1 | <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
2 | <!DOCTYPE sect1 PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.4//EN"
3 | "http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/xml/4.4/docbookx.dtd" [
4 | <!ENTITY % general-entities SYSTEM "../../general.ent">
5 | %general-entities;
6 |
7 | <!-- Inserted as a reminder to do this. The mention of a test suite
8 | is usually right before the root user installation commands. Please
9 | delete these 12 (including one blank) lines after you are done.-->
10 |
11 | <!-- Use one of the two mentions below about a test suite,
12 | delete the line that is not applicable. Of course, if the
13 | test suite uses syntax other than "make check", revise the
14 | line to reflect the actual syntax to run the test suite -->
15 |
16 | <!-- <para>This package does not come with a test suite.</para> -->
17 | <!-- <para>To test the results, issue: <command>make check</command>.</para> -->
18 |
19 | <!ENTITY openoffice-download-http "http://download.openoffice.org/&openoffice-version;/source.html">
20 | <!ENTITY openoffice-download-ftp "ftp://ftp.ussg.iu.edu/pub/openoffice/stable/&openoffice-version;/OOo_&openoffice-version;_src.tar.gz">
21 | <!ENTITY openoffice-md5sum "1b50c8c4c1002edbc4993060ca05ca8f">
22 | <!ENTITY openoffice-size "280 MB">
23 | <!ENTITY openoffice-buildsize "5.8 GB">
24 | <!ENTITY openoffice-time "117 SBU">
25 | ]>
26 |
27 | <sect1 id="openoffice" xreflabel="OpenOffice-&openoffice-version;">
28 | <?dbhtml filename="openoffice.html" ?>
29 |
30 | <sect1info>
31 | <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
32 | <date>$Date$</date>
33 | <keywordset>
34 | <keyword role="package">OOo_&openoffice-version;_src.tar</keyword>
35 | <keyword role="ftpdir">OOo</keyword>
36 | </keywordset>
37 | </sect1info>
38 |
39 | <title>OpenOffice-&openoffice-version;</title>
40 |
41 | <indexterm zone="openoffice">
42 | <primary sortas="a-OpenOffice">OpenOffice</primary>
43 | </indexterm>
44 |
45 | <sect2 role="package">
46 | <title>Introduction to OpenOffice</title>
47 |
48 | <para><application>OpenOffice</application> is an office suite, the
49 | open source sibling of <application>StarOffice</application>.</para>
50 |
51 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
52 | <itemizedlist spacing="compact">
53 | <listitem>
54 | <para>Download (HTTP): <ulink url="&openoffice-download-http;"/></para>
55 | </listitem>
56 | <listitem>
57 | <para>Download (FTP): <ulink url="&openoffice-download-ftp;"/></para>
58 | </listitem>
59 | <listitem>
60 | <para>Download MD5 sum: &openoffice-md5sum;</para>
61 | </listitem>
62 | <listitem>
63 | <para>Download size: &openoffice-size;</para>
64 | </listitem>
65 | <listitem>
66 | <para>Estimated disk space required: &openoffice-buildsize;</para>
67 | </listitem>
68 | <listitem>
69 | <para>Estimated build time: &openoffice-time;</para>
70 | </listitem>
71 | </itemizedlist>
72 |
73 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Additional Downloads</bridgehead>
74 | <itemizedlist spacing='compact'>
75 |
76 | <listitem>
77 | <para>Required patch for use with
78 | <application>JDK</application>-&jdk-src-version;:
79 | <ulink url="&patch-root;/OOo_&openoffice-version;-jdk_1.5-1.patch"/>
80 | </para>
81 | </listitem>
82 |
83 | <listitem>
84 | <para>Required patch to fix broken printing support during
85 | installation:
86 | <ulink url="&patch-root;/OOo_&openoffice-version;-print_fix-1.patch"/>
87 | </para>
88 | </listitem>
89 |
90 | <listitem>
91 | <para>Optional patch if
92 | <application>Linux-PAM</application>-&linux-pam-version; is not
93 | installed:
94 | <ulink url="&patch-root;/OOo_&openoffice-version;-no_pam-1.patch"/></para>
95 | </listitem>
96 |
97 | <listitem>
98 | <para>Optional patch if building against
99 | <application>Xorg</application>:
100 | <ulink url="&patch-root;/OOo_&openoffice-version;-xauth-1.patch"/>
101 | </para>
102 | </listitem>
103 |
104 | <listitem>
105 | <para>Optional patch if building against the system-installed
106 | Mozilla products (<application>NSS</application>,
107 | <application>Firefox</application>, or
