

23:47 Changeset [d40b5ae] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
fix minor typo git-svn-id: …
23:15 Ticket #2642 (Xorg-7.4 evdev (keybaord and mouse config)) created by DJ Lucas
Need to add information on using evdev driver. Right now, it works …
23:04 Changeset [f49893b] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Added lesstif to optional deps for Mesa and added switch for lesstif. …
22:41 Ticket #2641 (iso-codes-1.5) created by ken@…
version update. Works for me.
22:37 Ticket #2442 (Xorg-7.4) closed by DJ Lucas
fixed: I believe all of Alexander's concerns above have been answered by …
22:37 Changeset [129e3680] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Added instructions to exclude evdev on x testing. git-svn-id: …
21:57 Changeset [759586e] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Corrections from last night's commits, plus minor cleanup of Changlog …
21:46 Ticket #2640 (NASM 2.05.01) created by willimm
The NASM version in BLFS is v e r y old, and there is a big new …
21:20 Xorg7ProtocolHeaders edited by willimm
21:20 Xorg7ProtocolHeaders edited by willimm
Update to 7.4. (diff)
21:16 Changeset [6940e5e] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Moved /etc/X11 sysmlinks to x-setup page. git-svn-id: …
20:48 Ticket #2639 (KDE3.5 3.5.10) created by willimm
The KDE 3.5 series is now at 3.5.10
19:44 Ticket #2638 (gstreamer-0.10.21) created by ken@…
version increase, needs patch to build. gst-plugins-base-0.10.21 also …
19:37 Ticket #2637 (abiword-2.6.8) created by ken@…
A bit more involved to build than it used to be, and split up into …
19:15 Ticket #2636 (xine-lib-1.1.15) created by ken@…
version increase. This version needed a patch to enable c++ progs to …
19:12 Ticket #2635 (mpg123-1.5.1) created by ken@…
version increase
19:11 Ticket #2634 (SDL-1.2.13) created by ken@…
version increase
19:10 Ticket #2633 (libdvdcss-1.2.10) created by ken@…
version upgrade
19:09 Ticket #2632 (lame-3.98.2) created by ken@…
version increase (technically, it's called -398-2 this time).
19:05 Ticket #2631 (esound-0.2.40) created by ken@…
version increase
19:04 Ticket #2630 (libart_lgpl-2.3.20) created by ken@…
version increase
18:59 Ticket #2629 (GPL ghostscript-8.64 (updates AFPL, can replace ESPGS)) created by ken@…
This version works well, specifically 'make && make so && make install …
18:16 Ticket #2628 (New package GEGL) created by ken@…
GEGL is a graph-based image processing framework offering …
18:13 Ticket #2627 (Babl - new package) created by ken@…
This is a pixel transformation library. Home page …
17:00 Ticket #2626 (JDK 6 Update 16) created by willimm
Sun's JDK is now at 6u16.
04:40 Changeset [335975f] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Updated to Xorg-7.4. git-svn-id: …
04:33 Changeset [57764d9] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Updated to xorg-server-1.5.3. git-svn-id: …
04:27 Changeset [55228883] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Updated to xkeyboard-config-1.4. git-svn-id: …
04:21 Changeset [5a8c3c23] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Updated luit-1.0.3. git-svn-id: …
04:12 Changeset [f7219e7] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Updated to libxcb-1.1. git-svn-id: …
04:07 Changeset [b7fe6c8] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Updated to xcb-proto-1.1. git-svn-id: …
04:03 Changeset [83278514] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Updated to libXau-1.0.4. git-svn-id: …
03:56 Changeset [1199613] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Updated to Mesa-7.2. git-svn-id: …
03:43 Changeset [62334bfc] by DJ Lucas <dj@…>
Updated to libdrm-2.3.1. git-svn-id: …


