%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ Thunderbird-&thunderbird-version; Thunderbird Introduction to Thunderbird Thunderbird is a stand-alone mail/news client based on the Mozilla codebase. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &thunderbird-md5sum; Download size: &thunderbird-size; Estimated disk space required: &thunderbird-buildsize; Estimated build time: &thunderbird-time; To enable the Enigmail extension to the Thunderbird mail client, you'll need to download the tarball shown below. The Enigmail extension allows users to access the authentication and encryption features provided by the GnuPG package. The Enigmail extension will not operate correctly unless you have or installed. Download MD5 sum: &thunderbird-enigmail-md5sum; Download size: &thunderbird-enigmail-size; Thunderbird Dependencies Required , , , , , and Note: libjpeg should have been installed before GTK+ and should exist on your system. If for some reason you haven't installed libjpeg, you should remove the option from the mozconfig file created below. Optional , , (only for crash-reporter), and (for gnome integration), , (patched for apng support), (recommended if you build any other Mozilla.org packages), , , , Hunspell, Valgrind (only for testing the jemalloc code), and User Notes: Installation of Thunderbird The configuration of Thunderbird is accomplished by creating a mozconfig file containing the desired configuration options. A default mozconfig is created below. To see the entire list of available configuration options (and an abbreviated description of each one), issue ./configure --help. If you would prefer to download the file instead of creating it by typing or cut-and-pasting, you can find it at (the file must be installed in the root of the source tree comm-1.9.2 directory, and named mozconfig or .mozconfig). Create the file by issuing the following command: cat > mozconfig << "EOF" # This file contains the options used in the Thunderbird build. You may # need to specify additional options for your specific build needs. # Use the information provided by running './configure --help' to # help you determine if you need to add any additional options. # Some additional options can be added by uncommenting the examples # in this file or adding options by inserting a line containing # 'ac_add_options --some-option-you-need'. Be aware that some accepted # options, such as '--with-system-bz2', do not affect the build. # Specify that Thunderbird should be built. ac_add_options --enable-application=mail # Use the default settings specified in the source tree. The # --enable-application=mail is set in this file. This file does not exist in # this version of Thunderbird. #. $topsrcdir/mailnews/config/mozconfig # Specify that the Lightning calendar extension should be built as per the # Mozilla distributed Thunderbird. ac_add_options --enable-calendar # Create an object directory and specify to build the package in that # directory. If desired, modify the location of the object directory # to a directory inside the source tree by removing '../' from the # line below. mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/../thunderbird-build # Specify the installation prefix. If you would prefer Thunderbird installed in a # different prefix, modify the line below to fit your needs. ac_add_options --prefix=/usr # Apply a minimal level of optimization (-O). ac_add_options --enable-optimize # These options are used so that the Thunderbird binaries are linked to # the system-installed copies of the specified libraries instead of # the source tree code which may not be the most recent versions. # With the exception of libsqlite3, the libraries are statically linked. # (Options to use system installed libraries) # Using the shipped version of libsqlite3 has been reported to cause # problems with other applications which were using sqlite3. # Only comment this line if you know exactly what you are doing! ac_add_options --enable-system-sqlite # Comment this only if you want to use whatever patched version of cairo # is in the shipped mozilla tree, together with the system headers. ac_add_options --enable-system-cairo # Comment this if you have not installed lcms. ac_add_options --enable-system-lcms # Uncomment this if you have installed Hunspell #ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell # Uncomment this if you have installed startup-notification #ac_add_options --enable-startup-notification # Comment this if you did not build libjpeg before GTK+-2. ac_add_options --with-system-jpeg # These two options enable support for building Thunderbird with # system-installed versions of the Network Security Services (NSS) # and Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) libraries. Comment them if # you wish to use the included copies (not recommended). ac_add_options --with-system-nspr ac_add_options --with-system-nss # Comment this if you have not built png with the apng patch. ac_add_options --with-system-png # The pthreads option is only used when building nspr # Uncomment this if you build the included nspr. #ac_add_options --with-pthreads # Zlib is included in LFS. Do not comment this line. ac_add_options --with-system-zlib # (Options to disable parts of the package) # This option is used to disable the a11y support in the Thunderbird # binaries. Comment out this option if you require a11y support. ac_add_options --disable-accessibility # Uncomment this if you did not build cURL. #ac_add_options --disable-crashreporter # Comment this if you have built DBus-Glib. ac_add_options --disable-dbus # Comment this if you have Gnome-VFS and libgnomeui, and wish to # integrate Thunderbird into your Gnome desktop. ac_add_options --disable-gnomevfs # Comment this if you have wireless-tools installed and wish to use the new # Necko WiFi scanning. ac_add_options --disable-necko-wifi # Comment this if you have installed libnotify. ac_add_options --disable-libnotify # This option is added so that the Mozilla Installer program is not # built or installed. The program is not required for a BLFS # installation of Thunderbird. ac_add_options --disable-installer # If you enable javaxpcom, you must have a java compiler installed. ac_add_options --disable-javaxpcom # Enable the build of static internal libs (currently required). ac_add_options --enable-static # This option is added so that test libraries and programs are not # built. These would only be required for debugging purposes. ac_add_options --disable-tests # Disable the updater, which is not appropriate if you build from source. ac_add_options --disable-updater # (options to add extra parts of the package) # This option causes the