108 | <application>Seamonkey</application>):
109 | <ulink url="&patch-root;/OOo_&openoffice-version;-system_mozilla_fixes-1.patch"/>
110 | </para>
111 | </listitem>
112 |
113 | <listitem>
114 | <para>Required update for use with
115 | <application>JDK-&jdk-src-version;</application>:
116 | <ulink url="&sources-anduin-ftp;/b/bsh-2.0b4-src.tar.gz"/>
117 | </para>
118 | </listitem>
119 | <listitem>
120 | <para>Optional download if not using the system
121 | <application>Mozilla</application> or
122 | <application>Firefox</application> browser:
123 | <ulink url="ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mozilla/releases/mozilla1.7.5/source/mozilla-source-1.7.5.tar.gz"/></para>
124 | </listitem>
125 | </itemizedlist>
126 |
127 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">OpenOffice Dependencies</bridgehead>
128 |
129 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Required</bridgehead>
130 | <para role="required"><xref linkend="apache-ant"/>,
131 | <xref linkend="gtk2"/>,
132 | <xref linkend="libidl"/>,
133 | <xref linkend="libxml2"/>,
134 | <application>Perl Modules</application>
135 | <xref linkend="perl-xml-parser"/> and
136 | <xref linkend="perl-archive-zip"/>,
137 | <xref linkend="tcsh"/>,
138 | <xref linkend="unzip"/>,
139 | <xref linkend="which"/>, and
140 | <xref linkend="zip"/></para>
141 |
142 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Recommended</bridgehead>
143 | <para role="recommended"><xref linkend="libart_lgpl"/></para>
144 |
145 | <bridgehead renderas="sect4">Optional</bridgehead>
146 | <para role="optional"><ulink
147 | url="http://packages.debian.org/testing/libdevel/libaltlinuxhyph-dev">ALTLinuxhyph</ulink>,
148 | <ulink url="http://boost.sourceforge.net/">boost</ulink>,
149 | <xref linkend="cups"/>,
150 | <xref linkend="curl"/>,
151 | <!-- <xref linkend="db"/>, THIS IS CURRENTLY BROKEN! Internal version is
152 | 4.2.x, just too different. Using the system db (which must be rebuilt
153 | with java bindings) results in a segfault of javac and gcj because of
154 | xalan caching leading to OOM killing the process. Experimental patches
155 | exist, but require that libxslt is used in place of xalan....big change,
156 | not quite ready for the book. -->
157 | <xref linkend="desktop-file-utils"/>,
158 | <ulink url="http://www.easysw.com/epm/">EPM</ulink>,
159 | <xref linkend="evolution"/>,
160 | <xref linkend="gnome-vfs"/>,
161 | <ulink url="http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~toby/alan/software/">GPC</ulink>,
162 | <xref linkend="kde"/>,
163 | <xref linkend="libjpeg"/>,
164 | <ulink url="http://www.mega-nerd.com/libsndfile/">libsndfile</ulink>,
165 | <xref linkend="libtiff"/>,
166 | <ulink url="http://freshmeat.net/projects/libwpd/">libwpd</ulink>,
167 | <xref linkend="linux-pam"/>,
168 | <xref linkend="seamonkey"/> or <xref linkend="firefox"/> (with ldap support),
169 | <ulink url="http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org/MySpell-3.zip">MySpell</ulink>,
170 | <ulink url="http://lingucomponent.openoffice.org/thesaurus.html">MyThes</ulink>,
171 | <xref linkend="nas"/>,
172 | <ulink url="http://www.webdav.org/neon/">neon</ulink>,
173 | <xref linkend="openldap"/>,
174 | <ulink url="http://www.portaudio.com/">PortAudio</ulink>,
175 | <xref linkend="python"/>,
176 | <ulink url="http://www.gingerall.com/charlie/ga/xml/p_sab.xml">Sablotron</ulink>,
177 | <xref linkend="sane"/>,
178 | <xref linkend="startup-notification"/>,
179 | <ulink url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/stlport/">STLPort</ulink>, and
180 | <xref linkend="unixodbc"/></para>
181 |
182 | <para condition="html" role="usernotes">User Notes:
183 | <ulink url="&blfs-wiki;/openoffice"/></para>
184 |
185 | </sect2>
186 |
187 | <sect2 role="installation">
188 | <title>Installation of OpenOffice</title>
189 |
190 | <para>Apply all of the downloaded patches:</para>
191 |
192 | <screen><userinput>for PATCH in ../OOo_&openoffice-version;-*.patch
193 | do patch -Np1 -i ${PATCH}
194 | done</userinput></screen>
195 |
196 | <para>Copy the <application>Beanshell</application> tarball into the
197 | source tree:</para>
