1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.5//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.5/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!ENTITY gimp-download-http "http://artfiles.org/gimp.org/gimp/v2.8/gimp-&gimp-version;.tar.bz2">
8 | <!ENTITY gimp-download-ftp "ftp://ftp.gimp.org/pub/gimp/v2.8/gimp-&gimp-version;.tar.bz2">
9 | <!ENTITY gimp-md5sum "b542138820ca3a41cbd63fc331907955">
10 | <!ENTITY gimp-size "20 MB">
11 | <!ENTITY gimp-buildsize "570 MB (additonal 580 MB to run the test suite, the help files add from 267 MB (en only) to 1.3 GB (all), typically increasing by 60 MB per translation)">
12 | <!ENTITY gimp-time "4.9 SBU (additional 1.2 SBU to run the test suite, for the help files from 0.7 SBU (en only) to 29 SBU (all) - typically 1.5 SBU per translation)">
13 |
14 | <!ENTITY gimp-help-version "2.8.0">
15 | <!ENTITY gimp-help-download "ftp://gimp.org/pub/gimp/help/gimp-help-&gimp-help-version;.tar.bz2">
16 | <!ENTITY gimp-help-md5sum "d6e07a569fe4b3bb11aaf5630da2693b">
17 | <!ENTITY gimp-help-size "127 MB">
18 | ]>
19 |
20 | <sect1 id="gimp" xreflabel="Gimp-&gimp-version;">
21 | <?dbhtml filename="gimp.html" ?>
22 |
23 | <sect1info>
24 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
25 | <date>$Date$</date>
26 | </sect1info>
27 |
28 | <title>Gimp-&gimp-version;</title>
29 |
30 | <indexterm zone="gimp">
31 | <primary sortas="a-Gimp">Gimp</primary>
32 | </indexterm>
33 |
34 | <sect2 role="package">
35 | <title>Introduction to The Gimp</title>
36 |
37 | <para>The <application>Gimp</application> package contains
38 | the GNU Image Manipulation Program. This is useful for
39 | photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.</para>
40 |
41 | &lfs72_checked;
42 |
43 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
44 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
45 | <listitem>
46 | <para>Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&gimp-download-http;"/></para>
47 | </listitem>
48 | <listitem>
49 | <para>Download (FTP): <ulink url="&gimp-download-ftp;"/></para>
50 | </listitem>
51 | <listitem>
52 | <para>Download MD5 sum: &gimp-md5sum;</para>
53 | </listitem>
54 | <listitem>
55 | <para>Download size: &gimp-size;</para>
56 | </listitem>
57 | <listitem>
58 | <para>Estimated disk space required: &gimp-buildsize;</para>
59 | </listitem>
60 | <listitem>
61 | <para>Estimated build time: &gimp-time;</para>
62 | </listitem>
63 | </itemizedlist>
64 |
65 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Additional Downloads</bridgehead>
66 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
67 | <listitem>
68 | <para>Optional help files: <ulink url="&gimp-help-download;"/></para>
69 | </listitem>
70 | <listitem>
71 | <para>Download MD5 sum: &gimp-help-md5sum;</para>
72 | </listitem>
73 | <listitem>
74 | <para>Download size: &gimp-help-size;</para>
75 | </listitem>
76 | <listitem>
77 | <para>Optional compressed patch for the help files: <ulink
78 | url="&sources-anduin-other;/gimp-help-&gimp-help-version;-build_fixes-1.patch.xz"/>
79 | (to build the catalan translations)</para>
80 | </listitem>
81 | <listitem>
82 | <para>Compressed Patch MD5 sum: 5312793a67132131a6e3360e76f392e4</para>
83 | </listitem>
84 | <listitem>
85 | <para>Compressed Patch size: 486 KB</para>
86 | </listitem>
87 | </itemizedlist>
88 |
89 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Gimp Dependencies</bridgehead>
90 |
91 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required</bridgehead>
92 | <para role="required">
93 | <xref linkend="gegl"/>,
94 | <xref linkend="gtk2"/> and
95 | <xref linkend="intltool"/>
96 | </para>
97 |
98 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Recommended</bridgehead>
99 | <para role="recommended">
100 | <xref linkend="libjpeg"/>,
101 | <xref linkend="libpng"/>,
102 | <xref linkend="libtiff"/> and
103 | <xref linkend="pygtk"/> (including the gtk and pango modules).