installed Thunderbird binaries to have the official # Thunderbird name embedded in them. Due to license restrictions, you # may not distribute binaries created using this option. It also # means you get a popup EULA when you first run Thunderbird. ac_add_options --enable-official-branding # This option is used so that the debugging symbols are removed from # the installed binaries during the installation process. Comment out # this option if you may have a need to retain the debugging symbols # in the installed binaries (the resulting binaries will be about 7MB # bigger). ac_add_options --enable-strip # Uncomment this option if you desire support for dual-monitor # display using the X-Window Xinerama libraries. #ac_add_options --enable-xinerama # Enable strong cryptography (This is explicitly required if you plan to use # the Enigmail extension for Thunderbird). ac_add_options --enable-crypto # Point to the Xulrunner libraries - comment these for a standalone client # DO NOT UNCOMMENT THESE - System XULRunner is broken until Thunderbird # development catches up with XULRunner-1.9.2. #ac_add_options --with-system-libxul #ac_add_options --with-default-mozilla-five-home=/usr/lib/xulrunner-devel-&xulrunner-version; EOF Compile Thunderbird by issuing the following commands: make -f client.mk build This package does not come with a test suite. If you're building the Enigmail extension, issue the following commands: tar -xf ../enigmail-&thunderbird-enigmail-version;.tar.gz -C mailnews/extensions && cp -v mozconfig .mozconfig && ( cd mailnews/extensions/enigmail && ./makemake -r ) && make -C ../thunderbird-build/mailnews/extensions/enigmail && make -C ../thunderbird-build/mailnews/extensions/enigmail \ XPIFILE=enigmail-&thunderbird-enigmail-version;.xpi xpi Install Thunderbird by running the following commands as the root user: make -f client.mk install If you built the Enigmail extension, issue the following command as the root user to install the .xpi file in an accessible location: install -v -m644 -D \ ../thunderbird-build/mozilla/dist/bin/enigmail-&thunderbird-enigmail-version;.xpi \ /usr/lib/thunderbird-&thunderbird-version;/xpi_store/enigmail-&thunderbird-enigmail-version;.xpi Enigmail Global Installation If you want to install Enigmail globally so that all users who run Thunderbird will have access to the extension, issue the command shown below. Note that this procedure starts an instance of Thunderbird and you must have an X server running. Issue the following commands as the root user: cp -v /usr/lib/thunderbird-&thunderbird-version;/xpi_store/enigmail-&thunderbird-enigmail-version;.xpi \ /usr/lib/thunderbird-&thunderbird-version;/extensions && /usr/bin/thunderbird When Thunderbird starts it will display an installation dialog, asking The following items were found in your Extensions folder. Do you want to install them?. Follow the prompts, and then exit Thunderbird. Global installation of other extensions can be done using the same basic method as the Enigmail extension. Enigmail Single User Installation To install the Enigmail extension for a single user (and does not require root access), start Thunderbird and click on Tools ===> Add-ons ===> Extensions, and then click on Install at the bottom of the dialog box. Browse the filesystem and navigate to /usr/lib/thunderbird-&thunderbird-version;/xpi_store where you will find the enigmail-&thunderbird-enigmail-version;.xpi extension. Follow the prompts to install the extension. Single user installation of other extensions can be done using the same basic method as the Enigmail extension. You may have to download the extension file to a suitable folder before beginning the installation. Command Explanations make -f client.mk ...: Mozilla products are packaged to allow the use of a configuration file which can be used to pass the configuration settings to the configure command. make uses the client.mk file to get initial configuration and setup parameters, then depending on the target parameter (build or install), either runs the configure script and compiles the package or installs the package. ( cd mailnews/... && ./makemake -r ): This command is used to recursively create Makefiles in the enigmail directory. make -C ... xpi: This command builds the Enigmail .xpi file which is used to install Enigmail. Configuring Thunderbird Configuration Information No specific configuration is required as long as the thunderbird script is in the user's path. If Thunderbird is installed in a non-standard location, then make a symlink to the thunderbird script in the /usr/bin directory. If your Window or Desktop Manager does not allow you to configure a default browser, you can add a configuration parameter to Thunderbird so that a browser will start when when you click on an Internet/intranet/local URL. The procedure to check or modify any of the configuration parameters is quite simple and the instructions here can be used to view or modify any of the parameters. First, open the configuration dialog by opening the Edit drop-down menu. Choose Preferences and then click on the Advanced icon on the top menu bar. Choose the Advanced tab and click on the Config Editor button. This will display a list of the configuration preferences and information related to each one. You can use the Filter: bar to enter search criteria and narrow down the listed items. Changing a preference can be done using two methods. One, if the preference has a boolean value (True/False), simply double-click on the preference to toggle the value and two, for other preferences simply right-click on the desired line, choose Modify from the menu and change the value. Creating new preference items is accomplished in the same way, except choose New from the menu and provide the desired data into the fields when prompted. The configuration preference item you need to check so that Thunderbird uses a specified browser is the network.protocol-handler.app.http which should be set to the path of the desired browser, e.g., . There is a multitude of configuration parameters you can tweak to customize Thunderbird. A very extensive, but not so up-to-date list of these parameters can be found at . Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directories thunderbird Numerous libraries, email/newsgroups components, plugins, extensions, and helper modules installed in /usr/lib/thunderbird-&thunderbird-version; /usr/include/thunderbird-&thunderbird-version;, /usr/lib/thunderbird-&thunderbird-version;, and /usr/share/idl/thunderbird-&thunderbird-version;, and optionally /usr/share/mozilla/extensions Short Descriptions thunderbird is Mozilla's next-generation email and newsgroup client. thunderbird