%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ Samba-&samba3-version; Samba Introduction to Samba The Samba package provides file and print services to SMB/CIFS clients and Windows networking to Linux clients. Samba can also be configured as a Windows NT 4.0 Domain Controller replacement (with caveats working with NT PDC's and BDC's), a file/print server acting as a member of a Windows NT 4.0 or Active Directory domain and a NetBIOS (rfc1001/1002) nameserver (which amongst other things provides LAN browsing support). Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &samba3-md5sum; Download size: &samba3-size; Estimated disk space required: &samba3-buildsize; Estimated build time: &samba3-time; Samba Dependencies Optional , , , , , or , (to build Samba API bindings for the Python installation), libacl (requires libattr), and Valgrind (optionally used by the test suite) User Notes: Installation of Samba Install Samba by running the following commands: If you wish to run the test suite after the binaries are built, you must add the parameter to the configure script below. You may want to run configure with the parameter first. There may be other parameters needed to take advantage of optional dependencies. cd source && ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --localstatedir=/var \ --with-piddir=/var/run \ --with-fhs \ --with-smbmount && make You must become the root user to run the test framework. To run the tests, issue: make test. If you have Linux-PAM installed and built the PAM library modules, you can perform a dlopen test by issuing: make test_pam_modules. Now, as the root user: make install && mv -v /usr/lib/samba/libsmbclient.so /usr/lib && ln -v -sf ../libsmbclient.so /usr/lib/samba && ln -v -sf libsmbclient.so /usr/lib/libsmbclient.so.0 && chmod -v 644 /usr/include/lib{smbclient,msrpc}.h && install -v -m755 nsswitch/libnss_win{s,bind}.so /lib && ln -v -sf libnss_winbind.so /lib/libnss_winbind.so.2 && ln -v -sf libnss_wins.so /lib/libnss_wins.so.2 && install -v -m644 ../examples/smb.conf.default /etc/samba && install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/samba-&samba3-version; && install -v -m644 ../docs/*.pdf /usr/share/doc/samba-&samba3-version; && ln -v -s ../../samba/swat /usr/share/doc/samba-&samba3-version; If you passed the option to the configure script, issue the following command as the root user to install the Python extensions: make python_install Command Explanations --sysconfdir=/etc: Sets the configuration file directory to avoid the default of /usr/etc. --localstatedir=/var: Sets the variable data directory to avoid the default of /usr/var. --with-fhs: Assigns all other file paths in a manner compliant with the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). --with-smbmount: Orders the creation of an extra binary for use by the mount command so that mounting remote SMB (Windows) shares becomes no more complex than mounting remote NFS shares. : Use this parameter to link Linux-PAM into the build. This also builds the pam_winbind.so and pam_smbpass.so PAM modules. You can find instructions on how to configure and use the pam_winbind.somodule by running man winbindd. mv -v /usr/lib/samba/libsmbclient.so ...; ln -v -sf ../libsmbclient.so ...: The libsmbclient.so library is needed by other packages. This command moves it to a location where other packages can find it. install -v -m755 nsswitch/libnss_win{s,bind}.so /lib: The nss libraries are not installed by default. If you intend to use winbindd for domain auth, and/or WINS name resolution, you need these libraries. ln -v -sf libnss_winbind.so /lib/libnss_winbind.so.2 and ln -v -sf libnss_wins.so /lib/libnss_wins.so.2: These symlinks are required by glibc to use the NSS libraries. install -v -m644 ../examples/smb.conf.default /etc/samba: This copies a default smb.conf file into /etc/samba. This sample configuration will not work until you copy it to /etc/samba/smb.conf and make the appropriate changes for your installation. See the configuration section for minimum values which must be set. Configuring Samba Config Files /etc/samba/smb.conf /etc/samba/smb.conf Mounting Shares by Unprivileged Users If it is desired for unprivileged users to directly mount (and unmount) SMB and CIFS shares, the smbmnt, smbumount, mount.cifs and umount.cifs commands must be setuid root. Note that users can only mount SMB/CIFS shares on a mount point owned by that user (requires write access also). If desired, change