104 | </para>
105 |
106 | <note>
107 | <para>If the recommended dependencies are not installed, the
108 | <command>configure</command> switches below will need to be modified as
109 | explained in <xref linkend="gimp-cmd-explanations"/> below.</para>
110 | </note>
111 |
112 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional</bridgehead>
113 | <para role="optional">
114 | <xref linkend="aalib"/>,
115 | <xref linkend="alsa-lib"/>,
116 | <xref linkend="curl"/>,
117 | <xref linkend="dbus-glib"/>,
118 | <xref linkend="iso-codes"/>,
119 | <xref linkend="lcms"/>,
120 | <xref linkend="libexif"/>,
121 | <xref linkend="librsvg"/>,
122 | <ulink url="http://wvware.sourceforge.net/libwmf.html">libwmf</ulink>,
123 | <xref linkend="poppler"/>,
124 | an <xref linkend="server-mail"/> (that provides a
125 | <command>sendmail</command> program),
126 | <xref linkend="webkitgtk"/> (this must be compiled with the
127 | <application>GTK+ 2</application> backend for the
128 | <application>Gimp</application> to use it to create its help browser)
129 | and <xref linkend="gtk-doc"/>
130 | </para>
131 |
132 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional, for the help files</bridgehead>
133 | <para role="optional">
134 | <ulink url="http://pngnq.sourceforge.net/">pngnq</ulink> and
135 | <ulink url="http://pmt.sourceforge.net/pngcrush/">pngcrush</ulink>
136 | </para>
137 |
138 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
139 | <ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/gimp"/></para>
140 | </sect2>
141 |
142 | <sect2 role="installation">
143 | <title>Installation of The Gimp</title>
144 |
145 | <para>Install The <application>Gimp</application> by running
146 | the following commands:</para>
147 |
148 | <screen><userinput>./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --without-gvfs &&
149 | make</userinput></screen>
150 |
151 | <para>To test the results, from an xterm or similar, issue:
152 | <command>make check</command>.</para>
153 |
154 | <para>Now, as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>
155 | user:</para>
156 |
157 | <screen role="root"><userinput>make install</userinput></screen>
158 |
159 | <para>The <filename>gimp-help</filename> tarball contains images and English
160 | text help for help files, together with translations. It is
161 | "work in progress".</para>
162 |
163 | <para>If you downloaded the <filename>gimp-help</filename> tarball, unpack
164 | it and change into the root of the newly created source tree. This release
165 | fails to build for its first language, catalan ("ca") but those
166 | who wish to build the remaining languages can prepare for the build with the
167 | following command:</para>
168 | <screen><userinput>ALL_LINGUAS="da de el en en_GB es fi fr hr it ja ko lt nl nn pl ru sl sv zh_CN" \
169 | ./configure --prefix=/usr &&</userinput></screen>
170 |
171 | <para>Remove from <envar>ALL_LINGUAS</envar> the codes for any languages which
172 | you do not wish to install.</para>
173 |
174 | <para>Alternatively, if you wish to build languages including catalan,
175 | apply the patch:</para>
176 |
177 | <screen role="nodump"><userinput>xzcat ../gimp-help-2.8.0-build_fixes-1.patch.xz \
178 | | patch -p1 &&
179 | ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr &&</userinput></screen>
180 |
181 | <para>Again, you can specify a subset of languages by specifying
182 | <envar>ALL_LINGUAS</envar> in front of <command>./autogen.sh</command>, but
183 | this time including "ca".</para>
184 |
185 | <para>Now build the help files:</para>
186 | <screen><userinput>make</userinput></screen>
187 |
188 | <para> Issue the following commands as the
189 | <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user to install the help
190 | files:</para>
191 |
192 | <screen role="root"><userinput>make install &&
193 | chown -R root:root /usr/share/gimp/2.0/help</userinput></screen>
194 |
195 | </sect2>
196 |
197 | <sect2 role="commands" id="gimp-cmd-explanations">
198 | <title>Command Explanations</title>
199 |
200 | <para><command>LINGUAS="ca da de en en_GB ..."</command>: by
201 | default, the help files will be rendered in all the available languages.
