programs to
456 | function properly.
457 | </para>
458 |
459 | <variablelist>
460 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
461 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
462 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
463 |
464 | <varlistentry id="aria_chk-mariadb">
465 | <term><command>aria_chk</command></term>
466 | <listitem>
467 | <para>
468 | is used to check, repair, optimize, sort and get information
469 | about Aria tables.
470 | </para>
471 | <indexterm zone="mariadb aria_chk-mariadb">
472 | <primary sortas="b-aria_chk-mariadb">aria_chk</primary>
473 | </indexterm>
474 | </listitem>
475 | </varlistentry>
476 |
477 | <varlistentry id="aria_dump_log-mariadb">
478 | <term><command>aria_dump_log</command></term>
479 | <listitem>
480 | <para>
481 | is a tool to dump content of Aria log pages.
482 | </para>
483 | <indexterm zone="mariadb aria_dump_log-mariadb">
484 | <primary sortas="b-aria_dump_log-mariadb">aria_dump_log</primary>
485 | </indexterm>
486 | </listitem>
487 | </varlistentry>
488 |
489 | <varlistentry id="aria_ftdump-mariadb">
490 | <term><command>aria_ftdump</command></term>
491 | <listitem>
492 | <para>
493 | displays full-text index information.
494 | </para>
495 | <indexterm zone="mariadb aria_ftdump-mariadb">
496 | <primary sortas="b-aria_ftdump-mariadb">aria_ftdump</primary>
497 | </indexterm>
498 | </listitem>
499 | </varlistentry>
500 |
501 | <varlistentry id="aria_pack-mariadb">
502 | <term><command>aria_pack</command></term>
503 | <listitem>
504 | <para>
505 | is a tool to generate compressed, read-only Aria tables.
506 | </para>
507 | <indexterm zone="mariadb aria_pack-mariadb">
508 | <primary sortas="b-aria_pack-mariadb">aria_pack</primary>
509 | </indexterm>
510 | </listitem>
511 | </varlistentry>
512 |
513 | <varlistentry id="aria_read_log-mariadb">
514 | <term><command>aria_read_log</command></term>
515 | <listitem>
516 | <para>
517 | displays Aria log file contents.
518 | </para>
519 | <indexterm zone="mariadb aria_read_log-mariadb">
520 | <primary sortas="b-aria_read_log-mariadb">aria_read_log</primary>
521 | </indexterm>
522 | </listitem>
523 | </varlistentry>
524 |
525 | <varlistentry id="innochecksum-mariadb">
526 | <term><command>innochecksum</command></term>
527 | <listitem>
528 | <para>
529 | prints checksums for InnoDB files.
530 | </para>
531 | <indexterm zone="mariadb innochecksum-mariadb">
532 | <primary sortas="b-innochecksum-mariadb">innochecksum</primary>
533 | </indexterm>
534 | </listitem>
535 | </varlistentry>
536 |
537 | <varlistentry id="mariabackup-mariadb">
538 | <term><command>mariabackup</command></term>
539 | <listitem>
540 | <para>
541 | is an open source backup tool for InnoDB and XtraDB.
542 | </para>
543 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mariabackup-mariadb">
544 | <primary sortas="b-mariabackup-mariadb">mariabackup</primary>
545 | </indexterm>
546 | </listitem>
547 | </varlistentry>
548 |
549 | <varlistentry id="mariadb_config-mariadb">
550 | <term><command>mariadb_config</command></term>
551 | <listitem>
552 | <para>
553 | gets compiler flags for using the MariaDB Connector/C.
554 | </para>
555 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mariadb_config-mariadb">
556 | <primary sortas="b-mariadb_config-mariadb">mariadb_config</primary>
557 | </indexterm>
558 | </listitem>
559 | </varlistentry>
560 |
561 | <varlistentry id="mbstream-mariadb">
562 | <term><command>mbstream</command></term>
563 | <listitem>
564 | <para>
565 | is an utility for sending InnoDB and XTraDB backups over a stream
566 | </para>
567 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mbstream-mariadb">
568 | <primary sortas="b-mbstream-mariadb">mbstream</primary>
569 | </indexterm>
570 | </listitem>
571 | </varlistentry>
572 | <!--
573 | <varlistentry id="maria_add_gis_sp.sql-mariadb">
574 | <term><command>maria_add_gis_sp.sql</command></term>
575 | <listitem>
576 | <para>
577 | this script creates stored procedures required by the OpenGIS
578 | standards, and is prepared to be run with the -\-bootstrap server
579 | option.