198 |
199 | <screen><userinput>cp ../bsh-2.0b4-src.tar.gz beanshell/download/</userinput></screen>
200 |
201 | <para>If not using the system-installed <application>Mozilla</application>
202 | or <application>Firefox</application>, copy the
203 | <application>Mozilla</application> source tarball into the source
204 | tree:</para>
205 |
206 | <screen><userinput>cp ../mozilla-source-1.7.5.tar.gz moz/download/</userinput></screen>
207 |
208 | <para>If you want to optimize the build, edit the appropriate makefile in
209 | <filename>solenv/inc/</filename> and add the desired optimization
210 | flags to the <envar>CFLAGSOPT</envar> variable. The makefiles are arch
211 | specific, for instance edit <filename>solenv/inc/unxlngi6.mk</filename>
212 | for i686. Some users have reported problems with
213 | <option>-fomit-frame-pointer</option>. The best option is to not use any
214 | custom optimizations. The following command removes an incorrect
215 | <option>-mcpu</option> option in several of the makefiles:</para>
216 |
217 | <screen><userinput>sed -i '/^ARCH_FLAGS\*=/d' solenv/inc/unx{lngi{4,5,6},fbsdi}.mk</userinput></screen>
218 |
219 | <para>Configure <application>OpenOffice</application> using the following
220 | commands:</para>
221 |
222 | <note><para>Because of the complexity of the
223 | <application>OpenOffice</application> build system, it is not possible to
224 | provide generic build instructions for all systems. You should review
225 | the output of <command>config_office/configure --help</command> and take
226 | advantage of any system installed programs and libraries available using
227 | the <parameter>--enable</parameter>, <parameter>--disable</parameter>, and
228 | <parameter>--with-system-*</parameter> parameters.</para></note>
229 |
230 | <warning><para>Do not use the <parameter>--with-system-db</parameter>
231 | switch. The <application>BerkeleyDB</application> that is installed with
232 | LFS is too new for this version of
233 | <application>OpenOffice</application>.</para></warning>
234 |
235 | <screen><userinput>cd config_office/ &&
236 | autoreconf &&
237 | ./configure --prefix=/opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version; \
238 | --enable-libart --disable-fontooo --disable-gnome-vfs \
239 | --without-fonts --with-system-stdlibs --with-system-freetype \
240 | --with-system-expat --with-system-libxml --with-system-zlib \
241 | --enable-build-mozilla --with-build-version=BLFS \
242 | --with-package-format=native --disable-binfilter &&
243 | cd ..</userinput></screen>
244 |
245 | <para><application>OpenOffice</application> fails to compile if
246 | <command>umask</command> is set to something exotic. The build can also
247 | fail if the <envar>LANG</envar> or <envar>LC_ALL</envar> environment
248 | variables are set. Use the following commands to change your
249 | environment accordingly:</para>
250 |
251 | <screen><userinput>umask 0022 &&
252 | unset LANG LC_ALL</userinput></screen>
253 |
254 | <para>Compile <application>OpenOffice</application> using the following
255 | commands:</para>
256 |
257 | <screen><userinput>./bootstrap &&
258 | . LinuxIntelEnv.Set.sh &&
259 | dmake</userinput></screen>
260 |
261 | <para>Install <application>OpenOffice</application> as the
262 | <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user with the
263 | following commands:</para>
264 |
265 | <screen role="root"><userinput>cd instsetoo_native/unxlngi6.pro/OpenOffice/\
266 | native/install/en-US/linux-2.6-intel/buildroot/opt &&
267 | cp -a -v openoffice.org2.0 /opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version;</userinput></screen>
268 |
269 | <para>Still as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem>
270 | user:</para>
271 |
272 | <screen role="root"><userinput>for appl in sbase scalc sdraw simpress smath soffice spadmin swriter
273 | do
274 | ln -v -sf /opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version;/program/$appl /usr/bin/$appl
275 | done</userinput></screen>
276 |
277 | <para>The icons are not installed by default. While still the
278 | <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user, install the icons
