%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ Xorg Applications Xorg-&xorg7-version; Applications Introduction to Xorg Applications The Xorg applications provide the expected applications available in previous X Window implementations. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: Download size: &x7apps-size; Estimated disk space required: &x7apps-buildsize; Estimated build time: &x7apps-time; Additional Downloads Required download list: Xorg Applications Dependencies Required , , and Recommended Optional (only used by XDM) User Notes: Downloading Xorg Applications To download the needed files using wget, use the following commands: mkdir app && cd app && grep -v '^#' ../app-&xorg7-release;.wget | wget -i- -c \ -B http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/app/ && md5sum -c ../app-&xorg7-release;.md5 Installation of Xorg Applications Install the applications by running the following commands for each package: ./configure $XORG_CONFIG && make These packages do not provide test suites. Now as the root user: make install Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories appres, atobm, bdftopcf, bitmap, bmtoa, dga, iceauth, mkfontdir, mkfontscale,sessreg, setxkbmap, smproxy, startx, twm, x11perf, x11perfcomp, xauth, xclock, xcmsdb, xcursorgen, xdpr, xdpyinfo, xdriinfo, xev, xgamma, xhost, xinit, xkbbell, xkbcomp, xkbevd, xkbvleds, xkbwatch, xkill, xlsatoms, xlsclients, xmodmap, xpr, xprop, xrandr, xrdb, xrefresh, xset, xsetmode, xsetroot, xvinfo, xwd, xwininfo, and xwud None $XORG_PREFIX/lib/X11/xinit and $XORG_PREFIX/share/X11/{app-defaults,twm,xkb} Short Descriptions appres lists the X application resource database. appres atobm is a bitmap converter utility for the X Window System. atobm bdftopcf converts an X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format. bdftopcf bitmap is a bitmap editor utility for the X Window System. bitmap bmtoa is a bitmap converter utility for the X Window System. bmtoa dga is a test program for the XFree86-DGA extension. dga iceauth is the ICE authority file utility. iceauth mkfontdir creates an index of X font files in a directory. mkfontdir mkfontscale creates an index of scalable font files for X. mkfontscale sessreg manages utmp/wtmp entries for non-init clients. sessreg setxkbmap sets the keyboard using the X Keyboard Extension. setxkbmap smproxy is the Session Manager Proxy. smproxy startx initializes an X session. startx twm is the Tab Window Manager for the X Window System. twm x11perf is an X11 server performance test program. x11perf x11perfcomp is an X11 server performance comparison program. x11perfcomp xauth is the X authority file utility. xauth xclock is an analog/digital clock for X. xclock xcmsdb is the Device Color Characterization utility for the X Color Management System. xcmsdb xcursorgen creates an X cursor file from a collection of PNG images. xcursorgen xdpr dumps an X window directly to a printer. xdpr xdpyinfo is a display information utility for X. xdpyinfo xdriinfo queries configuration information of DRI drivers. xdriinfo xev prints contents of X events. xev xgamma alters a monitor's gamma correction through the X server. xgamma xhost is a server access control program for X. xhost xinit is the X Window System initializer. xinit xkbbell is an XKB utility program that raises a bell event. xkbbell xkbcomp compiles an XKB keyboard description. xkbcomp xkbevd is the XKB event daemon. xkbevd xkbvleds shows the XKB status of keyboard LEDs. xkbvleds xkbwatch monitors modifier keys and LEDs. xkbwatch xkill kills a client by its X resource. xkill xlsatoms lists interned atoms defined on the server. xlsatoms xlsclients lists client applications running on a display. xlsclients xmodmap is a utility for modifying keymaps and pointer button mappings in X. xmodmap xpr prints an X window dump. xpr xprop is a property displayer for X. xprop xrandr is a primitive command line interface to RandR extension. xrandr xrdb is the X server resource database utility. xrdb xrefresh refreshes all or part of an X screen. xrefresh xset is the user preference utility for X. xset xsetmode sets the mode for an X Input device. xsetmode xsetroot is the root window parameter setting utility for X. xsetroot xvinfo prints out X-Video extension adaptor information. xvinfo xwd dumps an image of an X window. xwd xwininfo is a window information utility for X. xwininfo xwud is an image displayer for X. xwud