1 edited


  • postlfs/filesystems/xfsprogs.xml

    r85a581fd r6aa48d38  
    77  <!ENTITY xfsprogs-download-http "&kernel-dl;/linux/utils/fs/xfs/xfsprogs/xfsprogs-&xfsprogs-version;.tar.xz">
    88  <!ENTITY xfsprogs-download-ftp  " ">
    9   <!ENTITY xfsprogs-md5sum        "86777a5762f2e524bb9acfdead5a9045">
     9  <!ENTITY xfsprogs-md5sum        "f4156af67a0e247833be88efaa2869f9">
    1010  <!ENTITY xfsprogs-size          "1.2 MB">
    11   <!ENTITY xfsprogs-buildsize     "50 MB">
    12   <!ENTITY xfsprogs-time          "0.3 SBU (Using parallelism=4)">
     11  <!ENTITY xfsprogs-buildsize     "57 MB">
     12  <!ENTITY xfsprogs-time          "0.2 SBU (Using parallelism=4)">
    1818  <sect1info>
     19    <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
    1920    <date>$Date$</date>
    2021  </sect1info>
    3435    </para>
    36     &lfs110a_checked;
     37    &lfs10_checked;
    3839    <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
    127128make PKG_DOC_DIR=/usr/share/doc/xfsprogs-&xfsprogs-version; install-dev &amp;&amp;
    129 rm -rfv /usr/lib/libhandle.{a,la}</userinput></screen>
     130rm -rfv /usr/lib/libhandle.a                                &amp;&amp;
     131rm -rfv /lib/libhandle.{a,la,so}                            &amp;&amp;
     132ln -sfv ../../lib/libhandle.so.1 /usr/lib/libhandle.so</userinput></screen>
    131134  </sect2>
    183186          <para>
    184187            simply exits with a zero status, since XFS
    185             partitions are checked at mount time
     188            partitions are checked at mount time.
    186189          </para>
    187190          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs fsck.xfs">
    195198        <listitem>
    196199          <para>
    197             constructs an XFS file system
     200            constructs an XFS file system.
    198201          </para>
    199202          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs mkfs.xfs">
    207210        <listitem>
    208211          <para>
    209             changes the parameters of an XFS file system
     212            changes the parameters of an XFS file system.
    210213          </para>
    211214          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_admin">
    219222        <listitem>
    220223          <para>
    221             prints block mapping for an XFS file
     224            prints block mapping for an XFS file.
    222225          </para>
    223226          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_bmap">
    232235          <para>
    233236            copies the contents of an XFS file system
    234             to one or more targets in parallel
     237            to one or more targets in parallel.
    235238          </para>
    236239          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_copy">
    246249            for each directory argument, estimates the space that directory
    247250            would take if it were copied to an XFS filesystem
    248             (does not cross mount points)
     251            (does not cross mount points).
    249252          </para>
    250253          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_estimate">
    258261        <listitem>
    259262          <para>
    260             is used to debug an XFS file system
     263            is used to debug an XFS file system.
    261264          </para>
    262265          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_db">
    270273        <listitem>
    271274          <para>
    272             suspends access to an XFS file system
     275            suspends access to an XFS file system.
    273276          </para>
    274277          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_freeze">
    285288            mounted filesystems, the reorganization algorithm operates on one
    286289            file at a time, compacting or othewise  improving the layout of the
    287             file extents (contiguous blocks of file data)
     290            file extents (contiguous blocks of file data).
    288291          </para>
    289292          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_fsr">
    297300        <listitem>
    298301          <para>
    299             expands an XFS file system
     302            expands an XFS file system.
    300303          </para>
    301304          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_growfs">
    310313          <para>
    311314            is equivalent to invoking <command>xfs_growfs</command>, but
    312             specifying that no change to the file system is to be made
     315            specifying that no change to the file system is to be made.
    313316          </para>
    314317          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_info">
    324327            is a debugging tool like <command>xfs_db</command>, but is
    325328            aimed at examining the regular file I/O path rather than the raw
    326             XFS volume itself
     329            XFS volume itself.
    327330          </para>
    328331          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_io">
    336339        <listitem>
    337340          <para>
    338             prints the log of an XFS file system
     341            prints the log of an XFS file system.
    339342          </para>
    340343          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_logprint">
    348351        <listitem>
    349352          <para>
    350             restores an XFS metadump image to a filesystem image
     353            restores an XFS metadump image to a filesystem image.
    351354          </para>
    352355          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_mdrestore">
    360363        <listitem>
    361364          <para>
    362             copies XFS filesystem metadata to a file
     365            copies XFS filesystem metadata to a file.
    363366          </para>
    364367          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_metadump">
    372375        <listitem>
    373376          <para>
    374             creates an XFS file, padded with zeroes by default
     377            creates an XFS file, padded with zeroes by default.
    375378          </para>
    376379          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_mkfile">
    385388          <para>
    386389            generates pathnames from inode numbers for an
    387             XFS file system
     390            XFS file system.
    388391          </para>
    389392          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_ncheck">
    398401          <para>
    399402            is a utility for reporting and editing various
    400             aspects of filesystem quotas
     403            aspects of filesystem quota.
    401404          </para>
    402405          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_quota">
    410413        <listitem>
    411414          <para>
    412             repairs corrupt or damaged XFS file systems
     415            repairs corrupt or damaged XFS file systems.
    413416          </para>
    414417          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_repair">
    423426          <para>
    424427            copies a file to the real-time partition on an
    425             XFS file system
     428            XFS file system.
    426429          </para>
    427430          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_rtcp">
    436439          <para>
    437440            checks and repairs the contents of a mounted
    438             XFS file system
     441            XFS file system.
    439442          </para>
    440443          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_scrub">
    448451        <listitem>
    449452          <para>
    450             scrubs all mounted XFS file systems
     453            scrubs all mounted XFS file systems.
    451454          </para>
    452455          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_scrub_all">
    461464          <para>
    462465            reports and controls free space usage in an
    463             XFS file system
     466            XFS file system.
    464467          </para>
    465468          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs xfs_spaceman">
    475478            contains XFS-specific functions that provide a way to perform
    476479            certain filesystem  operations without using a file descriptor to
    477             access filesystem objects
     480            access filesystem objects.
    478481          </para>
    479482          <indexterm zone="xfsprogs libhandle">
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