1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY xinetd-download-http "http://www.xinetd.org/xinetd-&xinetd-version;.tar.gz">
8 | <!ENTITY xinetd-download-ftp " ">
9 | <!ENTITY xinetd-md5sum "4295b5fe12350f09b5892b363348ac8b">
10 | <!ENTITY xinetd-size "291 KB">
11 | <!ENTITY xinetd-buildsize "4.12 MB">
12 | <!ENTITY xinetd-time "0.11 SBU">
13 | ]>
14 |
15 | <sect1 id="xinetd" xreflabel="xinetd-&xinetd-version;">
16 | <sect1info>
17 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
18 | <date>$Date$</date>
19 | </sect1info>
20 | <?dbhtml filename="xinetd.html"?>
21 | <title>xinetd-&xinetd-version;</title>
22 | <indexterm zone="xinetd">
23 | <primary sortas="a-Xinetd">Xinetd</primary></indexterm>
24 |
25 | <sect2>
26 | <title>Introduction to <application>xinetd</application></title>
27 |
28 | <para><application>xinetd</application> is the eXtended InterNET services
29 | Daemon, a secure replacement for <command>inetd</command>.</para>
30 |
31 | <sect3><title>Package information</title>
32 | <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>
33 | <listitem><para>Download (HTTP):
34 | <ulink url="&xinetd-download-http;"/></para></listitem>
35 | <listitem><para>Download (FTP):
36 | <ulink url="&xinetd-download-ftp;"/></para></listitem>
37 | <listitem><para>Download MD5 sum: &xinetd-md5sum;</para></listitem>
38 | <listitem><para>Download size: &xinetd-size;</para></listitem>
39 | <listitem><para>Estimated disk space required:
40 | &xinetd-buildsize;</para></listitem>
41 | <listitem><para>Estimated build time:
42 | &xinetd-time;</para></listitem></itemizedlist>
43 | </sect3>
44 |
45 | <sect3><title><application>xinetd</application> dependencies</title>
46 | <sect4><title>Optional</title>
47 | <para><xref linkend="tcpwrappers"/></para>
48 | </sect4>
49 | </sect3>
50 |
51 | </sect2>
52 |
53 | <sect2>
54 | <title>Installation of <application>xinetd</application></title>
55 |
56 | <para>Install <application>xinetd</application> by running the following
57 | commands:</para>
58 |
59 | <screen><userinput><command>./configure --prefix=/usr &&
60 | make</command></userinput></screen>
61 |
62 | <para>Now, as the root user:</para>
63 |
64 | <screen><userinput role='root'><command>make install</command></userinput></screen>
65 |
66 | </sect2>
67 |
68 | <sect2>
69 | <title>Configuring <application>xinetd</application></title>
70 |
71 | <sect3 id="xinetd-config"><title>Config files</title>
72 | <para><filename>/etc/xinetd.conf</filename></para>
73 | <indexterm zone="xinetd xinetd-config">
74 | <primary sortas="e-etc-xinetd.conf">/etc/xinetd.conf</primary></indexterm>
75 | </sect3>
76 |
77 | <sect3><title>Configuration Information</title>
78 |
79 | <para>Ensure the path to all daemons is
80 | <filename class="directory">/usr/sbin</filename>, rather than the default path
81 | of <filename class="directory">/usr/etc</filename>, and install the
82 | <application>xinetd</application> configuration files by running the following
83 | commands as the root user:</para>
84 |
85 | <screen><userinput role='root'><command>cat > /etc/xinetd.conf << "EOF"</command>
86 | # Begin /etc/xinetd
87 | # Configuration file for xinetd
88 | #
89 |
90 | defaults
91 | {
92 | instances = 60
93 | log_type = SYSLOG daemon
94 | log_on_success = HOST PID USERID
95 | log_on_failure = HOST USERID
96 | cps = 25 30
97 | }
98 |
99 | # All service files are stored in the /etc/xinetd.d directory
100 | #
101 | includedir /etc/xinetd.d
102 | # End /etc/xinetd
103 | <command>EOF</command></userinput></screen>
104 | <para>All of the following files have the statement, "disable = yes". To activate
105 | any of the services, this statement will need to be changed to "disable = no".</para>
106 |
107 | <note><para>The following files are listed to demonstrate classic
108 | <application>xinetd</application> applications. In many cases, these
109 | applications are not needed. In some cases, the applications are
110 | considered security risks. For example, telnet, rlogin, rexec, and rsh
111 | transmit unencrypted usernames and passwords over the network and can be easily
112 | replaced with a more secure alternative: ssh.</para></note>
113 |
114 | <screen><userinput role='root'><command>install -d -m755 /etc/xinetd.d &&</command>
115 | <command>cat > /etc/xinetd.d/login << "EOF" &&</command>
116 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/login
117 |
118 | service login
119 | {
120 | disable = yes
121 | socket_type = stream
122 | protocol = tcp
123 | wait = no
124 | user = root
125 | server = /usr/sbin/in.rlogind
126 | log_type = SYSLOG local4 info
