Custom Query (20362 matches)


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Results (205 - 207 of 20362)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#377 blfs-book@… lfsbill@… duplicate New version: lesstif-0.93.91

Version increment

#378 blfs-book@… lfsbill@… fixed slrn- initial configuration fails unless NNTPSERVER is set: CVS 20031024

We can't presume that NNTPSERVER is set for the last step of setup. I gened a little text and a default command change to assure success. Tested and works

#379 tushar@… lfsbill@… fixed portmap-5beta creates portmap in /usr/sbin, not /sbin: CVS 2003-1024

Even with both patches applied, portmap installed in /usr/sbin (which seems correct to me anyway). But the bootscripts reference /sbin. Gened patch for bootscripts.

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