Custom Query (19901 matches)


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Results (130 - 132 of 19901)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#12214 Douglas R. Reno Douglas R. Reno fixed Create patch to fix upstream gvfs issues

As a result of the security update for Glib earlier this month, another set of security issues was found in gvfs. These allow for permission/access control bypass and file modification while transfer operations are in place.

I'm going to gen a patch with all of the commits except for translation updates since the release of gvfs-1.40.1.

#12465 Bruce Dubbs Bruce Dubbs fixed seamonkey-2.49.5

New point version.

#12656 blfs-book Kevin fixed BIND-9.14.6 remove bad named"b" entry left over

You left one of those "namedb" names here, which of course will fail badly:

mkdir -p dev etc/namedb/{slave,pz} usr/lib/engines var/run/named &&

Remove this entry, while you are at it:

touch /srv/named/managed-keys.bind

Otherwise the file will just sit there empty, not used.
-rw-r--r-- 1 named named 0 Oct 14 21:12 managed-keys.bind

The file is automagically created here: /srv/named/etc/named/
-rw-r--r-- 1 named named 785 Oct 16 22:24 managed-keys.bind

This is just a cleanup and does nothing to the system if left in place.

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