Custom Query (20362 matches)


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Results (190 - 192 of 20362)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#355 tushar@… tushar@… fixed nail-10.5

Initial bugzilla entry (10.5)

#356 tushar@… tushar@… fixed tcl/tk-8.4.4

Initial bugzilla listing (8.4.4)

#357 blfs-book@… aireland@… invalid If alsa is compiled with gcc-3.3.1 instead of gcc-2.95.3 the machine locks

I have found that if I am compiling kernel modules I need to use the same compiler as was used for the kernel.

If I compile alsa-drivers with gcc-3.3.1 then the kernel crashes.

If I compile alsa-drivers (redid -utils -oss etc) too by first setting the compiler to export CC=/opt/gcc-2.95.3/bin/gcc

Then there is no problem.

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