580 | </para>
581 | <indexterm zone="mariadb maria_add_gis_sp.sql-mariadb">
582 | <primary sortas="b-maria_add_gis_sp.sql-mariadb">maria_add_gis_sp.sql</primary>
583 | </indexterm>
584 | </listitem>
585 | </varlistentry>
586 | -->
587 | <varlistentry id="msql2mysql-mariadb">
588 | <term><command>msql2mysql</command></term>
589 | <listitem>
590 | <para>
591 | is a tool to convert mSQL programs for use with MySQL.
592 | </para>
593 | <indexterm zone="mariadb msql2mysql-mariadb">
594 | <primary sortas="b-msql2mysql-mariadb">msql2mysql</primary>
595 | </indexterm>
596 | </listitem>
597 | </varlistentry>
598 |
599 | <varlistentry id="my_print_defaults-mariadb">
600 | <term><command>my_print_defaults</command></term>
601 | <listitem>
602 | <para>
603 | displays the options from option groups of option files.
604 | </para>
605 | <indexterm zone="mariadb my_print_defaults-mariadb">
606 | <primary sortas="b-my_print_defaults-mariadb">my_print_defaults</primary>
607 | </indexterm>
608 | </listitem>
609 | </varlistentry>
610 |
611 | <varlistentry id="myisam_ftdump-mariadb">
612 | <term><command>myisam_ftdump</command></term>
613 | <listitem>
614 | <para>
615 | displays information about FULLTEXT indexes in MyISAM tables.
616 | </para>
617 | <indexterm zone="mariadb myisam_ftdump-mariadb">
618 | <primary sortas="b-myisam_ftdump-mariadb">myisam_ftdump</primary>
619 | </indexterm>
620 | </listitem>
621 | </varlistentry>
622 |
623 | <varlistentry id="myisamchk-mariadb">
624 | <term><command>myisamchk</command></term>
625 | <listitem>
626 | <para>
627 | gets information about your database tables or checks, repairs,
628 | or optimizes them.
629 | </para>
630 | <indexterm zone="mariadb myisamchk-mariadb">
631 | <primary sortas="b-myisamchk-mariadb">myisamchk</primary>
632 | </indexterm>
633 | </listitem>
634 | </varlistentry>
635 |
636 | <varlistentry id="myisamlog-mariadb">
637 | <term><command>myisamlog</command></term>
638 | <listitem>
639 | <para>
640 | displays MyISAM log file contents.
641 | </para>
642 | <indexterm zone="mariadb myisamlog-mariadb">
643 | <primary sortas="b-myisamlog-mariadb">myisamlog</primary>
644 | </indexterm>
645 | </listitem>
646 | </varlistentry>
647 |
648 | <varlistentry id="myisampack-mariadb">
649 | <term><command>myisampack</command></term>
650 | <listitem>
651 | <para>
652 | is a tool for compressing MyISAM tables.
653 | </para>
654 | <indexterm zone="mariadb myisampack-mariadb">
655 | <primary sortas="b-myisampack-mariadb">myisampack</primary>
656 | </indexterm>
657 | </listitem>
658 | </varlistentry>
659 |
660 | <varlistentry id="mysql-mariadb">
661 | <term><command>mysql</command></term>
662 | <listitem>
663 | <para>
664 | is a simple SQL shell with input line editing capabilities.
665 | </para>
666 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql-mariadb">
667 | <primary sortas="b-mysql-mariadb">mysql</primary>
668 | </indexterm>
669 | </listitem>
670 | </varlistentry>
671 |
672 | <varlistentry id="mysql_client_test-mariadb">
673 | <term><command>mysql_client_test</command></term>
674 | <listitem>
675 | <para>
676 | is used for testing aspects of the MySQL client API that cannot be
677 | tested using mysqltest and its test language.
678 | </para>
679 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_client_test-mariadb">
680 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_client_test-mariadb">mysql_client_test</primary>
681 | </indexterm>
682 | </listitem>
683 | </varlistentry>
684 |
685 | <varlistentry id="mysql_client_test_embedded-mariadb">
686 | <term><command>mysql_client_test_embedded</command></term>
687 | <listitem>
688 | <para>
689 | is a tool to test client API for embedded server.
