%general-entities; ]> Xwayland-&xwayland-version; xwayland Introduction to Xwayland The Xwayland package is an Xorg server running on top of the wayland server. It has been separated from the main Xorg server package. It allows running X clients inside a wayland session. &lfs112_checked; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &xwayland-md5sum; Download size: &xwayland-size; Estimated disk space required: &xwayland-buildsize; Estimated build time: &xwayland-time; Xwayland Dependencies Required , , , and (only font-util) Recommended , , and Optional (to download packages needed for the tests), , , , (only bdftopcf, for building fonts required for the tests), rendercheck (for tests), and weston (for tests) User Notes: Installation of Xwayland Install xwayland by running the following commands: sed -i '/install_man/,$d' meson.build && mkdir build && cd build && meson --prefix=$XORG_PREFIX \ --buildtype=release \ -Dxkb_output_dir=/var/lib/xkb \ .. && ninja Building the test framework needs some work. First, weston brings in several dependencies, but the number can be reduced by disabling unneeded features. The meson command for a stripped down build of weston is shown in Upstream continuous integration build. Running the tests involves downloading two other frameworks, in addition to the mentioned optional dependencies: mkdir tools && pushd tools && git clone https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/piglit.git --depth 1 && cat > piglit/piglit.conf << EOF && [xts] path=$(pwd)/xts EOF git clone https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/xorg/test/xts --depth 1 && export DISPLAY=:22 && ../hw/vfb/Xvfb $DISPLAY & VFB_PID=$! && cd xts && CFLAGS=-fcommon ./autogen.sh && make && kill $VFB_PID && unset DISPLAY VFB_PID && popd Then the tests can be run with: XTEST_DIR=$(pwd)/tools/xts PIGLIT_DIR=$(pwd)/tools/piglit ninja test Now, as the root user: ninja install && cat >> /etc/sysconfig/createfiles << "EOF" /tmp/.X11-unix dir 1777 root root EOF ninja install If is not installed and you do not plan to install it later, you can install Xvfb from this package. As the &root; user: install -vm755 hw/vfb/Xvfb /usr/bin Command Explanations sed -i '/install_man/,$d' meson.build: Prevents installing a manual page for Xserver, which is also provided by . Remove this command if is not installed and you don't plan to install it later. cat >> /etc/sysconfig/createfiles...: This command creates the /tmp/.X11-unix directory at startup, and ensures that the permissions and ownership are correct as required by applications using Xwayland. Contents Installed Program Installed Library Installed Directory Xwayland None None Short Descriptions Xwayland Allows X clients to run under wayland Xwayland