%general-entities; ]> Sendmail-&sendmail-version; Introduction to <application>Sendmail</application> The Sendmail package contains a Mail Transport Agent (MTA). Package information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download size: &sendmail-size; Estimated Disk space required: &sendmail-buildsize; Estimated build time: &sendmail-time; <application>Sendmail</application> dependencies Required and Optional , , , , nph and Cyrus SASL Installation of <application>Sendmail</application> Before building Sendmail, create the users, groups and directories that Sendmail requires with the following commands: groupadd smmsp && groupadd mail && useradd -g smmsp -G mail smmsp && chmod 1777 /tmp && chmod 1777 /var/mail && mkdir /var/spool/mqueue Install Sendmail with the following commands: cat > devtools/Site/site.config.m4 << "EOF" define(`confMANGRP',`root') define(`confMANOWN',`root') define(`confSBINGRP',`root') define(`confUBINGRP',`root') define(`confUBINOWN',`root') EOF cd sendmail && sh Build && cd ../cf/cf && cp generic-linux.mc sendmail.mc && mkdir /etc/mail && sh Build sendmail.cf && sh Build install-cf && cd ../../ && sh Build install Install the Sendmail Installation and Operations Guide with the following commands: cd doc/op && sed -i -e 's/groff/GROFF_NO_SGR=1 groff/' Makefile && make op.txt op.pdf && install -d -m 755 /usr/share/doc/sendmail/&sendmail-version; && install -m 644 op.ps op.txt op.pdf /usr/share/doc/sendmail/&sendmail-version; && cd ../../ Configuring <application>Sendmail</application> Config files /etc/mail/* Configuration Commands echo `hostname` > /etc/mail/local-host-names cat > /etc/mail/aliases << "EOF" postmaster: root MAILER-DAEMON: root EOF cp -R cf/* /etc/mail && cp cf/cf/{submit,sendmail}.mc /etc/mail && newaliases -v To automate the running of Sendmail at startup, install the /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail init script included in the package. make install-sendmail The -qNm option to sendmail, where N is number of minutes, controls how often Sendmail will process the mail queue. A default of 5 minutes is used in the init script. Individual workstation users may want to set this as low as 1 minute, large installations handling more mail may want to set it higher. Contents The Sendmail package contains hoststat, purgestat, smrsh, editmap, makemap, mailq, newaliases, sendmail, vacation, praliases and mailstats. Description hoststat hoststat prints Sendmail's persistent host status. purgestat purgestat causes Sendmail to clear (purge) all its host-status information. smrsh smrsh is a restricted shell for Sendmail. editmap editmap queries and edits Sendmail map files. makemap makemap creates Sendmail map files. mailq mailq prints a summary of outbound mail messages waiting for delivery. newaliases newaliases rebuilds /etc/mail/aliases.db. sendmail sendmail is the Sendmail mail transport agent. vacation vacation is an email auto responder. praliases praliases displays current Sendmail aliases. mailstats mailstats displays Sendmail statistics.