690 | </para>
691 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_client_test_embedded-mariadb">
692 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_client_test_embedded-mariadb">mysql_client_test_embedded</primary>
693 | </indexterm>
694 | </listitem>
695 | </varlistentry>
696 |
697 | <varlistentry id="mysql_config-mariadb">
698 | <term><command>mysql_config</command></term>
699 | <listitem>
700 | <para>
701 | provides you with useful information for compiling your MySQL
702 | client and connecting it to MySQL.
703 | </para>
704 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_config-mariadb">
705 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_config-mariadb">mysql_config</primary>
706 | </indexterm>
707 | </listitem>
708 | </varlistentry>
709 |
710 | <varlistentry id="mysql_convert_table_format-mariadb">
711 | <term><command>mysql_convert_table_format</command></term>
712 | <listitem>
713 | <para>
714 | converts the tables in a database to use a particular storage
715 | engine.
716 | </para>
717 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_convert_table_format-mariadb">
718 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_convert_table_format-mariadb">mysql_convert_table_format</primary>
719 | </indexterm>
720 | </listitem>
721 | </varlistentry>
722 |
723 | <varlistentry id="mysql_embedded-mariadb">
724 | <term><command>mysql_embedded</command></term>
725 | <listitem>
726 | <para>
727 | is a MySQL client statically linked to
728 | libmysqld.
729 | </para>
730 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_embedded-mariadb">
731 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_embedded-mariadb">mysql_embedded</primary>
732 | </indexterm>
733 | </listitem>
734 | </varlistentry>
735 |
736 | <varlistentry id="mysql_find_rows-mariadb">
737 | <term><command>mysql_find_rows</command></term>
738 | <listitem>
739 | <para>
740 | reads files containing SQL statements and extracts statements that
741 | match a given regular expression or that contain USE db_name or
742 | SET statements.
743 | </para>
744 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_find_rows-mariadb">
745 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_find_rows-mariadb">mysql_find_rows</primary>
746 | </indexterm>
747 | </listitem>
748 | </varlistentry>
749 |
750 | <varlistentry id="mysql_fix_extensions-mariadb">
751 | <term><command>mysql_fix_extensions</command></term>
752 | <listitem>
753 | <para>
754 | converts the extensions for MyISAM (or ISAM ) table files to
755 | their canonical forms.
756 | </para>
757 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_fix_extensions-mariadb">
758 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_fix_extensions-mariadb">mysql_fix_extensions</primary>
759 | </indexterm>
760 | </listitem>
761 | </varlistentry>
762 |
763 | <varlistentry id="mysql_install_db-mariadb">
764 | <term><command>mysql_install_db</command></term>
765 | <listitem>
766 | <para>
767 | initializes the MySQL data directory and creates the system
768 | tables that it contains, if they do not exist.
769 | </para>
770 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_install_db-mariadb">
771 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_install_db-mariadb">mysql_install_db</primary>
772 | </indexterm>
773 | </listitem>
774 | </varlistentry>
775 |
776 | <varlistentry id="mysql_ldb-mariadb">
777 | <term><command>mysql_ldb</command></term>
778 | <listitem>
779 | <para>
780 | is the RocksDB tool.
781 | </para>
782 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_ldb-mariadb">
783 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_ldb-mariadb">mysql_ldb</primary>
784 | </indexterm>
785 | </listitem>
786 | </varlistentry>
787 |
788 | <varlistentry id="mysql_plugin-mariadb">
789 | <term><command>mysql_plugin</command></term>
790 | <listitem>
791 | <para>
792 | is a utility that enable MySQL administrators to manage which
793 | plugins a MySQL server loads.
794 | </para>
795 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_plugin-mariadb">
796 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_plugin-mariadb">mysql_plugin</primary>
797 | </indexterm>
798 | </listitem>
799 | </varlistentry>
800 |
801 | <varlistentry id="mysql_secure_installation-mariadb">
802 | <term><command>mysql_secure_installation</command></term>
803 | <listitem>
804 | <para>
805 | is a tool to improve MySQL installation security.
