Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

#6599 closed enhancement (fixed)


Reported by: bdubbs@… Owned by: Fernando de Oliveira
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.8
Component: BOOK Version: SVN
Severity: normal Keywords:

Description (last modified by Fernando de Oliveira)

New point version

NEWS - OpenPrinting CUPS Filters v1.0.69 - 2015-06-10


  - cups-browsed: When generating a PPD for an auto-discovered IPP
    network printer, create a "ColorModel" option only if valid
    choices are reported for it by the IPP printer.
  - cups-browsed: Updated PPD file generator for auto-generated queues
    for IPP network printers from the CUPS 2.1.x upstream code, so that
    floating-point numbers are written in a locale-neutral way
    (CUPS STR #4579).
  - cups-browsed: When checking whether a queue name already exists
    as a locally defined queue, do case-insensitive comparing as for
    CUPS printer names are case-insensitive. This assures that
    already existing queues do never get overwritten.
  - cups-browsed: Added "IPPPrinterQueueType Auto/PPD/NoPPD" directive
    to cups-browsed.conf to allow controlling how cups-browsed
    creates queues fr native IPP network printers: with PPD, with
    System V interface script, or selecting automatically.
  - pdftopdf: Center Landscape-oriented jobs correctly on the page
    if the "fitplot" or "number-up" options are used (Bug #1284).
  - pstopdf: Removed "-dUseCIEColor" from the Ghostscript command line.
    In modern Ghostscript versions (9.11 and newer) it is recommended to
    not use it with the pdfwrite and ps2write output devices any more.
  - imagetopdf: Corrections in PDF output: Let evince display the PDF
    with the correct size including margins and let ghostscript not
    complain about an invalid xref entry.
  - cups-browsed: Do not add options to the System V interface script
    which calls sys5ippprinter but set the options as defaults for the
    CUPS queue in printers.conf.
  - cups-browsed: When auto-generating a PPD-less print queue for an
    IPP network printer, determine default page size, unprintable margins,
    and color space from the printer via an IPP request.
  - imagetopdf: Debug logging should be only controlled by the LogLevel
    of CUPS, not by an awkward build time switch.
  - cups-browsed: Determine from the TXT records of the Bonjour broadcast
    of an IPP network printer whether it has color and duplex
    capabilities and if yes, let auto-generated PPD-less print queues
    use appropriate command line options to make use of these
  - imagetopdf: Make this filter also work with auto-generated PPD-less
    print queues for IPP network printers.
  - sys5ippprinter: Renamed pdftoippprinter to reflect that it is
    once a System 5 interface script and second does not accept only
    PDF as input.
  - pdftoippprinter: Support also PWG Raster and JPEG as input formats
    so that an auto-generated, PPD-less queue for an IPP printer emulates
    an IPP Everywhere printer.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by Fernando de Oliveira, 9 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by Fernando de Oliveira, 9 years ago

Owner: changed from blfs-book@… to Fernando de Oliveira
Status: newassigned

comment:3 by Fernando de Oliveira, 9 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:4 by Fernando de Oliveira, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Fixed at r16121.

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