202 | Remove the codes of any languages you do not wish to build.</para>
203 |
204 | <para><parameter>--without-gvfs</parameter>: the choice of the backend to
205 | handle URI information, e.g. when dragging images from a browser into the
206 | <application>gimp</application>, is made at compile time. This parameter will
207 | ensure that <application>curl</application> is used at run-time, instead of
208 | <application>gvfs</application>. You can omit this if you are installing
209 | <application>gvfs</application> AND will be running <command>gvfsd</command>,
210 | e.g. in a <application>GNOME</application> desktop.</para>
211 |
212 | <para><option>--without-libpng</option>: This option is necessary if
213 | <application>libpng</application> is not installed.</para>
214 |
215 | <para><option>--without-libjpeg</option>: This option is necessary if
216 | <application>libjpeg</application> is not installed.</para>
217 |
218 | <para><option>--without-libtiff</option>: This option is necessary if
219 | <application>libtiff</application> is not installed.</para>
220 |
221 | <para><option>--disable-python</option>: This option is necessary if
222 | you have not installed <application>pygtk</application>.</para>
223 |
224 | <para><option>./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr</option>: in this case, using
225 | <command>autoreconf</command> to regenerate <filename>configure</filename>
226 | does not work, because of how the gimp-help developers chose to address
227 | problems with the autotools.</para>
228 |
229 | <para><option>xzcat ../gimp-help-2.8.0-build_fixes-1.patch.xz</option>:
230 | this patch is large, so it has been compressed with
231 | <application>xz</application>. You are encouraged to be suspicious of
232 | all patches until you have looked at them. You use <command>view</command>
233 | to read the compressed patch before you apply it.</para>
234 |
235 | <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
236 | href="../../xincludes/gtk-doc-rebuild.xml"/>
237 | </sect2>
238 |
239 | <sect2 role="configuration">
240 | <title>Configuring The Gimp</title>
241 |
242 | <sect3 id="gimp-config">
243 | <title>Config Files</title>
244 |
245 | <para><filename>/etc/gimp/2.0/*</filename> and
246 | <filename>~/.gimp-2.8/gimprc</filename></para>
247 |
248 | <indexterm zone="gimp gimp-config">
249 | <primary sortas="e-AA.gimp-2.0/gimprc">~/.gimp-2.0/gimprc</primary>
250 | </indexterm>
251 |
252 | <indexterm zone="gimp gimp-config">
253 | <primary sortas="e-etc-gimp-2.0-star">/etc/gimp/2.0/*</primary>
254 | </indexterm>
255 | </sect3>
256 |
257 | <sect3>
258 | <title>Configuration Information</title>
259 |
260 | <para>The <application>Gimp</application> executes a configuration wizard
261 | for each user upon their initial use of the program.</para>
262 |
263 | <para>The <application>Gimp</application> executes the
264 | <command>firefox</command> web browser by default to view the help
265 | files. If you do not have <application>firefox</application>, or
266 | prefer a different web browser, you can set a new system value in
267 | <filename>/etc/gimp/2.0/gimprc</filename>. Execute the following
268 | command as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user,
269 | replacing <replaceable><browser></replaceable> with your
270 | preferred web browser:</para>
271 |
272 | <screen role="root"><userinput>echo '(web-browser "<replaceable><browser></replaceable> %s")' >> /etc/gimp/2.0/gimprc</userinput></screen>
273 | </sect3>
274 | </sect2>
275 |
276 | <sect2 role="content">
277 | <title>Contents</title>
278 |
279 | <segmentedlist>
280 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
281 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
282 | <segtitle>Installed Directories</segtitle>
283 |
284 | <seglistitem>
285 | <seg>gimp, gimp-2.8, gimp-console, gimp-console-2.8,
286 | and gimptool-2.0</seg>
287 | <seg>libgimp-2.0.so, libgimpbase-2.0.so, libgimpcolor-2.0.so,
288 | libgimpconfig-2.0.so, libgimpmath-2.0.so, libgimpmodule-2.0.so,
289 | libgimpthumb-2.0.so, libgimpui-2.0.so, libgimpwidgets-2.0.so, and many
290 | other modules and plugin libraries</seg>
291 | <seg>/etc/gimp, /usr/include/gimp-2.0, /usr/lib/gimp,
292 | /usr/share/gimp and
293 | /usr/share/gtk-doc/html/libgimp{,base,color,config,math,module,thumb,widgets}</seg>