806 | </para>
807 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_secure_installation-mariadb">
808 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_secure_installation-mariadb">mysql_secure_installation</primary>
809 | </indexterm>
810 | </listitem>
811 | </varlistentry>
812 |
813 | <varlistentry id="mysql_setpermission-mariadb">
814 | <term><command>mysql_setpermission</command></term>
815 | <listitem>
816 | <para>
817 | sets permissions in the MySQL grant tables.
818 | </para>
819 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_setpermission-mariadb">
820 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_setpermission-mariadb">mysql_setpermission</primary>
821 | </indexterm>
822 | </listitem>
823 | </varlistentry>
824 |
825 | <varlistentry id="mysql_tzinfo_to_sql-mariadb">
826 | <term><command>mysql_tzinfo_to_sql</command></term>
827 | <listitem>
828 | <para>
829 | loads the time zone tables in the mysql database.
830 | </para>
831 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_tzinfo_to_sql-mariadb">
832 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_tzinfo_to_sql-mariadb">mysql_tzinfo_to_sql</primary>
833 | </indexterm>
834 | </listitem>
835 | </varlistentry>
836 |
837 | <varlistentry id="mysql_upgrade-mariadb">
838 | <term><command>mysql_upgrade</command></term>
839 | <listitem>
840 | <para>
841 | examines all tables in all databases for incompatibilities with
842 | the current version of MySQL Server.
843 | </para>
844 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_upgrade-mariadb">
845 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_upgrade-mariadb">mysql_upgrade</primary>
846 | </indexterm>
847 | </listitem>
848 | </varlistentry>
849 |
850 | <varlistentry id="mysql_waitpid-mariadb">
851 | <term><command>mysql_waitpid</command></term>
852 | <listitem>
853 | <para>
854 | signals a process to terminate and waits for the process to exit.
855 | </para>
856 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_waitpid-mariadb">
857 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_waitpid-mariadb">mysql_waitpid</primary>
858 | </indexterm>
859 | </listitem>
860 | </varlistentry>
861 | <!--
862 | <varlistentry id="mysql_zap-mariadb">
863 | <term><command>mysql_zap</command></term>
864 | <listitem>
865 | <para>
866 | is a tool to kill processes that match a pattern.
867 | </para>
868 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysql_zap-mariadb">
869 | <primary sortas="b-mysql_zap-mariadb">mysql_zap</primary>
870 | </indexterm>
871 | </listitem>
872 | </varlistentry>
873 | -->
874 | <varlistentry id="mysqlaccess-mariadb">
875 | <term><command>mysqlaccess</command></term>
876 | <listitem>
877 | <para>
878 | checks the access privileges for a host name, user name, and
879 | database combination.
880 | </para>
881 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqlaccess-mariadb">
882 | <primary sortas="b-mysqlaccess-mariadb">mysqlaccess</primary>
883 | </indexterm>
884 | </listitem>
885 | </varlistentry>
886 |
887 | <varlistentry id="mysqladmin-mariadb">
888 | <term><command>mysqladmin</command></term>
889 | <listitem>
890 | <para>
891 | is a client for performing administrative operations.
892 | </para>
893 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqladmin-mariadb">
894 | <primary sortas="b-mysqladmin-mariadb">mysqladmin</primary>
895 | </indexterm>
896 | </listitem>
897 | </varlistentry>
898 |
899 | <varlistentry id="mysqlbinlog-mariadb">
900 | <term><command>mysqlbinlog</command></term>
901 | <listitem>
902 | <para>
903 | read binary log files.
904 | </para>
905 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqlbinlog-mariadb">
906 | <primary sortas="b-mysqlbinlog-mariadb">mysqlbinlog</primary>
907 | </indexterm>
908 | </listitem>
909 | </varlistentry>
910 | <!--
911 | <varlistentry id="mysqlbug-mariadb">
912 | <term><command>mysqlbug</command></term>
913 | <listitem>
914 | <para>
915 | is a tool to generate bug report.
916 | </para>
917 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqlbug-mariadb">
918 | <primary sortas="b-mysqlbug-mariadb">mysqlbug</primary>
919 | </indexterm>
920 | </listitem>
921 | </varlistentry>
922 | -->
923 | <varlistentry id="mysqlcheck-mariadb">
924 | <term><command>mysqlcheck</command></term>
925 | <listitem>
926 | <para>
927 | performs table maintenance: It checks, repairs, optimizes,
928 | or analyzes tables.