127 | }
128 |
129 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/login
130 | <command>EOF
131 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/shell << "EOF" &&</command>
132 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/shell
133 |
134 | service shell
135 | {
136 | disable = yes
137 | socket_type = stream
138 | wait = no
139 | user = root
140 | instances = UNLIMITED
141 | flags = IDONLY
142 | log_on_success += USERID
143 | server = /usr/sbin/in.rshd
144 | }
145 |
146 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/shell
147 | <command>EOF
148 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/exec << "EOF" &&</command>
149 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/exec
150 |
151 | service exec
152 | {
153 | disable = yes
154 | socket_type = stream
155 | wait = no
156 | user = root
157 | server = /usr/sbin/in.rexecd
158 | }
159 |
160 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/exec
161 | <command>EOF
162 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/comsat << "EOF" &&</command>
163 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/comsat
164 |
165 | service comsat
166 | {
167 | disable = yes
168 | socket_type = dgram
169 | wait = yes
170 | user = nobody
171 | group = tty
172 | server = /usr/sbin/in.comsat
173 | }
174 |
175 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/comsat
176 | <command>EOF
177 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/talk << "EOF" &&</command>
178 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/talk
179 |
180 | service talk
181 | {
182 | disable = yes
183 | socket_type = dgram
184 | wait = yes
185 | user = root
186 | server = /usr/sbin/in.talkd
187 | }
188 |
189 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/talk
190 | <command>EOF
191 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/ntalk << "EOF" &&</command>
192 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/ntalk
193 |
194 | service ntalk
195 | {
196 | disable = yes
197 | socket_type = dgram
198 | wait = yes
199 | user = root
200 | server = /usr/sbin/in.ntalkd
201 | }
202 |
203 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/ntalk
204 | <command>EOF
205 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/telnet << "EOF" &&</command>
206 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/telnet
207 |
208 | service telnet
209 | {
210 | disable = yes
211 | socket_type = stream
212 | wait = no
213 | user = root
214 | server = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
215 | bind =
216 | log_on_failure += USERID
217 | }
218 |
219 | service telnet
220 | {
221 | disable = yes
222 | socket_type = stream
223 | wait = no
224 | user = root
225 | # server = /usr/sbin/in.telnetd
226 | bind =
227 | redirect = 23
228 | log_on_failure += USERID
229 | }
230 |
231 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/telnet
232 | <command>EOF
233 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/ftp << "EOF" &&</command>
234 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/ftp
235 |
236 | service ftp
237 | {
238 | disable = yes
239 | socket_type = stream
240 | wait = no
241 | user = root
242 | server = /usr/sbin/in.ftpd
243 | server_args = -l
244 | instances = 4
245 | log_on_success += DURATION USERID
246 | log_on_failure += USERID
247 | access_times = 2:00-8:59 12:00-23:59
248 | nice = 10
249 | }
250 |
251 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/ftp
252 | <command>EOF
253 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/tftp << "EOF" &&</command>
254 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
255 |
256 | service tftp
257 | {
258 | disable = yes
259 | socket_type = dgram
260 | wait = yes
261 | user = root
262 | server = /usr/sbin/in.tftpd
263 | server_args = -s /tftpboot
264 | }
265 |
266 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/tftp
267 | <command>EOF
268 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/finger << "EOF" &&</command>
269 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/finger
270 |
271 | service finger
272 | {
273 | disable = yes
274 | socket_type = stream
275 | wait = no
276 | user = nobody
277 | server = /usr/sbin/in.fingerd
278 | }
279 |
280 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/finger
281 | <command>EOF
282 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/systat << "EOF" &&</command>
283 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/systat
284 |
285 | service systat
286 | {
287 | disable = yes
288 | socket_type = stream
289 | wait = no
290 | user = nobody
291 | server = /usr/bin/ps
292 | server_args = -auwwx
293 | only_from =
