%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ mysql-&mysql-version;.tar mysql MySQL-&mysql-version; MySQL Introduction to MySQL MySQL is a widely used and fast SQL database server. It is a client/server implementation that consists of a server daemon and many different client programs and libraries. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &mysql-md5sum; Download size: &mysql-size; Estimated disk space required: &mysql-buildsize; Estimated build time: &mysql-time; MySQL Dependencies Optional , and libedit (as an alternative to readline) User Notes: Installation of MySQL For security reasons, running the server as an unprivileged user and group is strongly encouraged: groupadd -g 40 mysql && useradd -c "MySQL Server" -d /dev/null -g mysql -s /bin/false \ -u 40 mysql Build and install MySQL by running the following commands: ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --libexecdir=/usr/sbin \ --localstatedir=/srv/mysql \ --enable-thread-safe-client \ --enable-assembler \ --enable-local-infile \ --with-unix-socket-path=/var/run/mysql/mysql.sock \ --without-debug \ --without-bench \ --without-readline && make testdir=/tmp/mysql Some of the tests in the test suite are known to fail and this will cause the test suite to abort at that point. Issue the following command to disable the tests known to fail: for TESTFILE in information_schema innodb join mysql_client_test \ ps_2myisam ps_3innodb ps_4heap ps_5merge \ sp-error strict type_float type_ranges do mv mysql-test/t/$TESTFILE.test mysql-test/t/$TESTFILE.test.disabled done unset TESTFILE To test the results, issue: make test. Now, as the root user: make testdir=/tmp/mysql install && rm -rf /tmp/mysql && cd /usr/lib && ln -v -sf mysql/libmysqlclient{,_r}.so* . Command Explanations --libexecdir=/usr/sbin: This switch installs the mysqld daemon and the mysqlmanager program in an appropriate location. --localstatedir=/srv/mysql: This switch forces MySQL to use /srv/mysql for database files and other variable data. --enable-thread-safe-client: This switch compiles a thread-safe MySQL client library. --enable-assembler: This switch allows using assembler versions of some string functions. --enable-local-infile: This switch enables the LOAD DATA INFILE SQL statement. --with-unix-socket-path=/var/run/mysql: This switch puts the unix-domain socket into the /var/run/mysql directory instead of the default /tmp. --without-bench: This switch skips building the benchmark suite. --without-readline: This switch forces the build to use the system copy of readline instead of the bundled copy. make testdir=...: This installs the test suite in /tmp/mysql. The test suite is not required, nor does it function properly on an installed version of MySQL, so it is removed in the next step. ln -v -sf mysql/libmysqlclient{,_r}.so* .: This command makes the MySQL shared libraries available to other packages at run-time. : This switch adds OpenSSL support to MySQL. : This switch adds tcpwrappers support to MySQL. As of MySQL-&mysql-version;, this option is known to break the build. Configuring MySQL Config Files /etc/my.cnf and ~/.my.cnf ~/.my.cnf /etc/my.cnf Configuration Information There are several default configuration files available in /usr/share/mysql which you can use. Create /etc/my.cnf using the following command as the root user: install -v -m644 /usr/share/mysql/my-medium.cnf /etc/my.cnf You can now install a database and change the ownership to the unprivileged user and group (perform as the root user): mysql_install_db --user=mysql && chgrp -v mysql /srv/mysql{,/test,/mysql} Further configuration requires that the MySQL server is running. Start the server using the following commands as the root user: install -v -m755 -o mysql -g mysql -d /var/run/mysql && mysqld_safe --user=mysql 2>&1 >/dev/null & A default installation does not set up a password for the administrator, so use the following command as the root user to set one. Replace <new-password> with your own. mysqladmin -u root password <new-password> Configuration of the server is now finished. Shut the server down using the following command as the root user: mysqladmin -p shutdown Boot Script Install the /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysql init script included in the package as the root user to start the MySQL server during system boot-up. mysql make install-mysql Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories comp_err, innochecksum, msql2mysql, my_print_defaults, myisam_ftdump, myisamchk, myisamlog, myisampack, mysql, mysql_client_test, mysql_config, mysql_convert_table_format, mysql_create_system_tables, mysql_explain_log, mysql_find_rows, mysql_fix_extensions, mysql_fix_privilege_tables, mysql_install_db, mysql_secure_installation, mysql_setpermission, mysql_tableinfo, mysql_tzinfo_to_sql, mysql_waitpid, mysql_zap, mysqlaccess, mysqladmin, mysqlbinlog, mysqlbug, mysqlcheck, mysqld, mysqld_multi, mysqld_safe, mysqldump, mysqldumpslow, mysqlhotcopy, mysqlimport, mysqlmanager, mysqlshow, mysqltest, mysqltestmanager, mysqltestmanager-pwgen, mysqltestmanagerc, perror, replace, resolve_stack_dump, and resolveip libdbug.a, libheap.a, libmyisam.a, libmyisammrg.a, libmysqlclient.{so,a}, libmysqlclient_r.{so,a}, libmystrings.a, libmysys.a, and libvio.a /srv/mysql, /usr/include/mysql, /usr/lib/mysql, /usr/share/mysql, and /var/run/mysql Short Descriptions Descriptions of all the programs and libraries would be several pages long. Instead, consult the mysql.info documentation or the on-line reference manual at . The Perl DBI modules must be installed for some of the MySQL support programs to function properly.