1 | <sect2>
2 | <title>Configuring <application>Courier</application></title>
3 |
4 | <sect3><title>Config files</title>
5 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/authmysqlrc</filename></para>
6 | </sect3>
7 |
8 | <sect3><title>Configuration Information</title>
9 |
10 | <para>Make the following changes in this file if you are utilizing
11 | <application>MySQL</application>:</para>
12 | <screen><userinput>MYSQL_SERVER localhost
13 | MYSQL_USERNAME courier
14 | MYSQL_PASSWORD (your choice)
15 | MYSQL_SOCKET /tmp/mysql.sock
16 | MYSQL_PORT 3306
17 | MYSQL_DATABASE courier-mail
20 | DEFAULT DOMAIN (your domain)
21 | MYSQL_QUOTA_FIELD quota</userinput></screen>
22 |
23 |
24 | <para>If you utilize <application>PAM</application>:</para>
25 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/pam.d/esmtp << "EOF</command>
26 | # Begin /etc/pam.d/esmtp
27 |
28 | auth required pam_unix.so try_first_pass
29 | account required pam_unix.so
30 | session required pam_unix.so
31 |
32 | # End /etc/pam.d/esmtp
33 | <command>EOF
34 | cat > /etc/pam.d/pop3 << "EOF</command>
35 | # Begin /etc/pam.d/pop3
36 |
37 | auth required pam_unix.so try_first_pass
38 | account required pam_unix.so
39 | session required pam_unix.so
40 |
41 | # End /etc/pam.d/pop3
42 | <command>EOF
43 | cat > /etc/pam.d/imap << "EOF</command>
44 | # Begin /etc/pam.d/imap
45 |
46 | auth required pam_unix.so try_first_pass
47 | account required pam_unix.so
48 | session required pam_unix.so
49 |
50 | # End /etc/pam.d/imap
51 | <command>EOF
52 | cat > /etc/pam.d/webmail << "EOF</command>
53 | # Begin /etc/pam.d/webmail
54 |
55 | auth required pam_unix.so try_first_pass
56 | account required pam_unix.so
57 | session required pam_unix.so
58 |
59 | # End /etc/pam.d/webmail
60 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
61 |
62 | <para>This command will create the mysql database for authentication:</para>
63 |
64 | <screen><userinput><command>mysqladmin -uroot -p<replaceable>[password]</replaceable> create courier-mail</command></userinput></screen>
65 |
66 | <para>This command will setup the table users for the courier-mail
67 | database:</para>
68 |
69 | <screen><userinput><command>mysql -uroot -p<replaceable>[password]</replaceable> courier-mail
70 |
71 | CREATE TABLE users (
72 | id char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
73 | crypt char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
74 | clear char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
75 | name char(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
76 | uid int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '65534' NOT NULL,
77 | gid int(10) unsigned DEFAULT '65534' NOT NULL,
78 | home char(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
79 | quota char(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
80 | KEY id (id(128))
81 | );</command></userinput></screen>
82 |
83 | <para>This will add the courier user that we specified earilier in the
84 | authmysql file:</para>
85 |
86 | <screen><userinput><command>mysql -uroot -p<replaceable>[password]</replaceable> mysql
87 |
88 | grant all privileges on *.* to courier@localhost identified by '<replaceable>[password]</replaceable>' with grant option;</command></userinput></screen>
89 |
90 |
91 | <para><emphasis>General Settings for Mail</emphasis></para>
92 |
93 | <para>You will need to create the following files with the contents
94 | specified.</para>
95 |
96 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/defaultdomain</filename></para>
97 |
98 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/courier/defaultdomain << "EOF"</command>
99 | <replaceable>[yourdomain]</replaceable>
100 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
101 |
102 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/me</filename></para>
103 |
104 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/courier/me << "EOF"</command>
105 | <replaceable>[servername.yourdomain]</replaceable>
106 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
107 |
108 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/locals</filename></para>
109 |
110 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/courier/locals << "EOF"</command>
111 | localhost
