%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ Xorg-Server-&xorg-server-version; Xorg Server Introduction to Xorg-Server The Xorg Server is the core of the X Window system. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &xorg-server-md5sum; Download size: &xorg-server-size; Estimated disk space required: &xorg-server-buildsize; Estimated build time: &xorg-server-time; Additional Downloads Required patch: Xorg Server Dependencies Required and Optional User Notes: Installation of Xorg Server If you intend to build with Mesa, you must have the Mesa source directory available when building the Xorg-server. A security vulnerability have been identified in the xorg-server package. Apply a patch to fix this vulnerability with the following command: patch -Np1 -i ../xorg-server-&xorg-server-version;-xcmisc-1.patch Install the server by running the following commands: ./configure $XORG_CONFIG \ --with-mesa-source='</absolute/path/to>/Mesa-&mesalib-version;' \ --with-module-dir=$XORG_PREFIX/lib/X11/modules \ --with-dri-driver-path=$XORG_PREFIX/lib/X11/modules/dri \ --with-xkb-output=/var/lib/xkb \ --enable-install-setuid && make This package does not come with a test suite. Now as the root user: make install Command Explanations --with-mesa-source=...: This switch directs the build system to the location of the Mesa source directory. This must be an absolute path. If you wish to build without Mesa, omit this switch. --with-module-dir=...: This parameter sets the destination for the installed modules. --with-dri-driver-path=...: This is the location of the Mesa DRI drivers. --enable-install-setuid: The Xorg binary must run as the root user. This switch ensures that the binary is installed setuid when make is run by an unprivileged user. --disable-glx: Disable building of the GLX extension. This parameter is required if building without Mesa. --disable-dri: Disable building of the DRI extension. This parameter is required if building without Mesa. --disable-xprint: Disable building of the Xprint extension and server. This parameter is required if building without Mesa. Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories cvt, dmxaddinput, dmxaddscreen, dmxreconfig, dmxresize, dmxrminput, dmxrmscreen, dmxtodmx, dmxwininfo, getconfig, getconfig.pl, gtf, inb, inl, inw, ioport, outb, outl, outw, pcitweak, scanpci, vdltodmx, X, Xdmx, xdmx, xdmxconfig, Xnest, Xorg, xorgcfg, xorgconfig and Xvfb None /var/lib/xkb and the following subdirectories of $XORG_PREFIX/: include/xorg, include/X11/pixmaps, lib/X11/{getconfig,modules} and lib/xserver Short Descriptions cvt calculates VESA CVT mode lines. cvt dmxaddinput adds an input device to an Xdmx server. dmxaddinput dmxaddscreen adds a screen to an Xdmx server. dmxaddscreen dmxreconfig refreshes the screen attributes in an Xdmx server. dmxreconfig dmxresize resizes an Xdmx desktop. dmxresize dmxrminput removes an input device from an Xdmx server. dmxrminput dmxrmscreen removes a screen from an Xdmx server. dmxrmscreen dmxtodmx is a dmx configuration file parser and printer. dmxtodmx dmxwininfo queries a window's attributes on an Xdmx server. dmxwininfo getconfig a wrapper script around getconfig.pl. getconfig getconfig.pl gets configuration information for the Xorg server. getconfig.pl gtf calculates VESA GTF mode lines. gtf inb is a symbolic link to ioport. inb inl is a symbolic link to ioport. inl inw is a symbolic link to ioport. inw ioport sets input and output ports for the X server. ioport outb is a symbolic link to ioport. outb outl is a symbolic link to ioport. outl outw is a symbolic link to ioport. outw pcitweak reads or writes the PCI config space. pcitweak scanpci scans and probes the PCI buses. scanpci vdltodmx is a VDL format dmx configuration file parser and printer. vdltodmx X is a symbolic link to Xorg. X Xdmx is the Distributed Multi-head X server. Xdmx xdmx prints information about the Xdmx server. xdmx xdmxconfig is a graphical configuration tool for Xdmx configuration files. xdmxconfig Xnest is a nested X server. Xnest Xorg is the X11R7 X Server. Xorg xorgcfg is a graphical configuration tool for Xorg. xorgcfg xorgconfig generates an xorg.conf file. xorgconfig Xvfb is the virtual framebuffer X server for X Version 11. Xvfb