these programs to setuid root by issuing the following command as the root user: chmod -v 4755 /usr/bin/smb{mnt,umount} /usr/sbin/{,u}mount.cifs Printing to SMB Clients If you use CUPS for print services, and you wish to print to a printer attached to an SMB client, you need to create an SMB backend device. To create the device, issue the following command as the root user: ln -v -sf /usr/bin/smbspool /usr/lib/cups/backend/smb Configuration Information Due to the complexity and the many various uses for Samba, complete configuration for all the package's capabilities is well beyond the scope of the BLFS book. This section provides instructions to configure the /etc/samba/smb.conf file for two common scenarios. The complete contents of /etc/samba/smb.conf will depend on the purpose of Samba installation. You may find it easier to copy the configuration parameters shown below into an empty /etc/samba/smb.conf file instead of copying and editing the default file as mentioned in the Command Explanations section. How you create/edit the /etc/samba/smb.conf file will be left up to you. Do ensure the file is only writeable by the root user (mode 644). Scenario 1: Minimal Standalone Client-Only Installation Choose this variant if you only want to transfer files using smbclient, mount Windows shares and print to Windows printers, and don't want to share your files and printers to Windows machines. A /etc/samba/smb.conf file with the following three parameters is sufficient: [global] workgroup = MYGROUP dos charset = cp850 unix charset = ISO-8859-1 The values in this example specify that the computer belongs to a Windows workgroup named MYGROUP, uses the cp850 character set on the wire when talking to MS-DOS and MS Windows 9x, and that the filenames are stored in the ISO-8859-1 encoding on the disk. Adjust these values appropriately for your installation. The unix charset value must be the same as the output of locale charmap when executed with the LANG variable set to your preferred locale, otherwise the ls command may not display correct filenames of downloaded files. There is no need to run any Samba servers in this scenario, thus you don't need to install the provided bootscripts. Scenario 2: Standalone File/Print Server Choose this variant if you want to share your files and printers to Windows machines in your workgroup in addition to the capabilities described in Scenario 1. In this case, the /etc/samba/smb.conf.default file may be a good template to start from. Also add dos charset and unix charset parameters to the [global] section as described in Scenario 1 in order to prevent filename corruption. The following configuration file creates a separate share for each user's home directory and also makes all printers available to Windows machines: [global] workgroup = MYGROUP dos charset = cp850 unix charset = ISO-8859-1 [homes] comment = Home Directories browseable = no writable = yes [printers] comment = All Printers path = /var/spool/samba browseable = no guest ok = no printable = yes Other parameters you may wish to customize in the [global] section include: server string = security = hosts allow = load printers = log file = max log size = socket options = local master = Reference the comments in the /etc/samba/smb.conf.default file for information regarding these parameters. Since the smbd and nmbd daemons are needed in this case, install the samba bootscript. Be sure to run smbpasswd (with the option to add users) to enable and set passwords for all accounts that need Samba access, or use the SWAT web interface (see below) to do the same. Using the default Samba passdb backend, any user you attempt to add will also be required to exist in the /etc/passwd file. Advanced Requirements More complex scenarios involving domain control or membership are possible if the right flags are passed to the ./configure script when the package is built. Such setups are advanced topics and cannot be adequately covered in BLFS. Many complete books have been written on these topics alone. It should be noted, however, that a Samba BDC cannot be used as a fallback for a Windows PDC, and conversely, a Windows BDC cannot be used as a fallback for a Samba PDC. Also in some domain membership scenarios, the winbindd daemon and the corresponding bootscript are needed. There is quite a bit of documentation available which covers many of these advanced configurations. Point your web browser to the links below to view some