294 | </seglistitem>
295 | </segmentedlist>
296 |
297 | <variablelist>
298 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
299 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
300 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
301 |
302 | <varlistentry id="gimp-prog">
303 | <term><command>gimp</command></term>
304 | <listitem>
305 | <para>is a symbolic link to <command>gimp-2.8</command>.</para>
306 | <indexterm zone="gimp gimp-prog">
307 | <primary sortas="b-gimp">gimp</primary>
308 | </indexterm>
309 | </listitem>
310 | </varlistentry>
311 |
312 | <varlistentry id="gimp-2.8">
313 | <term><command>gimp-2.8</command></term>
314 | <listitem>
315 | <para>is the Gnu Image Manipulation Program. It works with a variety
316 | of image formats and provides a large selection of tools.</para>
317 | <indexterm zone="gimp gimp-2.8">
318 | <primary sortas="b-gimp-2.8">gimp-2.8</primary>
319 | </indexterm>
320 | </listitem>
321 | </varlistentry>
322 |
323 | <varlistentry id="gimp-console">
324 | <term><command>gimp-console</command></term>
325 | <listitem>
326 | <para>is a symbolic link to <command>gimp-console-2.8</command>.</para>
327 | <indexterm zone="gimp gimp-console">
328 | <primary sortas="b-gimp-console">gimp-console</primary>
329 | </indexterm>
330 | </listitem>
331 | </varlistentry>
332 |
333 | <varlistentry id="gimp-console-2.8">
334 | <term><command>gimp-console-2.8</command></term>
335 | <listitem>
336 | <para>is a console program that behaves as if The
337 | <application>Gimp</application> was called with the
338 | <option>--no-interface</option> command-line option.</para>
339 | <indexterm zone="gimp gimp-console-2.8">
340 | <primary sortas="b-gimp-console-2.8">gimp-console-2.8</primary>
341 | </indexterm>
342 | </listitem>
343 | </varlistentry>
344 |
345 | <varlistentry id="gimptool-2.0">
346 | <term><command>gimptool-2.0</command></term>
347 | <listitem>
348 | <para>is a tool that can build plug-ins or scripts and install them
349 | if they are distributed in one source file.
350 | <command>gimptool-2.0</command> can also be used by programs that
351 | need to know what libraries and include-paths The
352 | <application>Gimp</application> was compiled with.</para>
353 | <indexterm zone="gimp gimptool-2.0">
354 | <primary sortas="b-gimptool-2.0">gimptool-2.0</primary>
355 | </indexterm>
356 | </listitem>
357 | </varlistentry>
358 |
359 | <varlistentry id="libgimp-2.0">
360 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libgimp-2.0.so</filename></term>
361 | <listitem>
362 | <para> provides C bindings for The <application>Gimp</application>'s
363 | Procedural Database (PDB) which offers an interface to core functions
364 | and to functionality provided by plug-ins.</para>
365 | <indexterm zone="gimp libgimp-2.0">
366 | <primary sortas="c-libgimp-2.0">libgimp-2.0.so</primary>
367 | </indexterm>
368 | </listitem>
369 | </varlistentry>
370 |
371 | <varlistentry id="libgimpbase-2.0">
372 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libgimpbase-2.0.so</filename></term>
373 | <listitem>
374 | <para>provides the C functions for basic
375 | <application>Gimp</application> functionality such as determining
376 | enumeration data types, gettext translation, determining The
377 | <application>Gimp</application>'s version number and capabilities,
378 | handling data files and accessing the environment.</para>
379 | <indexterm zone="gimp libgimpbase-2.0">
380 | <primary sortas="c-libgimpbase-2.0">libgimpbase-2.0.so</primary>
381 | </indexterm>
382 | </listitem>
383 | </varlistentry>
384 |
385 | <varlistentry id="libgimpcolor-2.0">
386 | <term><filename
387 | class="libraryfile">libgimpcolor-2.0.so</filename></term>
388 | <listitem>
389 | <para>provides the C functions relating to RGB, HSV and CMYK colors as
390 | well as converting colors between different color models and
391 | performing adaptive supersampling on an area.</para>
392 | <indexterm zone="gimp libgimpcolor-2.0">
393 | <primary sortas="c-libgimpcolor-2.0">libgimpcolor-2.0.so</primary>
394 | </indexterm>
395 | </listitem>
396 | </varlistentry>
397 |
398 | <varlistentry id="libgimpconfig-2.0">
399 | <term><filename
400 | class="libraryfile">libgimpconfig-2.0.so</filename></term>
401 | <listitem>
402 | <para>contains C functions for reading and writing config information.
