Contents The Courier package contains addcr, authenumerate, cancelmsg, courier, courier-config, courieresmtpd, courierfilter, courierldapaliasd, courierlogger, couriermlm, couriertcpd, couriertls, deliverquota, dotforward, esmtpd, esmtpd-msa, esmtpd-ssl, filterctl, imapd, imapd, imapd-ssl, lockmail, mailbot, maildiracl, maildirkw, maildirmake, maildrop, makeacceptmailfor, makealiases, makedat, makehosteddomains, makemime, makepercentrelay, makesmtpaccess, makesmtpaccess-msa, makeuserdb, makeuucpneighbors, mimegpg, mkesmtpdcert, mkimapdcert, mkpop3dcert, pop3d, pop3d-ssl, preline, pw2userdb, reformail, reformime, rmail, sendmail, sharedindexinstall, sharedindexsplit, showconfig, showmodules, testmxlookup, userdb, userdbpw, vchkpw2userdb and webgpg. Description cancelmsg cancelmsg removes a message from the mail queue. courier courier is a modular multi-protocol E-mail transport agent. The courier command is an administrative command, and most of its options are only available to the superuser. courierfilter courierfilter command installs or uninstalls global mail filters. Global mail filters are used to selectively block unwanted mail. couriermlm couriermlm is the Courier mailing list manager. filterctl filterctl command installs or uninstalls global mail filters. Global mail filters are used to selectively block unwanted mail. lockmail lockmail is a helper utility for working with mailbox files.. mailbot mailbot reads an E-mail message on standard input and creates an E-mail message replying to the original message's sender.. maildirkw maildirkw modifies Courier-IMAP compatible maildir message keywords. maildrop maildrop is a replacement local mail delivery agent that includes a mail filtering language. makeacceptmailfor makeacceptmailfor Build a list of domains to accept mail for from the /etc/courier/esmtpacceptmailfor.dirdirectory. makealiases makealiases Build a list of aliases from /etc/courier/aliases or /etc/courier/aliasdir directories. makehosteddomains makehostedomains Build a database of hosted domains from hosteddomains . makepercentrelay makepercentrelay Build a list of %-relayed domains from percentrelay.dir directory. makesmtpaccess makesmtpacces Build ESMTP server access file from /etc/courier/smtpaccess directory. makesmtpaccess-msa makesmtpaccess-msa Build ESMTP server access file from /etc/courier/smtpaccess directory. This esmtp list is for the MSA protocol. makeuucpneighbors makeuucpneighbors Builds a list of UUCP recipient's using /etc/courier/uucpneighbors . reformail reformail program reads a message on standard input, reformats it in some way, and writes the message to standard output. reformime reformime is a utility for reformatting MIME messages. sendmail sendmail command reads an E-mail message and delivers the message to its recipients. This sendmail command is part of the Courier mail server, although it attempts to emulate the behavior of the original sendmail MTA. showconfig showconfig Shows the current Courier configuration. showmodules showmodules Shows the current Courier modules. testmxlookup testmxlookup lists the names and IP addresses of mail relays that receive mail for the domain. This is useful in diagnosing mail delivery problems.