of the documentation included with the Samba package: Using Samba, 2nd Edition; a popular book published by O'Reilly The Official Samba HOWTO and Reference Guide Samba-3 by Example The Samba-3 man Pages Configuring SWAT The built in SWAT (Samba Web Administration Tool) utility can be used for basic configuration of the Samba installation, but because it may be inconvenient, undesirable or perhaps even impossible to gain access to the console, BLFS recommends setting up access to SWAT using Stunnel. Without Stunnel, the root password is transmitted in clear text over the wire, and is considered an unacceptable security risk. After considering the security implications of using SWAT without Stunnel, and you still wish to implement SWAT without it, instructions are provided at this end of this section. SWAT Setting up SWAT using Stunnel First install, or ensure you have already installed, the package. Next you must add entries to /etc/services and modify the inetd/xinetd configuration. /etc/services /etc/inetd.conf /etc/xinetd.conf Add swat and swat_tunnel entries to /etc/services with the following commands issued as the root user: echo "swat 904/tcp" >> /etc/services && echo "swat_tunnel 905/tcp" >> /etc/services If inetd is used, the following command will add the swat_tunnel entry to /etc/inetd.conf (as user root): echo "swat_tunnel stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/swat swat" \ >> /etc/inetd.conf Issue a killall -HUP inetd to reread the changed inetd.conf file. If you use xinetd, the following command will create the Samba file as /etc/xinetd.d/swat_tunnel (you may need to modify or remove the only_from line to include the desired host[s]): cat >> /etc/xinetd.d/swat_tunnel << "EOF" # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/swat_tunnel service swat_tunnel { port = 905 socket_type = stream wait = no only_from = user = root server = /usr/sbin/swat log_on_failure += USERID } # End /etc/xinetd.d/swat_tunnel EOF /etc/xinetd.d/swat_tunnel Issue a killall -HUP xinetd to read the new /etc/xinetd.d/swat_tunnel file. Next, you must add an entry for the swat service to the /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf file (as user root): /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf cat >> /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf << "EOF" [swat] accept = 904 connect = 905 TIMEOUTclose = 1 EOF Restart the stunnel daemon using the following command as the root user: /etc/rc.d/init.d/stunnel restart SWAT can be launched by pointing your web browser to https://<CA_DN_field>:904. Substitute the hostname listed in the DN field of the CA certificate used with Stunnel for <CA_DN_field>. Setting up SWAT without Stunnel BLFS does not recommend using these procedures because of the security risk involved. However, in a home network environment and disclosure of the root password is an acceptable risk, the following instructions are provided for your convenience. Add a swat entry to /etc/services with the following command issued as the root user: echo "swat 904/tcp" >> /etc/services If inetd is used, the following command issued as the root user will add a swat entry to the /etc/inetd.conf file: echo "swat stream tcp nowait.400 root /usr/sbin/swat swat" \ >> /etc/inetd.conf Issue a killall -HUP inetd to reread the changed inetd.conf file. If xinetd is used, the following command issued as the root user will create an /etc/xinetd.d/swat file: cat >> /etc/xinetd.d/swat << "EOF" # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/swat service swat { port = 904 socket_type = stream wait = no only_from = user = root server = /usr/sbin/swat log_on_failure += USERID } # End /etc/xinetd.d/swat EOF Issue a killall -HUP xinetd to read the new /etc/xinetd.d/swat file. SWAT can be launched by pointing your web browser to http://localhost:904. <note> <para>If you linked <application>Linux-PAM</application> into the <application>Samba</application> build, you'll need to create an <filename>/etc/pam.d/samba</filename> file.