%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ GnuCash-&gnucash-version; GnuCash Introduction to GnuCash GnuCash is a personal finance manager. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &gnucash-src-md5sum; Download size: &gnucash-size; Estimated disk space required: &gnucash-buildsize; Estimated build time: &gnucash-time; Additional Downloads Help documentation: Download MD5 sum: &gnucash-docs-md5sum; Download size: &gnucash-docs-size; Estimated disk space required: &gnucash-docs-buildsize; Estimated build time: &gnucash-docs-time; GnuCash Dependencies Required , , , and Optional , Guile-www, and Electric Fence Optional (Required for the Help System) and (run-time requirement to view the Help documents) Optional (for On-Line Banking) LibOFX (requires and ), KtoBlzCheck, and AqBanking (requires Gwenhywfar and libchipcard3) User Notes: Installation of GnuCash Install GnuCash by running the following commands: sed -i 's|xml::${sysconfdir}|xml::&gnome-etc-dir;|' configure && ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --libexecdir=/usr/lib \ --with-gconf-schema-file-dir=&gnome-etc-dir;/gconf/schemas && make If you wish to create the API documentation in HTML format, you must have and installed, then issue: make doc. If you wish to create the API Design Guide in several formats, you must have installed and issue: make -C src/doc/design html pdf ps. To test the results, issue: make check. All tests should pass. An easy way to look at the results of the tests is to issue grep -A1 ============== check.log (this is assuming you redirected the output from the tests to the indicated filename). Now, as the root user: make install && mv -v /usr/share/gnucash/doc /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version; && ln -v -s ../doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version; /usr/share/gnucash/doc && for FILENAME in doc/{misc*,gnome*,generic*,build*}.txt \ doc/{gtkrc*,TRANSLATION_HOWTO,README.translator.txt} \ doc/README.{build-system,OFX,HBCI} do install -v -m644 ${FILENAME} /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version; done && install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version;/api/engine && install -v -m644 src/doc/{TODO*,*.txt,*.html} \ /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version;/api && install -v -m644 src/engine/*.txt \ /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version;/api/engine If you built the API HTML or Design Guide documentation, issue the following commands (modified as necessary, depending on what docs are being installed) as the root user: install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version;/{design,api}/html && install -v -m644 src/doc/design/gnucash-design.html/* \ /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version;/design/html && install -v -m644 src/doc/design/gnucash-design.{pdf,ps,dvi} \ /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version;/design && install -v -m644 src/doc/html/* \ /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version;/api/html If you want to install the Help documentation system, you must have installed. Then unpack the additional tarball, change into the gnucash-docs-&gnucash-docs-version; source directory and issue the following commands as an unprivileged user: ./configure --prefix=/usr \ --localstatedir=/var/lib && make HTML versions of the Help Manual and Users Guide can be created if the DocBook XML tools are installed (, and ). A PDF version of the Users Guide can be created if you have and installed. Issue the following commands to create the documentation (modify as appropriate for your desires): make -C help html && make -C guide html && make -C guide pdf Now, as the root user: make install If you built the Help Manual or Users Guide, install them using the following commands as the root user (modify as necessary): install -v -m755 -d /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-docs-version;/{users_guide,help} && cp -v -R help/C/gnucash-help/* \ /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-docs-version;/help && cp -v -R guide/C/gnucash-guide/* \ /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-docs-version;/users_guide && install -v -m644 guide/C/gnucash-guide.pdf \ /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-docs-version; Note that you must have installed in order to view the Help documents using the default GnuCash method. Command Explanations sed -i 's|xml::${sysconfdir}|xml::&gnome-etc-dir;|' configure: This command is used because the location of the GConf source database is hard-coded into the configure script as $sysconfdir/gconf (rendering the parameter useless). The modification ensures that the GConf database is properly updated while still allowing the package configuration files to be installed in /etc/gnucash. --sysconfdir=/etc: This installs configuration files in /etc/gnucash instead of /usr/etc/gnucash. --with-gconf-schema-file-dir=&gnome-etc-dir;/gconf/schemas: This parameter ensures that the GConf schema files are installed in the proper location instead of /etc/gconf. mv -v /usr/share/gnucash/doc /usr/share/doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version; and ln -v -s ../doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version; /usr/share/gnucash/doc: These commands are used to relocate the documentation files to the customary location and create a symbolic link to the original location. : This parameter is required if you want to build in SQL support using PostgreSQL. : This parameter is required if you want to build in on-line banking support using AqBanking. See doc/README.HBCI in the GnuCash source tree for complete information. Configuring GnuCash Configuration Information If you wish to use GnuCash to retrieve stock price quotes, you'll need to install the following Perl modules: , , , , , and . Alternatively, you can run the /usr/bin/gnc-fq-update script as the root user. Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories gnc-fq-check, gnc-fq-dump, gnc-fq-helper, gnc-fq-update, gnc-test-env, gnucash, gnucash-bin, gnucash-env, gnucash-make-guids, gnucash-valgrind, and update-gnucash-gconf libgnc-backend-file-utils.so, libgnc-backend-postgres.so, libgnc-business-ledger.so,libgnc-core-utils.so, libgnc-gnome.so, libgnc-module.so, libgnc-qof.so and numerous support libraries installed in /usr/lib/gnucash /etc/gnucash, /usr/include/gnucash, /usr/lib/gnucash, and the following subdirectories of /usr/share/: doc/gnucash-&gnucash-version;, gnome/help/gnucash, gnucash, omf/gnucash-docs, and /xml/gnucash Short Descriptions gnucash is a personal finance manager. gnucash