1 edited


  • server/major/bind.xml

    rdb8d44a9 r378990d3  
    88  <!ENTITY bind-download-ftp  " ">
    99  <!ENTITY bind-md5sum        "&bind-md5;">
    10   <!ENTITY bind-size          "5.4 MB">
     10  <!ENTITY bind-size          "5.5 MB">
    1111  <!ENTITY bind-buildsize     "138 MB (22 MB installed)">
    1212  <!ENTITY bind-time          "0.5 SBU (with parallelism=4; about 40 minutes somewhat processor independent, to run the complete test suite)">
    121121  <sect2 role="installation">
    122122    <title>Installation of BIND</title>
    123 <!-- Its now (Oct'24) about a year ago
    124      Btw, if the root file is a bit out of sync, it doesn't break the
    125      installation. named queries one of the servers in that list (and
    126      is that doesn't work another) to retrieve the actual list and keep
    127      it in cache. We do not even be required to create the root.hint
    128      as named has a list builtin. As long as at least one of the servers
    129      is valid, named will be able to retrieve the actual list (they call
    130      it "re-prime") and thus it will be operational.
    131124    <note>
    132125      <para>
    135128      </para>
    136129    </note>
    137 -->
    138131    <para>
    139132      Install <application>BIND</application> by running the
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