294 | log_on_success = HOST
295 | }
296 |
297 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/systat
298 | <command>EOF
299 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/netstat << "EOF" &&</command>
300 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/netstat
301 |
302 | service netstat
303 | {
304 | disable = yes
305 | socket_type = stream
306 | wait = no
307 | user = nobody
308 | server = /usr/ucb/netstat
309 | server_args = -f inet
310 | only_from =
311 | log_on_success = HOST
312 | }
313 |
314 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/netstat
315 | <command>EOF
316 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/echo << "EOF" &&</command>
317 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/echo
318 |
319 | service echo
320 | {
321 | disable = yes
322 | type = INTERNAL
323 | id = echo-stream
324 | socket_type = stream
325 | protocol = tcp
326 | user = root
327 | wait = no
328 | }
329 |
330 | service echo
331 | {
332 | disable = yes
333 | type = INTERNAL
334 | id = echo-dgram
335 | socket_type = dgram
336 | protocol = udp
337 | user = root
338 | wait = yes
339 | }
340 |
341 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/echo
342 | <command>EOF
343 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/chargen << "EOF" &&</command>
344 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/chargen
345 |
346 | service chargen
347 | {
348 | disable = yes
349 | type = INTERNAL
350 | id = chargen-stream
351 | socket_type = stream
352 | protocol = tcp
353 | user = root
354 | wait = no
355 | }
356 |
357 | service chargen
358 | {
359 | disable = yes
360 | type = INTERNAL
361 | id = chargen-dgram
362 | socket_type = dgram
363 | protocol = udp
364 | user = root
365 | wait = yes
366 | }
367 |
368 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/chargen
369 | <command>EOF
370 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/daytime << "EOF" &&</command>
371 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/daytime
372 |
373 | service daytime
374 | {
375 | disable = yes
376 | type = INTERNAL
377 | id = daytime-stream
378 | socket_type = stream
379 | protocol = tcp
380 | user = root
381 | wait = no
382 | }
383 |
384 | service daytime
385 | {
386 | disable = yes
387 | type = INTERNAL
388 | id = daytime-dgram
389 | socket_type = dgram
390 | protocol = udp
391 | user = root
392 | wait = yes
393 | }
394 |
395 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/daytime
396 | <command>EOF
397 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/time << "EOF" &&</command>
398 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/time
399 |
400 | service time
401 | {
402 | disable = yes
403 | type = INTERNAL
404 | id = time-stream
405 | socket_type = stream
406 | protocol = tcp
407 | user = root
408 | wait = no
409 | }
410 |
411 |
412 | service time
413 | {
414 | disable = yes
415 | type = INTERNAL
416 | id = time-dgram
417 | socket_type = dgram
418 | protocol = udp
419 | user = root
420 | wait = yes
421 | }
422 |
423 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/time
424 | <command>EOF
425 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/rstatd << "EOF" &&</command>
426 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/rstatd
427 |
428 | ervice rstatd
429 | {
430 | disable = yes
431 | type = RPC
432 | flags = INTERCEPT
433 | rpc_version = 2-4
434 | socket_type = dgram
435 | protocol = udp
436 | server = /usr/sbin/rpc.rstatd
437 | wait = yes
438 | user = root
439 | }
440 |
441 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/rstatd
442 | <command>EOF
443 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/rquotad << "EOF" &&</command>
444 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/rquotad
445 |
446 | service rquotad
447 | {
448 | disable = yes
449 | type = RPC
450 | rpc_version = 1
451 | socket_type = dgram
452 | protocol = udp
453 | wait = yes
454 | user = root
455 | server = /usr/sbin/rpc.rstatd
456 | }
457 |
458 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/rquotad
459 | <command>EOF
460 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/rusersd << "EOF" &&</command>
461 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/rusersd
462 |
463 | service rusersd
464 | {
465 | disable = yes
466 | type = RPC
467 | rpc_version = 1-2
468 | socket_type = dgram
469 | protocol = udp
470 | wait = yes
471 | user = root
472 | server = /usr/sbin/rpc.rusersd
473 | }
474 |
475 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/rusersd
476 | <command>EOF
477 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/sprayd << "EOF" &&</command>
