1 edited


  • multimedia/libdriv/gstreamer10.xml

    rc93c620c rd6264b7  
    77  <!ENTITY gstreamer10-download-http "&gstreamer-dl;/gstreamer/gstreamer-&gstreamer10-version;.tar.xz">
    88  <!ENTITY gstreamer10-download-ftp  " ">
    9   <!ENTITY gstreamer10-md5sum        "fe381e1e910e622fee44692e865f7229">
     9  <!ENTITY gstreamer10-md5sum        "729e3da87743d1ef04b2cdc9a5f1dc13">
    1010  <!ENTITY gstreamer10-size          "2.6 MB">
    11   <!ENTITY gstreamer10-buildsize     "60 MB (with tests)">
    12   <!ENTITY gstreamer10-time          "0.5 SBU (Using parallelism=4; with tests)">
     11  <!ENTITY gstreamer10-buildsize     "49 MB (with tests)">
     12  <!ENTITY gstreamer10-time          "0.3 SBU (Using parallelism=4; with tests)">
    1818  <sect1info>
     19    <othername>$LastChangedBy$</othername>
    1920    <date>$Date$</date>
    2021  </sect1info>
    4041    </para>
    42     &lfs110a_checked;
     43    &lfs10_checked;
    4445    <bridgehead renderas="sect3">Package Information</bridgehead>
    102103    <para role="optional">
    103104      <xref linkend="gtk3"/> (for examples),
    104       <xref linkend="gsl"/> (used by one test if installed),
     105      <xref linkend="gsl"/>,
    105106      <xref linkend="valgrind"/>,
    106107      <ulink url="https://github.com/scop/bash-completion/">bash-completion</ulink>,
    131132meson  --prefix=/usr       \
    132        --buildtype=release \
     133       -Dbuildtype=release \
    133134       -Dgst_debug=false   \
    134        -Dpackage-origin=https://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/ \
     135       -Dpackage-origin=http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/view/svn/ \
    135136       -Dpackage-name="GStreamer &gstreamer10-version; BLFS" &amp;&amp;
    158159<screen role="root"><userinput>ninja install</userinput></screen>
    160   </sect2>
    162   <sect2 role="commands">
    163     <title>Command Explanations</title>
    165     <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"
    166       href="../../xincludes/meson-buildtype-release.xml"/>
    167161  </sect2>
    202196            <application>gstreamer</application> plugins,
    203197            information about a particular plugin, or information
    204             about a particular element
     198            about a particular element.
    205199          </para>
    206200          <indexterm zone="gstreamer10 gst-inspect-1.0">
    215209          <para>
    216210            is a tool that builds and runs basic
    217             <application>gstreamer</application> pipelines
     211            <application>gstreamer</application> pipelines.
    218212          </para>
    219213          <indexterm zone="gstreamer10 gst-launch-1.0">
    228222          <para>
    229223            is a tool used to gather statistics about
    230             <application>gstreamer</application> operations
     224            <application>gstreamer</application> operations.
    231225          </para>
    232226          <indexterm zone="gstreamer10 gst-stats-1.0">
    241235          <para>
    242236            runs a test plan in TAP compatible format while integrating with
    243             the meson test harness
     237            the meson test harness.
    244238          </para>
    245239          <indexterm zone="gstreamer10 gst-tester-1.0">
    255249            uses the <application>gstreamer</application> type finding system
    256250            to determine the relevant <application>gstreamer</application>
    257             plugin to parse or decode files, and the corresponding MIME type
     251            plugin to parse or decode files, and the corresponding MIME type.
    258252          </para>
    259253          <indexterm zone="gstreamer10 gst-typefind-1.0">
    268262          <para>
    269263            provides some base classes to be extended by elements and utillity
    270             classes that are most useful for plugin developers
     264            classes that are most useful for plugin developers.
    271265          </para>
    272266          <indexterm zone="gstreamer10 libgstbase-1.0">
    281275          <para>
    282276            provides functionality for writing unit tests that use the check
    283             framework
     277            framework.
    284278          </para>
    285279          <indexterm zone="gstreamer10 libgstcheck-1.0">
    293287        <listitem>
    294288          <para>
    295             provides functionality to animate element properties over time
     289            provides functionality to animate element properties over time.
    296290          </para>
    297291          <indexterm zone="gstreamer10 libgstcontroller-1.0">
    305299        <listitem>
    306300          <para>
    307             provides network elements and objects
     301            provides network elements and objects.
    308302          </para>
    309303          <indexterm zone="gstreamer10 libgstnet-1.0">
    320314            services, including initialization, plugin management and types,
    321315            as well as the object hierarchy that defines elements and bins,
    322             along with some more specialized elements
     316            along with some more specialized elements.
    323317          </para>
    324318          <indexterm zone="gstreamer10 libgstreamer-1.0">
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