</para> </note> <indexterm zone="samba3 samba3-swat-config"> <primary sortas="e-etc-pam.d-samba">/etc/pam.d/samba</primary> </indexterm> </sect3> <sect3 id="samba3-init"> <title>Boot Script For your convenience, boot scripts have been provided for Samba. There are two included in the package. The first, samba, will start the smbd and nmbd daemons needed to provide SMB/CIFS services. The second script, winbind, starts the winbindd daemon, used for providing Windows domain services to Linux clients. samba winbind The default Samba installation uses the nobody user for guest access to the server. This can be overridden by setting the parameter in the /etc/samba/smb.conf file. If you utilize the parameter, ensure this user exists in the /etc/passwd file. To use the default user, issue the following commands as the root user: groupadd -g 99 nogroup && useradd -c "Unprivileged Nobody" -d /dev/null -g nogroup \ -s /bin/false -u 99 nobody Install the samba script with the following command issued as the root user: make install-samba If you also need the winbind script: make install-winbind Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories eventlogadm, findsmb, mount.cifs, mount.smbfs, net, nmbd, nmblookup, ntlm_auth, pdbedit, profiles, rpcclient, smbcacls, smbclient, smbcontrol, smbcquotas, smbd, smbget, smbmnt, smbmount, smbpasswd, smbspool, smbstatus, smbtar, smbtree, smbumount, swat, tdbbackup, tdbdump, tdbtool, testparm, unmount.cifs, wbinfo and winbindd libnss_winbind.so, libnss_wins.so, libsmbclient.so, libmsrpc.so, the pam_winbind.so and pam_smbpass.so PAM libraries, and assorted character set, filesystem and support modules. /etc/samba, /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/samba, /usr/lib/samba, /usr/share/doc/samba-&samba3-version;, /usr/share/samba, /var/lib/samba and /var/log/samba Short Descriptions eventlogadm is used to write records to eventlogs from STDIN, add the specified source and DLL eventlog registry entries and display the active eventlog names (from smb.conf). eventlogadm findsmb lists information about machines that respond to SMB name queries on a subnet. findsmb mount.cifs mounts a Linux CIFS filesystem. It is usually invoked indirectly by the mount command when using the option. mount.cifs mount.smbfs is a symlink to smbmount which provides /bin/mount with a way to mount remote Windows (or Samba) fileshares. mount.smbfs net is a tool for administration of Samba and remote CIFS servers, similar to the net utility for DOS/Windows. net nmbd is the Samba NetBIOS name server. nmbd nmblookup is used to query NetBIOS names and map them to IP addresses. nmblookup ntlm_auth is a tool to allow external access to Winbind's NTLM authentication function. ntlm_auth pdbedit is a tool used to manage the SAM database. pdbedit profiles is a utility that reports and changes SIDs in Windows registry files. It currently only supports Windows NT. profiles rpcclient is used to execute MS-RPC client side functions. rpcclient smbcacls is used to manipulate Windows NT access control lists. smbcacls smbclient is a SMB/CIFS access utility, similar to FTP. smbclient smbcontrol is used to control running smbd, nmbd and winbindd daemons. smbcontrol smbcquotas is used to manipulate Windows NT quotas on SMB file shares. smbcquotas smbd is the main Samba daemon which provides SMB/CIFS services to clients. smbd smbget is a simple utility with wget-like semantics, that can download files from SMB servers. You can specify the files you would like to download on the command-line. smbget smbmnt is a helper application used by the smbmount program to do the actual mounting of SMB shares. It can be installed setuid root if you want unprivileged users to be able to mount their SMB shares. smbmnt smbmount is usually invoked as mount.smbfs by the mount command when using the -t smbfs option, mounts a Linux SMB filesystem. smbmount smbpasswd changes a user's Samba password. smbpasswd smbspool sends a print job to an SMB printer. smbspool smbstatus reports current Samba connections. smbstatus smbtar is a shell script used for backing up SMB/CIFS shares directly to Linux tape drives or a file. smbtar smbtree is a text-based SMB network browser. smbtree smbumount is used by unprivileged users to unmount SMB filesystems, provided that it is setuid root. smbumount swat is the Samba Web Administration Tool. swat tdbbackup is a tool for backing up or validating the integrity of Samba .tdb files. tdbbackup tdbdump is a tool used to print the contents of a Samba .tdb file. tdbdump tdbtool is a tool which allows simple database manipulation from the command line. tdbtool testparm checks an smb.conf file for proper syntax. testparm umount.cifs is used by normal, non-root users, to unmount their own Common Internet File System (CIFS) mounts. umount.cifs wbinfo queries a running winbindd daemon. wbinfo winbindd resolves names from Windows NT servers. winbindd