112 | <replaceable>[yourdomain]</replaceable>
113 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
114 |
115 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/esmtpacceptmailfor.dir/system</filename></para>
116 |
117 | <screen><userinput><command>cat >/etc/courier/esmtpacceptmailfor.dir/system << "EOF"</command>
118 | localhost
119 | <replaceable>[yourdomain]</replaceable>
120 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
121 |
122 | <para>You will also need to edit the aliases file and change the
123 | following entry.</para>
124 |
125 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/aliases/system</filename></para>
126 |
127 | <screen><userinput>postmaster: <replaceable>[your adminstrator email]</replaceable></userinput></screen>
128 |
129 | <para>If you want to deny access from some hosts from sending mail you
130 | will need to edit the <filename>/etc/courier/smtpaccess/default</filename>.</para>
131 |
132 | <para>After the above steps are completed you will need to run the
133 | following commands:</para>
134 |
135 | <screen><userinput><command>makesmtpaccess
136 | makehosteddomains
137 | makealiases</command></userinput></screen>
138 |
139 | <para><emphasis><acronym>SMTP</acronym>/<acronym>SMTMP</acronym>-<acronym>SSL
140 | </acronym> Configuration</emphasis></para>
141 |
142 | <para>This section will enable the <acronym>SMTP</acronym> Server from Courier</para>
143 |
144 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/esmtpd</filename></para>
145 |
146 | <screen><userinput>ESMTPDSTART=YES</userinput></screen>
147 |
148 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/esmtpd-ssl</filename></para>
149 |
150 | <screen><userinput>ESMTPDSSLSTART=YES</userinput></screen>
151 |
152 | <para><emphasis><acronym>POP</acronym>3/<acronym>POP</acronym>3-<acronym>SSL
153 | </acronym> Configuration</emphasis></para>
154 |
155 | <para>This section will enable the <acronym>POP3</acronym> Server from
156 | Courier</para>
157 |
158 |
159 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/pop3d</filename></para>
160 |
161 | <screen><userinput>POP3DSTART=YES</userinput></screen>
162 |
163 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/pop3d-ssl</filename></para>
164 |
165 | <screen><userinput>POP3DSLLSTART=YES</userinput></screen>
166 |
167 | <para><emphasis><acronym>IMAP</acronym>/<acronym>IMAP</acronym>-<acronym>SSL
168 | </acronym> Configuration</emphasis></para>
169 |
170 | <para>This section will enable the <acronym>IMAP</acronym> Server from
171 | Courier</para>
172 |
173 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/imapd</filename></para>
174 |
175 |
176 | <screen><userinput>IMAPDSTART=YES</userinput></screen>
177 |
178 | <para><filename>/etc/courierd/imapd-ssl</filename></para>
179 |
180 | <screen><userinput>IMAPDSSLSTART=YES</userinput></screen>
181 |
182 | <para><emphasis>Creating Maildirectories for System Users</emphasis></para>
183 |
184 |
185 | <para>This section will explain on how to create MailDirs for
186 | your system users.</para>
187 |
188 | <screen><userinput><command>cd /home/<replaceable>[username]</replaceable>
189 | maildirmake Maildir
190 | chown <replaceable>[username]</replaceable>.<replaceable>[username]</replaceable> Maildir -R</command></userinput></screen>
191 |
192 | <para><emphasis>Setup for Virtual users</emphasis></para>
193 |
194 | <para>This section will explain how to setup Maildir for your virtual
195 | users.</para>
196 |
197 | <screen><userinput><command>echo "vmailman:x:9000:9000:Virtual Mailman:/home/vmailman:/bin/bash" >> /etc/passwd
198 | echo "vmailman:x:9000:" >> /etc/group</command></userinput></screen>
199 |
200 | <para>Now to setup the maildir for these virutal users.</para>
201 |
202 | <screen><userinput><command>cd /home/vmailman
203 | mkdir <replaceable>[virtual_user]</replaceable>
204 | cd <replaceable>[virtual_user]</replaceable>
205 | maildirmake Maildir
206 | chown vmailman.vmailman Maildir -R</command></userinput></screen>
207 |
208 | <para>Add the virtual user to the MySQL database. You need to enter at
209 | least on version of the password either clear text or encrypted.</para>
210 |
211 | <screen><userinput><command>mysql -ucourier -p<replaceable>[password]</replaceable> courier-mail