478 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/sprayd
479 |
480 | service sprayd
481 | {
482 | disable = yes
483 | type = RPC
484 | rpc_version = 1
485 | socket_type = dgram
486 | protocol = udp
487 | wait = yes
488 | user = root
489 | server = /usr/sbin/rpc.sprayd
490 | }
491 |
492 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/sprayd
493 | <command>EOF
494 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/walld << "EOF" &&</command>
495 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/walld
496 |
497 | service walld
498 | {
499 | disable = yes
500 | type = RPC
501 | rpc_version = 1
502 | socket_type = dgram
503 | protocol = udp
504 | wait = yes
505 | user = nobody
506 | group = tty
507 | server = /usr/sbin/rpc.rwalld
508 | }
509 |
510 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/walld
511 | <command>EOF
512 | cat > /etc/xinetd.d/irc << "EOF"</command>
513 | # Begin /etc/xinetd.d/irc
514 |
515 | service irc
516 | {
517 | disable = yes
518 | socket_type = stream
519 | wait = no
520 | user = root
521 | flags = SENSOR
522 | type = INTERNAL
523 | bind =
524 | deny_time = 60
525 | }
526 |
527 | # End /etc/xinetd.d/irc
528 | <command>EOF</command>
529 |
530 | </userinput></screen>
531 |
532 | <para>The format of the <filename>/etc/xinetd.conf</filename> is
533 | documented in the <filename>xinetd.conf.5</filename> man page. Further
534 | information can be found at <ulink url="http://www.xinetd.org"/>.</para>
535 |
536 | <para id="xinetd-init">As the root user, install the
537 | <filename>/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd</filename> init script included in the
538 | <xref linkend="intro-important-bootscripts"/> package.</para>
539 | <indexterm zone="xinetd xinetd-init">
540 | <primary sortas="f-xinetd">xinetd</primary></indexterm>
541 |
542 | <screen><userinput role='root'><command>make install-xinetd</command></userinput></screen>
543 |
544 | <para>As the root user, use the new boot script to start
545 | <command>xinetd</command>:</para>
546 |
547 | <screen><userinput role='root'><command>/etc/rc.d/init.d/xinetd start</command></userinput></screen>
548 |
549 | <para>Checking the <filename>/var/log/daemon.log</filename> file
550 | should prove quite entertaining. This file may contain entries
551 | similar to the following:</para>
552 |
553 | <screen>Aug 22 21:40:21 dps10 xinetd[2696]: Server /usr/sbin/in.rlogind is not
554 | executable [line=29]
555 | Aug 22 21:40:21 dps10 xinetd[2696]: Error parsing attribute server -
556 | DISABLING SERVICE [line=29]
557 | Aug 22 21:40:21 dps10 xinetd[2696]: Server /usr/sbin/in.rshd is not
558 | executable [line=42]</screen>
559 |
560 | <para>These errors are because most of the servers <command>xinetd</command>
561 | is trying to control are not installed yet.</para>
562 | </sect3>
563 |
564 | </sect2>
565 |
566 | <sect2>
567 | <title>Contents</title>
568 |
569 | <segmentedlist>
570 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
571 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
572 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
573 |
574 | <seglistitem>
575 | <seg>itox, xconv.pl and xinetd</seg>
576 | <seg>None</seg>
577 | <seg>None</seg>
578 | </seglistitem>
579 | </segmentedlist>
580 |
581 | <variablelist>
582 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
583 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
584 |
585 | <varlistentry id="itox">
586 | <term><command>itox</command></term>
587 | <listitem><para>is a utility used for converting
588 | <filename>inetd.conf</filename> files to
589 | <filename>xinetd.conf</filename> format.</para>
590 | <indexterm zone="xinetd itox">
591 | <primary sortas="b-itox">itox</primary>
592 | </indexterm></listitem>
593 | </varlistentry>
594 |
595 | <varlistentry id="xconv.pl">
596 | <term><command>xconv.pl</command></term>
597 | <listitem><para>is a <application>Perl</application> script used for
598 | converting <filename>inetd.conf</filename> files to
599 | <filename>xinetd.conf</filename> format, similar to
600 | <command>itox</command>.</para>
601 | <indexterm zone="xinetd xconv.pl">
602 | <primary sortas="b-xconv.pl">xconv.pl</primary>
603 | </indexterm></listitem>
604 | </varlistentry>
605 |
606 | <varlistentry id="xinetd-prog">
607 | <term><command>xinetd</command></term>
608 | <listitem><para>is the Internet services daemon.</para>
609 | <indexterm zone="xinetd xinetd-prog">
610 | <primary sortas="b-xinetd">xinetd</primary>
611 | </indexterm></listitem>
612 | </varlistentry>
613 | </variablelist>
614 |
615 | </sect2>
616 |
617 | </sect1>