403 | </para>
404 | <indexterm zone="gimp libgimpconfig-2.0">
405 | <primary sortas="c-libgimpconfig-2.0">libgimpconfig-2.0.so</primary>
406 | </indexterm>
407 | </listitem>
408 | </varlistentry>
409 |
410 | <varlistentry id="libgimpmath-2.0">
411 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libgimpmath-2.0.so</filename></term>
412 | <listitem>
413 | <para>contains C functions which provide mathematical definitions and
414 | macros, manipulate 3x3 transformation matrices, set up and manipulate
415 | vectors and the MD5 message-digest algorithm.</para>
416 | <indexterm zone="gimp libgimpmath-2.0">
417 | <primary sortas="c-libgimpmath-2.0">libgimpmath-2.0.so</primary>
418 | </indexterm>
419 | </listitem>
420 | </varlistentry>
421 |
422 | <varlistentry id="libgimpmodule-2.0">
423 | <term><filename
424 | class="libraryfile">libgimpmodule-2.0.so</filename></term>
425 | <listitem>
426 | <para>provides the C functions which implements module loading using
427 | GModule and keeps a list of GimpModule's found in a given
428 | searchpath.</para>
429 | <indexterm zone="gimp libgimpmodule-2.0">
430 | <primary sortas="c-libgimpmodule-2.0">libgimpmodule-2.0.so</primary>
431 | </indexterm>
432 | </listitem>
433 | </varlistentry>
434 |
435 | <varlistentry id="libgimpthumb-2.0">
436 | <term><filename
437 | class="libraryfile">libgimpthumb-2.0.so</filename></term>
438 | <listitem>
439 | <para>provides the C functions for handling The
440 | <application>Gimp</application>'s thumbnail objects.</para>
441 | <indexterm zone="gimp libgimpthumb-2.0">
442 | <primary sortas="c-libgimpthumb-2.0">libgimpthumb-2.0.so</primary>
443 | </indexterm>
444 | </listitem>
445 | </varlistentry>
446 |
447 | <varlistentry id="libgimpui-2.0">
448 | <term><filename class="libraryfile">libgimpui-2.0.so</filename></term>
449 | <listitem>
450 | <para>contains The <application>Gimp</application>'s common user
451 | interface functions.</para>
452 | <indexterm zone="gimp libgimpui-2.0">
453 | <primary sortas="c-libgimpui-2.0">libgimpui-2.0.so</primary>
454 | </indexterm>
455 | </listitem>
456 | </varlistentry>
457 |
458 | <varlistentry id="libgimpwidgets-2.0">
459 | <term><filename
460 | class="libraryfile">libgimpwidgets-2.0.so</filename></term>
461 | <listitem>
462 | <para>contains The <application>Gimp</application>
463 | and <application>GTK</application>'s widget creation and
464 | manipulation functions.</para>
465 | <indexterm zone="gimp libgimpwidgets-2.0">
466 | <primary
467 | sortas="c-libgimpwidgets-2.0">libgimpwidgets-2.0.so</primary>
468 | </indexterm>
469 | </listitem>
470 | </varlistentry>
471 | </variablelist>
472 | </sect2>
473 | </sect1>