212 |
213 | insert into users values('<replaceable>[virtual_users]</replaceable>@<replaceable>[domain.com]</replaceable>,
214 | '<replaceable>[encrypted password or blank]</replaceable>','<replaceable>[clear text password or blank]</replaceable>',
215 | '<replaceable>[User's Name]</replaceable>',9000,9000,'<replaceable>[location of Maildir]</replaceable>','<replaceable>[Quota in Bytes']</replaceable>);</command></userinput></screen>
216 |
217 | <para>example</para>
218 |
219 | <screen><userinput>insert into users values ('blfsuser@linuxfromscratch.org','
220 | ','password','BLFS User',9000,9000,'/home/vmailman/blfsuser','');</userinput></screen>
221 |
222 | <para><emphasis>Setup for Web-based Email</emphasis></para>
223 |
224 | <para>This section will explain how to setup Courier Web-based email
225 | system.</para>
226 |
227 | <para>You will need to copy the file webmail from
228 | <filename>/usr/libexec/courier/webmail/webmail</filename> to your <filename>cgi-bin
229 | </filename> directory of your <application>Apache</application>
230 | server.</para>
231 |
232 | <screen><userinput><command>cp -a /usr/libexec/courier/webmail/webmail /var/www/cgi-bin</command></userinput></screen>
233 |
234 | <para>You will then need to copy the images to a directory under your
235 | <filename>htdocs</filename> directory of your
236 | <application>Apache</application> server. The directory needs to be named
237 | <filename>webmail</filename> or you need to specify it during the configure
238 | phase with <command>--enable-imageurl=/url</command>.</para>
239 |
240 | <screen><userinput><command>cp -a /usr/share/courier/sqwebmail/images /var/www/htdocs/webmail</command></userinput></screen>
241 | <para><emphasis>Setup for Web-based Email</emphasis></para>
242 |
243 | <para>This section will explain how to setup Courier Web-based administration
244 | system.</para>
245 |
246 | <para>You will need to copy the file webadmin from
247 | <filename>/usr/libexec/courier/webmail/webmin</filename> to your <filename>cgi-bin
248 | </filename> directory of your <application>Apache</application>
249 | server.</para>
250 |
251 | <screen><userinput><command>cp -a /usr/libexec/courier/webmail/webadmin /var/www/cgi-bin</command></userinput></screen>
252 |
253 | <para><filename>/etc/courier/webadmin/password</filename></para>
254 |
255 | <screen><userinput><command>cat > /etc/courier/webadmin/password << "EOF"</command>
256 | <replaceable>[password]</replaceable>
257 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
258 |
259 | <para>If you are not using <acronym>SSL</acronym> on your <application>Apache
260 | </application> server, you will need to add
261 | <filename>/etc/courier/webadmin/unsecureok</filename>, so you will be able
262 | to use your web based administration tool.</para>
263 |
264 | <screen><userinput><command>touch /etc/courier/webadmin/unsecureok</command></userinput></screen>
265 | </sect3>
266 |
267 | <sect3><title>Courier init.d script</title>
268 |
269 | <para>The startup script from the <application>Courier</application> package is
270 | the easiest to use. It will automatically create missing data files, and
271 | <acronym>SSL</acronym> certificates if they are missing. To install the
272 | init.d file for <application>Courier</application> you will need to use the
273 | follow commands:</para>
274 |
275 | <screen><userinput><command>cp /usr/src/courier-&courier-version;/courier.sysvinit /etc/rc.d/init.d/courier &&
276 | chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/courier</command></userinput></screen>
277 |
278 | <para>Create the symbolic links to this file in the relevant
279 | <filename>rc.d</filename> directory with the following commands:</para>
280 |
281 | <screen><userinput><command>cd /etc/rc.d/init.d &&
282 | ln -sf ../init.d/courier ../rc0.d/K25courier &&
283 | ln -sf ../init.d/courier ../rc1.d/K25courier &&
284 | ln -sf ../init.d/courier ../rc2.d/K25courier &&
285 | ln -sf ../init.d/courier ../rc3.d/S35courier &&
286 | ln -sf ../init.d/courier ../rc4.d/S35courier &&
287 | ln -sf ../init.d/courier ../rc5.d/S35courier &&
288 | ln -sf ../init.d/courier ../rc6.d/K25courier</command></userinput></screen>
289 |
290 | </sect3>
291 | </sect2>
292 |