%general-entities; ]> $LastChangedBy$ $Date$ OpenOffice-&openoffice-version; OpenOffice Introduction to OpenOffice OpenOffice is an office suite, the open source sibling of StarOffice. Package Information Download (HTTP): Download (FTP): Download MD5 sum: &openoffice-md5sum; Download size: &openoffice-size; Estimated disk space required: &openoffice-buildsize; Estimated build time: &openoffice-time; Additional Downloads Required patch for use with JDK-&jdk-src-version;: Required patch to fix broken printing support during installation: Optional patch if Linux-PAM-&linux-pam-version; is not installed: Optional patch if building against Xorg: Optional patch if building against the system-installed Mozilla products (NSS, Firefox, or Seamonkey): Required update for use with JDK-&jdk-src-version;: Optional download if not using the system Mozilla or Firefox browser: OpenOffice Dependencies Required , , , , Perl Modules and , , , , and Recommended Optional ALTLinuxhyph, boost, , , , EPM, , , GPC, , , libsndfile, , libwpd, , (must be built against the system ) or (with ldap support), MySpell, MyThes, , neon, , PortAudio, , Sablotron, , , STLPort, and User Notes: Installation of OpenOffice Apply all of the downloaded patches: for PATCH in ../OOo_&openoffice-version;-*.patch do patch -Np1 -i ${PATCH} done Copy the Beanshell tarball into the source tree: cp ../bsh-2.0b4-src.tar.gz beanshell/download/ If not using the system-installed Mozilla or Firefox, copy the Mozilla source tarball into the source tree: cp ../mozilla-source-1.7.5.tar.gz moz/download/ If you want to optimize the build, edit the appropriate makefile in solenv/inc/ and add the desired optimization flags to the CFLAGSOPT variable. The makefiles are arch specific, for instance edit solenv/inc/unxlngi6.mk for i686. Some users have reported problems with . The best option is to not use any custom optimizations. The following command removes an incorrect option in several of the makefiles: sed -i '/^ARCH_FLAGS\*=/d' solenv/inc/unx{lngi{4,5,6},fbsdi}.mk Configure OpenOffice using the following commands: Because of the complexity of the OpenOffice build system, it is not possible to provide generic build instructions for all systems. You should review the output of config_office/configure --help and take advantage of any system installed programs and libraries available using the --enable, --disable, and --with-system-* parameters. Do not use the --with-system-db switch. The BerkeleyDB that is installed with LFS is too new for this version of OpenOffice. cd config_office/ && autoreconf && ./configure --prefix=/opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version; \ --enable-libart --disable-fontooo --disable-gnome-vfs \ --without-fonts --with-system-stdlibs --with-system-freetype \ --with-system-expat --with-system-libxml --with-system-zlib \ --enable-build-mozilla --with-build-version=BLFS \ --with-package-format=native --disable-binfilter && cd .. OpenOffice fails to compile if umask is set to something exotic. The build can also fail if the LANG or LC_ALL environment variables are set. Use the following commands to change your environment accordingly: umask 0022 && unset LANG LC_ALL Compile OpenOffice using the following commands: ./bootstrap && . LinuxIntelEnv.Set.sh && dmake Install OpenOffice as the root user with the following commands: cd instsetoo_native/unxlngi6.pro/OpenOffice/\ native/install/en-US/linux-2.6-intel/buildroot/opt && cp -a -v openoffice.org2.0 /opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version; Still as the root user: for appl in sbase scalc sdraw simpress smath soffice spadmin swriter do ln -v -sf /opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version;/program/$appl /usr/bin/$appl done The icons are not installed by default. While still the root user, install the icons with the following commands: cd ../../../../../../../../../sysui/desktop/icons && install -v -d /usr/share/icons/{HighContrast,hicolor,locolor} -m755 && cp -a -v HighContrast/*x* /usr/share/icons/HighContrast && cp -a -v hicolor/*x* /usr/share/icons/hicolor && cp -a -v locolor/*x* /usr/share/icons/locolor If you have installed and use KDE, there is no further configuration necessary. If you use Gnome, you should copy the *.desktop files to /usr/share/applications with the following commands as the root user: install -v -d /usr/share/applications -m 755 && cd /opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version;/share/xdg/ && for appl in *.desktop do sed -i '/Exec/d' $appl echo "Exec=/usr/bin/s`echo $appl | sed 's/.desktop//'`" >> $appl sed -i '/Icon/d' $appl echo "Icon=`echo $appl | sed 's/.desktop//'`" >> $appl done && sed -i 's@bin/sprinteradmin@bin/spadmin@' printeradmin.desktop && cp -v *.desktop /usr/share/applications Finally, if you'd like to edit OpenOffice documents directly from Mozilla or Firefox, create a symbolic link in your plugins directory to /opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version;/program/libnpsoplugin.so. Additionally, you must enable the plugin from the Internet Options within any OpenOffice application. Command Explanations --enable-libart: This switch forces the use of libart instead of gpc for polygon clipping. --enable-libsn: This switch enables the use of startup-notification. --disable-fontooo: Use Fontconfig instead of FontOOo. --disable-gnome-vfs: Disable the use of Gnome Virtual File System libraries. Omit this switch if you have Gnome installed. --without-fonts: Do not install Bitstream Vera fonts since they are already included in X Window System Environment. --with-system-*: Use the system libraries and programs instead of building the source packages included in the build tree. --enable-build-mozilla: Build the in-tree Mozilla suite. --with-build-version=BLFS: Appends "BLFS" to the end of the version string. --with-package-format=native: This switch disables the build of RPM packages. --disable-binfilter: This switch disables the build of legacy StarOffice-5 import filters. --with-firefox: Enables the use of Firefox in place of the full Mozilla suite. This will disable the use of a Thunderbird address book as a data source. --disable-cups: Disable the use of CUPS for printing. --with-lang=<LANG>: Makes an install set for the desired language. ENUS is the default. --with-dict=<LANG>: This switch installs dictionaries for the desired languages. ENUS is the default. ./bootstrap: Build the dmake utility required to complete the build. dmake: Compile the package. for appl in *.desktop...: Edit the *.desktop files for use with a standard BLFS system. Contents Installed Programs Installed Libraries Installed Directory scalc, sdraw, simpress, smath, soffice, spadmin, and swriter. OpenOffice libraries /opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version; Short Descriptions sbase is a database application. sbase scalc is a spreadsheet application. scalc sdraw is a drawing application. sdraw simpress is a presentation application. simpress smath is a mathematical formula editor. smath soffice opens a base window with access to all OpenOffice applications. soffice spadmin is the OpenOffice printer configuration utility. spadmin swriter is a word processing application. swriter