Custom Query (19988 matches)


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Results (289 - 291 of 19988)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#465 blfs-book@… igor@… fixed FFmpeg-0.4.8

Version increment.

#466 blfs-book@… igor@… fixed NTP-4.2.0

Version increment.

#467 billyoc@… igor@… fixed PostgreSQL-7.4.1

Major release.

  • IN/NOT IN subqueries are now much more efficient
  • Improved GROUP BY processing by using hash buckets
  • New multikey hash join capability
  • Queries using the explicit JOIN syntax are now better optimized
  • Faster and more powerful regular expression code
  • Function-inlining for simple SQL functions
  • Full support for IPv6 connections and IPv6 address data types
  • Major improvements in SSL performance and reliability
  • Make free space map efficiently reuse empty index pages, and other
  • SQL-standard information schema
  • Cursors conform more closely to the SQL standard
  • Cursors can exist outside transactions
  • New client-to-server protocol
  • libpq and ECPG applications are now fully thread-safe
  • New version of full-text indexing
  • New autovacuum tool
  • Array handling has been improved and moved into the server core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.