Configuring <application>XFree86</application> Edit /etc/ and add /usr/X11R6/lib. Run ldconfig Add /usr/X11R6/bin to your PATH environment variable in .bash_profile. The statement should look something like PATH=$PATH:/usr/X11R6/bin and be placed before the export PATH statement. Run source ~/.bash_profile Set up your mouse: cd /dev ln -s psaux mouse Adjust the symbolic link as necessary for other types of mice. For instance, a serial mouse on the first serial port would be linked to ttyS1. Create the XF86Config file with cd ~ XFree86 -configure The screen will go black and you may hear some clicking of the monitor. This command will create a file, in your home directory. Edit to suit your system. The details of the file are located in the man page man XF86Config. Some things you may want to do are: Section "Files". Change the order of the font paths searched. You may want to put 100dpi fonts ahead of 75dpi fonts if your system normally comes up closer to 100 dots per inch. You may want to remove some font directories completely. Section "Monitor". Specify the VertRefresh and HorizSync values if the system does not automatically detect the monitor and its values. Section "InputDevice". You may want to change the keyboard autorepeat rate by adding Option "Autorepeat" "250 30". Section "Device". You may want to set some of the options available for your selected video driver. A description of the driver parameters is in the man page for your driver. Section "Screen". Add a DefaultDepth statement such as: DefaultDepth 16. In the SubSection for your default depth, add a modes line such as: Modes "1280x1024" "1024x768". The first mode listed will normally be the starting resolution. Test the system with XFree86 -xf86config ~/ You will only get a gray background with an X-shaped mouse cursor, but it confirms the system is working. Exit with Control-Alt-Backspace. If the system does not work, take a look at /var/log/XFree86.0.log to see what went wrong. Move the configuration file to its final location mv ~/ /etc/X11/XF86Config Create .xinitrc cat > ~/.xinitrc << "EOF" # Begin .xinitrc file xterm -g 80x40+0+0 & xclock -g 100x100-0+0 & twm EOF This provides an initial screen with an xterm and a clock that is managed by a simple window manager, Tab Window Manager. For details of twm, see the man page. When starting up, XFree86 creates the directory /tmp/.ICE-unix if it does not exist. If this directory is not owned by root, XFree86 delays startup by a few seconds and also appends a warning to the logfile. This also affects startup of other applications. To improve performance, perform the following steps as root before starting XFree86 for the first time. Additionally, if you use tmpfs or clean out all the files in /tmp when you boot, we recommend adding the same instructions to the end of your /etc/rc.d/init.d/cleanfs startup script. rm -rf /tmp/.ICE-unix && mkdir /tmp/.ICE-unix && chmod 1777 /tmp/.ICE-unix Start X with startx to get basic functional X Window System.