929 | </para>
930 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqlcheck-mariadb">
931 | <primary sortas="b-mysqlcheck-mariadb">mysqlcheck</primary>
932 | </indexterm>
933 | </listitem>
934 | </varlistentry>
935 |
936 | <varlistentry id="mysqld-mariadb">
937 | <term><command>mysqld</command></term>
938 | <listitem>
939 | <para>
940 | is the MySQL server daemon.
941 | </para>
942 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqld-mariadb">
943 | <primary sortas="b-mysqld-mariadb">mysqld</primary>
944 | </indexterm>
945 | </listitem>
946 | </varlistentry>
947 |
948 | <varlistentry id="mysqld_multi-mariadb">
949 | <term><command>mysqld_multi</command></term>
950 | <listitem>
951 | <para>
952 | is designed to manage several mysqld processes that listen for
953 | connections on different Unix socket files and TCP/IP ports.
954 | </para>
955 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqld_multi-mariadb">
956 | <primary sortas="b-mysqld_multi-mariadb">mysqld_multi</primary>
957 | </indexterm>
958 | </listitem>
959 | </varlistentry>
960 |
961 | <varlistentry id="mysqld_safe-mariadb">
962 | <term><command>mysqld_safe</command></term>
963 | <listitem>
964 | <para>
965 | is the recommended way to start a mysqld server on Unix
966 | and NetWare.
967 | </para>
968 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqld_safe-mariadb">
969 | <primary sortas="b-mysqld_safe-mariadb">mysqld_safe</primary>
970 | </indexterm>
971 | </listitem>
972 | </varlistentry>
973 |
974 | <varlistentry id="mysqldump-mariadb">
975 | <term><command>mysqldump</command></term>
976 | <listitem>
977 | <para>
978 | is a backup program.
979 | </para>
980 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqldump-mariadb">
981 | <primary sortas="b-mysqldump-mariadb">mysqldump</primary>
982 | </indexterm>
983 | </listitem>
984 | </varlistentry>
985 |
986 | <varlistentry id="mysqldumpslow-mariadb">
987 | <term><command>mysqldumpslow</command></term>
988 | <listitem>
989 | <para>
990 | parses MySQL slow query log files and prints a summary of their
991 | contents.
992 | </para>
993 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqldumpslow-mariadb">
994 | <primary sortas="b-mysqldumpslow-mariadb">mysqldumpslow</primary>
995 | </indexterm>
996 | </listitem>
997 | </varlistentry>
998 |
999 | <varlistentry id="mysqlhotcopy-mariadb">
1000 | <term><command>mysqlhotcopy</command></term>
1001 | <listitem>
1002 | <para>
1003 | locks the table, flush the table and then performs a copy of
1004 | the database.
1005 | </para>
1006 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqlhotcopy-mariadb">
1007 | <primary sortas="b-mysqlhotcopy-mariadb">mysqlhotcopy</primary>
1008 | </indexterm>
1009 | </listitem>
1010 | </varlistentry>
1011 |
1012 | <varlistentry id="mysqlimport-mariadb">
1013 | <term><command>mysqlimport</command></term>
1014 | <listitem>
1015 | <para>
1016 | reads a range of data formats, and inserts the data into a
1017 | database.
1018 | </para>
1019 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqlimport-mariadb">
1020 | <primary sortas="b-mysqlimport-mariadb">mysqlimport</primary>
1021 | </indexterm>
1022 | </listitem>
1023 | </varlistentry>
1024 |
1025 | <varlistentry id="mysqlshow-mariadb">
1026 | <term><command>mysqlshow</command></term>
1027 | <listitem>
1028 | <para>
1029 | shows the structure of a MariaDB database.
1030 | </para>
1031 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqlshow-mariadb">
1032 | <primary sortas="b-mysqlshow-mariadb">mysqlshow</primary>
1033 | </indexterm>
1034 | </listitem>
1035 | </varlistentry>
1036 |
1037 | <varlistentry id="mysqlslap-mariadb">
1038 | <term><command>mysqlslap</command></term>
1039 | <listitem>
1040 | <para>
1041 | is a diagnostic program designed to emulate client load for a
1042 | MySQL server and to report the timing of each stage.
