%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ Soprano-&soprano-version; soprano Introduction to Soprano Soprano Software library that provides an object oriented C++/Qt4 framework for RDF data. &lfs67_checked; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &soprano-md5sum; Download size: &soprano-size; Estimated disk space required: &soprano-buildsize; Estimated build time: &soprano-time; Soprano Dependencies Required , , , , Recommended , User Notes: Installation of Soprano Install soprano by running the following commands: mkdir build && cd build Prepare the package for compilation: cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr .. && make Now, as the root user: make install Configuration of Soprano Create a directory where soprano places some runtime data: install -m755 -d /srv/soprano The sopranod accepts some parameter. To not hardcode them in the startscript, create a configuratuion file: cat > /etc/sysconfig/soprano <<EOF # Begin /etc/sysconfig/soprano SOPRANO_STORAGE="/srv/soprano" SOPRANO_BACKEND="virtuosobackend" # virtuoso, sesame2, redland SOPRANO_OPTIONS="--with-index" # using CLucene index #SOPRANO_OPTIONS="$SOPRANO_OPTIONS --port 4711" # Default port is 5000 # End /etc/sysconfig/soprano EOF Boot Script In order to get Soprano started automatically when the system is booted, install the /etc/rc.d/init.d/soprano init script included in the package. soprano make install-soprano Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directory sopranod, sopranocmd, onto2vocabularyclass libsoprano.so, libsopranoclient.so, libsopranoserver.so and several other libs in /usr/lib/soprano/ /usr/{lib,share}/soprano