279 | with the following commands:</para>
280 |
281 | <screen role="root"><userinput>cd ../../../../../../../../../sysui/desktop/icons &&
282 | install -v -d /usr/share/icons/{HighContrast,hicolor,locolor} -m755 &&
283 | cp -a -v HighContrast/*x* /usr/share/icons/HighContrast &&
284 | cp -a -v hicolor/*x* /usr/share/icons/hicolor &&
285 | cp -a -v locolor/*x* /usr/share/icons/locolor</userinput></screen>
286 |
287 | <para>If you have installed <xref linkend="desktop-file-utils"/> and use
288 | <application>KDE</application>, there is no further configuration
289 | necessary. If you use <application>Gnome</application>, you should copy
290 | the <filename>*.desktop</filename> files to
291 | <filename>/usr/share/applications</filename> with the following
292 | commands as the <systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> user:</para>
293 |
294 | <screen role="root"><userinput>install -v -d /usr/share/applications -m 755 &&
295 | cd /opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version;/share/xdg/ &&
296 | for appl in *.desktop
297 | do
298 | sed -i '/Exec/d' $appl
299 | echo "Exec=/usr/bin/s`echo $appl | sed 's/.desktop//'`" >> $appl
300 | sed -i '/Icon/d' $appl
301 | echo "Icon=`echo $appl | sed 's/.desktop//'`" >> $appl
302 | done &&
303 | sed -i 's@bin/sprinteradmin@bin/spadmin@' printeradmin.desktop &&
304 | cp -v *.desktop /usr/share/applications</userinput></screen>
305 |
306 | <para>Finally, if you'd like to edit <application>OpenOffice</application>
307 | documents directly from <application>Mozilla</application> or
308 | <application>Firefox</application>, create a symbolic link in your
309 | plugins directory to
310 | <filename>/opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version;/program/libnpsoplugin.so</filename>.
311 | Additionally, you must enable the plugin from the
312 | <parameter>Internet Options</parameter> within any
313 | <application>OpenOffice</application> application.</para>
314 |
315 | </sect2>
316 |
317 | <sect2 role="commands">
318 | <title>Command Explanations</title>
319 |
320 | <para><parameter>--enable-libart</parameter>: This switch forces the use
321 | of libart instead of <application>gpc</application> for polygon
322 | clipping.</para>
323 |
324 | <para><parameter>--enable-libsn</parameter>: This switch enables the use
325 | of <application>startup-notification</application>.</para>
326 |
327 | <para><parameter>--disable-fontooo</parameter>: Use
328 | <application>Fontconfig</application> instead of FontOOo.</para>
329 |
330 | <para><parameter>--disable-gnome-vfs</parameter>: Disable the use of
331 | <application>Gnome Virtual File System</application> libraries. Omit
332 | this switch if you have Gnome installed.</para>
333 |
334 | <para><parameter>--without-fonts</parameter>: Do not install Bitstream
335 | Vera fonts since they are already included in X Window System
336 | Environment.</para>
337 |
338 | <para><parameter>--with-system-*</parameter>: Use the system libraries
339 | and programs instead of building the source packages included in the build
340 | tree.</para>
341 |
342 | <para><parameter>--enable-build-mozilla</parameter>: Build the in-tree
343 | <application>Mozilla</application> suite.</para>
344 |
345 | <para><parameter>--with-build-version=BLFS</parameter>:
346 | Appends "BLFS" to the end of the version string.</para>
347 |
348 | <para><parameter>--with-package-format=native</parameter>: This switch
349 | disables the build of <application>RPM</application> packages.</para>
350 |
351 | <para><parameter>--disable-binfilter</parameter>: This switch disables the
352 | build of legacy <application>StarOffice-5</application> import
353 | filters.</para>
354 |
355 | <para><parameter>--with-firefox</parameter>: Enables the use of
356 | <application>Firefox</application> in place of the full
357 | <application>Mozilla</application> suite. This will disable the use
358 | of a <application>Thunderbird</application> address book as a data
359 | source.</para>
360 |
361 | <para><parameter>--disable-cups</parameter>: Disable the use of