1043 | </para>
1044 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqlslap-mariadb">
1045 | <primary sortas="b-mysqlslap-mariadb">mysqlslap</primary>
1046 | </indexterm>
1047 | </listitem>
1048 | </varlistentry>
1049 |
1050 | <varlistentry id="mysqltest-mariadb">
1051 | <term><command>mysqltest</command></term>
1052 | <listitem>
1053 | <para>
1054 | runs a test case against a MySQL server and optionally compares
1055 | the output with a result file.
1056 | </para>
1057 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqltest-mariadb">
1058 | <primary sortas="b-mysqltest-mariadb">mysqltest</primary>
1059 | </indexterm>
1060 | </listitem>
1061 | </varlistentry>
1062 |
1063 | <varlistentry id="mysqltest_embedded-mariadb">
1064 | <term><command>mysqltest_embedded</command></term>
1065 | <listitem>
1066 | <para>
1067 | is similar to the <command>mysqltest</command> command but is built
1068 | with support for the libmysqld embedded server.
1069 | </para>
1070 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mysqltest_embedded-mariadb">
1071 | <primary sortas="b-mysqltest_embedded-mariadb">mysqltest_embedded</primary>
1072 | </indexterm>
1073 | </listitem>
1074 | </varlistentry>
1075 |
1076 | <varlistentry id="mytop-mariadb">
1077 | <term><command>mytop</command></term>
1078 | <listitem>
1079 | <para>
1080 | is a console-based tool for monitoring the threads and overall
1081 | performance of a MySQL server.
1082 | </para>
1083 | <indexterm zone="mariadb mytop-mariadb">
1084 | <primary sortas="b-mytop-mariadb">mytop</primary>
1085 | </indexterm>
1086 | </listitem>
1087 | </varlistentry>
1088 |
1089 | <varlistentry id="perror-mariadb">
1090 | <term><command>perror</command></term>
1091 | <listitem>
1092 | <para>
1093 | is a utility that displays descriptions for system or storage
1094 | engine error codes.
1095 | </para>
1096 | <indexterm zone="mariadb perror-mariadb">
1097 | <primary sortas="b-perror-mariadb">perror</primary>
1098 | </indexterm>
1099 | </listitem>
1100 | </varlistentry>
1101 |
1102 | <varlistentry id="replace-mariadb">
1103 | <term><command>replace</command></term>
1104 | <listitem>
1105 | <para>
1106 | is a MariaDB/MySQL extension to the SQL standard.
1107 | </para>
1108 | <indexterm zone="mariadb replace-mariadb">
1109 | <primary sortas="b-replace-mariadb">replace</primary>
1110 | </indexterm>
1111 | </listitem>
1112 | </varlistentry>
1113 |
1114 | <varlistentry id="resolve_stack_dump-mariadb">
1115 | <term><command>resolve_stack_dump</command></term>
1116 | <listitem>
1117 | <para>
1118 | resolves a numeric stack dump to symbols.
1119 | </para>
1120 | <indexterm zone="mariadb resolve_stack_dump-mariadb">
1121 | <primary sortas="b-resolve_stack_dump-mariadb">resolve_stack_dump</primary>
1122 | </indexterm>
1123 | </listitem>
1124 | </varlistentry>
1125 |
1126 | <varlistentry id="resolveip-mariadb">
1127 | <term><command>resolveip</command></term>
1128 | <listitem>
1129 | <para>
1130 | is a utility for resolving IP addresses to host names and
1131 | vice versa.
1132 | </para>
1133 | <indexterm zone="mariadb resolveip-mariadb">
1134 | <primary sortas="b-resolveip-mariadb">resolveip</primary>
1135 | </indexterm>
1136 | </listitem>
1137 | </varlistentry>
1138 |
1139 | <varlistentry id="sst_sump-mariadb">
1140 | <term><command>sst_sump</command></term>
1141 | <listitem>
1142 | <para>
1143 | dumps the content of sst files (the format used by RocksDB).
1144 | </para>
1145 | <indexterm zone="mariadb sst_sump-mariadb">
1146 | <primary sortas="b-sst_sump-mariadb">sst_sump</primary>
1147 | </indexterm>
1148 | </listitem>
1149 | </varlistentry>
1150 |
1151 | </variablelist>
1152 |
1153 | </sect2>
1154 |
1155 | </sect1>