%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ XFce-&xfce-version; XFce Introduction to XFce The XFce package contains a lightweight desktop environment. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &xfce-md5sum; Download size: &xfce-size; Estimated disk space required: &xfce-buildsize; Estimated build time: &xfce-time; XFce Dependencies Required and Optional , , and Installation of XFce XFce now distributes as a TAR ball of base packages and module packages. For each package, run the following: ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc && make Now, as the root user: make install The following packages will install the bare minimum: libxfce4util-&xfce-version; dbh-1.0.20 libxfcegui4-&xfce-version; libxfce4mcs-&xfce-version; xfce-mcs-manager-&xfce-version; xfwm4-&xfce-version; xfce4-panel-&xfce-version; xfdesktop-&xfce-version; xfce-utils-&xfce-version; In addition, you may choose to install: gtk-xfce-engine-2.2.5 xfcalendar-&xfce-version; xfce-mcs-plugins-&xfce-version; xfce4-appfinder-&xfce-version; xfce4-icon-theme-&xfce-version; xfce4-iconbox-&xfce-version; xfce4-mixer-&xfce-version; xfce4-session-&xfce-version; xfce4-systray-&xfce-version; xfce4-toys-&xfce-version; xfce4-trigger-launcher-&xfce-version; xffm-&xfce-version; xfprint-&xfce-version; xfwm4-themes-&xfce-version; Configuring XFce Configuration Information Be sure to backup your current .xinitrc before proceeding. cat > ~/.xinitrc << "EOF" xfce-mcs-manager xfwm4 --daemon xftaskbar4 & xfdesktop & exec xfce4-panel EOF ~/.xinitrc Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories fgr, scramble, startxfce4, xfbook, xfbook4, xfcalendar, xfce-mcs-manager, xfce-setting-show, xfce4-about, xfce4-appfinder, xfce4-iconbox, xfce4-kiosk-query, xfce4-menueditor, xfce4-mixer, xfce4-panel, xfce4-session, xfce4-session-logout, xfce4-tips, xfdesktop, xfdiff4, xffm, xffrequent, xffrequent4, xffstab, xffstab4, xfglob4, xfhelp4, xflock4, xfmime-edit, xfmountdev4, xfrecent, xfrecent4, xfprint-manager, xfprint4, xfrun4, xfsamba4, xftaskbar4, xfterm4, xftrash4, xftree4, and xfwm4 libdbh, libxfce4mcs, libxfce4util, libxfcegui4, libxffm, libxfsm, and libxfprint None libdbh.so libxfce4mcs.so libxfce4util.so libxfcegui4.so libxffm.so libxfsm.so libxfprint.so Short Descriptions fgr is a file content search engine for xffm. fgr xfce-mce-manager is the settings manager for XFce. xfce-mce-manager xfce4-about displays the about box. xfce4-about xfce4-session starts up the XFce Desktop Environment. xfce4-session xfce4-session-logout logs out from XFce. xfce4-session-logout xfce-setting-show displays the settings for XFce. xfce-setting-show xfce4-panel is the panel manager for XFce. It contains the launcher, clock, mail check, desktop switcher and separator programs. xfce4-panel xfdesktop is the desktop manager for XFce. xfdesktop xfhelp4 is script that launches a HTML browser to display online documentation. xfhelp4 xflock4 is a script used to lock the current screen during drag and drop actions. xflock4 xfmountdev4 mounts a device on the specified mount point and launches xftree4, then unmounts the device when xftree4 finishes. xfmountdev4 xfrun4 is the program launcher for XFce. xfrun4 xfsamba4 is the Samba front end for XFce. xfsamba4 xftaskbar4 is the taskbar manager for XFce. xftaskbar4 xfterm4 is a small terminal wrapper to be used as a drag and drop action for the XFce front panel. xfterm4 xftrash4 is a small script to be used as a drag and drop action for the XFce front panel. xftrash4 xftree4 is the file manager for XFce. xftree4 xfwm4 is an X11 window manager for XFce. xfwm4