362 | <application>CUPS</application> for printing.</para>
363 |
364 | <para><parameter>--with-lang=<replaceable><LANG></replaceable></parameter>:
365 | Makes an install set for the desired language. ENUS is the default.</para>
366 |
367 | <para><parameter>--with-dict=<replaceable><LANG></replaceable></parameter>:
368 | This switch installs dictionaries for the desired languages. ENUS is
369 | the default.</para>
370 |
371 | <para><command>./bootstrap</command>: Build the
372 | <application>dmake</application> utility required to complete the
373 | build.</para>
374 |
375 | <para><command>dmake</command>: Compile the package.</para>
376 |
377 | <para><command>for appl in *.desktop...</command>: Edit the
378 | <filename>*.desktop</filename> files for use with a standard BLFS
379 | system.</para>
380 |
381 | </sect2>
382 |
383 | <sect2 role="content">
384 | <title>Contents</title>
385 |
386 | <segmentedlist>
387 | <segtitle>Installed Programs</segtitle>
388 | <segtitle>Installed Libraries</segtitle>
389 | <segtitle>Installed Directory</segtitle>
390 |
391 | <seglistitem>
392 | <seg>scalc, sdraw, simpress, smath, soffice, spadmin, and swriter.</seg>
393 | <seg><application>OpenOffice</application> libraries</seg>
394 | <seg>/opt/openoffice-&openoffice-version;</seg>
395 | </seglistitem>
396 | </segmentedlist>
397 |
398 | <variablelist>
399 | <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Short Descriptions</bridgehead>
400 | <?dbfo list-presentation="list"?>
401 | <?dbhtml list-presentation="table"?>
402 |
403 | <varlistentry id="sbase">
404 | <term><command>sbase</command></term>
405 | <listitem>
406 | <para>is a database application.</para>
407 | <indexterm zone="openoffice sbase">
408 | <primary sortas="b-sbase">sbase</primary>
409 | </indexterm>
410 | </listitem>
411 | </varlistentry>
412 |
413 | <varlistentry id="scalc">
414 | <term><command>scalc</command></term>
415 | <listitem>
416 | <para>is a spreadsheet application.</para>
417 | <indexterm zone="openoffice scalc">
418 | <primary sortas="b-scalc">scalc</primary>
419 | </indexterm>
420 | </listitem>
421 | </varlistentry>
422 |
423 | <varlistentry id="sdraw">
424 | <term><command>sdraw</command></term>
425 | <listitem>
426 | <para>is a drawing application.</para>
427 | <indexterm zone="openoffice sdraw">
428 | <primary sortas="b-sdraw">sdraw</primary>
429 | </indexterm>
430 | </listitem>
431 | </varlistentry>
432 |
433 | <varlistentry id="simpress">
434 | <term><command>simpress</command></term>
435 | <listitem>
436 | <para>is a presentation application.</para>
437 | <indexterm zone="openoffice simpress">
438 | <primary sortas="b-simpress">simpress</primary>
439 | </indexterm>
440 | </listitem>
441 | </varlistentry>
442 |
443 | <varlistentry id="smath">
444 | <term><command>smath</command></term>
445 | <listitem>
446 | <para>is a mathematical formula editor.</para>
447 | <indexterm zone="openoffice smath">
448 | <primary sortas="b-smath">smath</primary>
449 | </indexterm>
450 | </listitem>
451 | </varlistentry>
452 |
453 | <varlistentry id="soffice">
454 | <term><command>soffice</command></term>
455 | <listitem>
456 | <para>opens a base window with access to all
457 | <application>OpenOffice</application> applications.</para>
458 | <indexterm zone="openoffice soffice">
459 | <primary sortas="b-soffice">soffice</primary>
460 | </indexterm>
461 | </listitem>
462 | </varlistentry>
463 |
464 | <varlistentry id="spadmin">
465 | <term><command>spadmin</command></term>
466 | <listitem>
467 | <para>is the <application>OpenOffice</application> printer
468 | configuration utility.</para>
469 | <indexterm zone="openoffice spadmin">
470 | <primary sortas="b-spadmin">spadmin</primary>
471 | </indexterm>
472 | </listitem>
473 | </varlistentry>
474 |
475 | <varlistentry id="swriter">
476 | <term><command>swriter</command></term>
477 | <listitem>
478 | <para>is a word processing application.</para>
479 | <indexterm zone="openoffice swriter">
480 | <primary sortas="b-swriter">swriter</primary>
481 | </indexterm>
482 | </listitem>
483 | </varlistentry>
484 |
485 | </variablelist>
486 |
487 | </sect2>
488 |
489 | </sect1>