%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ Rox-&rox-filer-version; rox-filer Introduction to rox-filer rox-filer is a fast, lightweight, gtk2 file manager. &lfs71_checked; Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &rox-filer-md5sum; Download size: &rox-filer-size; Estimated disk space required: &rox-filer-buildsize; Estimated build time: &rox-filer-time; rox-filer Dependencies Required and User Notes: Kernel Configuration If you want rox-filer to be able to update the contents of a directory when changes are made to the files by other applications (eg, if a script is running) you will need to enable dnotify support in your kernel. In make menuconfig: Filesystems ---> [*] Dnotify support Save the new .config and then compile the kernel. rox-filer Installation of rox-filer Compile rox-filer with the following commands: cd ROX-Filer && sed -i 's:g_strdup(getenv("APP_DIR")):"/usr/share/rox":' src/main.c && mkdir build && cd build && ../src/configure LIBS="-lm -ldl" && make Now install it as the root user: mkdir /usr/share/rox && mv ../{Help,images,Messages,Options.xml,ROX,style.css,.DirIcon} /usr/share/rox && mv ../../rox.1 /usr/share/man/man1 && mv ../ROX-Filer /usr/bin/rox && chown -R root:root /usr/{bin,share}/rox && cd /usr/share/rox/ROX/MIME && ln -sv text-x-{diff,patch}.png && ln -sv application-x-font-{afm,type1}.png && ln -sv application-xml{,-dtd}.png && ln -sv application-xml{,-external-parsed-entity}.png && ln -sv application-{,rdf+}xml.png && ln -sv application-x{ml,-xbel}.png && ln -sv application-{x-shell,java}script.png && ln -sv application-x-{bzip,xz}-compressed-tar.png && ln -sv application-x-{bzip,lzma}-compressed-tar.png && ln -sv application-x-{bzip-compressed-tar,lzo}.png && ln -sv application-x-{bzip,xz}.png && ln -sv application-x-{gzip,lzma}.png && ln -sv application-{msword,rtf}.png Command Explanations sed -i 's:g_strdup(getenv("APP_DIR")):"/usr/share/rox":' src/main.c: This command hard codes /usr/share/rox as the directory for rox-filer's private files. Without this sed rox needs the environment variable ${APP_DIR} to be set. ln -sv application-...: These commands duplicate the icons for some common mime types. Without these links rox-filer would just display the default "unknown binary blob" icon. Configuring Rox Configuration Information Most of the configuration of rox-filer is achieved by right clicking on a rox-filer window and choosing "Options" from the menu. It stores its settings in ~/.config/rox.sourceforge.net. A rox-filer feature is that if there is an executable file called AppRun in a directory rox-filer will first run AppRun before it opens the folder. If you use a desktop environment like Gnome or KDE you may like to create a rox.desktop file so that rox-filer appears in the panel's menus. As the root user: ln -s ../rox/.DirIcon /usr/share/pixmaps/rox.png && cat > /usr/share/applications/rox.desktop << "HERE_DOC" [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Type=Application Name=Rox Comment=The Rox File Manager Icon=rox Exec=rox Categories=GTK;Utility;Application;System;Core; StartupNotify=true Terminal=false HERE_DOC Contents Installed Programs Installed Directories rox /usr/share/rox Short Descriptions rox is the rox file manager. rox-filer