23:02 Ticket #2625 (cdparanoia-III-10.2) created by ken@…
version increase. needs patch for gcc-4.3.
23:00 Ticket #2624 (audacious-1.5.1) created by ken@…
version increase, plugins are also at 1.5.1 (ugly plugins …
22:57 Ticket #2623 (poppler-0.10.1) created by ken@…
version increase. poppler-data is now 0.2.1
22:55 Ticket #2622 (libmowgli-0.7.0) created by ken@…
Version upgrade, and slight name change from 'mowgli'.
22:54 Ticket #2621 (libmcs-0.7.1) created by ken@…
Version upgrade, and a slight change of name (used to be 'mcs').
22:49 Ticket #2620 (gutenprint-5.2.5) created by ken@…
version upgrade. Works well for me.
22:47 Ticket #2619 (gimp-2.6.8) created by ken@…
Version upgrade. Also an upgrade for gimp-help-2.4.2 - there is no …
22:36 Ticket #2618 (cups-1.4.2) created by ken@…
version increase, works fine for me.
22:34 Ticket #2617 (aspell-0.60.6) created by ken@…
version increase, includes fixes for gcc-4.3 (0.60.5 doesn't compile).
22:31 Ticket #2616 (shared-mime-info-0.23) created by ken@…
version increase
22:29 Ticket #2615 (libmng-1.0.10) created by ken@…
Version upgrade
21:31 Ticket #2573 (sudo-1.6.9p18) closed by thomas
fixed: Thank you, Sir
20:40 Xorg7ProtocolHeaders edited by Michael Ploujnikov
fix baces (diff)
20:29 Ticket #2614 (libIDL-0.8.11) created by ken@…
version update, seems to work with LFS-6.4.
20:15 Xorg7ProtocolHeaders edited by Michael Ploujnikov
optimize with POSIX shell parameter expansion instead of extra processes (diff)
15:35 Ticket #2613 (Xfce 4.4.3) created by willimm
This is a proprosal to bring Xfce back into the book. This is a minor …
05:16 Changeset [fe7215f] by Thomas Trepl <thomas@…>
Update to sudo-1.6.9p18 (#2573) git-svn-id: …
02:26 Ticket #2573 (sudo-1.6.9p18) reopened by willimm
Waaaaiiiit a second, sudo is still at 1.6.9p15. Reopening this ticket …


23:38 Ticket #2612 (dvd+rw-tools-7.1) created by ken@…
Version increase, still needs the patch for kernel headers since …
18:38 Ticket #2611 (libglade 2.6.3) created by willimm
New version. Required for gnome 2.24.


18:33 Ticket #2610 (desktop-file-utils-0.15) created by ken@…
Version increase …
18:30 Ticket #2609 (dbus-glib-0.76) created by ken@…
New version, builds for me, and allows gnome-2.24 users to compile.
18:27 Ticket #2608 (pango-1.22.2) created by ken@…
Version increase, works for me with gnome-2.24.
18:25 Ticket #2607 (atk-1.24.0) created by ken@…
Vwersion increase, works for me with xorg-7.4 and gnome-2.24
18:23 Ticket #2606 (gtk+-2.14.4) created by ken@…
New version, works for me with xorg-7.4 and gnome-2.24.
18:08 Ticket #2605 (intltool-0.40.4) created by ken@…
Version upgrade. This version is the minimum for various gnome-2.24 …
16:59 Ticket #2604 (New package: Theora) created by willimm
Apparently, Theora (for those that don't know, Therora is a libary for …
14:13 Ticket #2603 (gnumeric-1.10.11) created by ken@…
Current version now 1.10.11. Works for me on LFS-6.7, needs newer …
07:36 Ticket #2581 (CVS 1.11.23) closed by thomas
fixed: patches repository is updated
07:35 Ticket #2573 (sudo-1.6.9p18) closed by thomas


23:59 Ticket #2602 (GCC 4.4.1) created by willimm
Version update to match the version in LFS 6.4. 4 things I want you …
23:42 Ticket #2601 (Shadow created by willimm
Version update to match the LFS 6.4 version. As far as I know, the …
21:18 Changeset [a3146e1] by Thomas Trepl <thomas@…>
Update to cvs-1.11.23 (#2581) git-svn-id: …


19:44 Ticket #2600 (Packages which need patches for gcc-4.3.2) created by ken@…
I know of the following packages which now need patching, for which …


07:14 Ticket #2566 (JAI (FOP prereq) has moved to dev.java.net) closed by thomas
07:14 Ticket #2392 (FOP 0.95) closed by thomas
07:13 Changeset [50cc5ad] by Thomas Trepl <thomas@…>
Version update FOP and JAI (#2566 and #2392) git-svn-id: …


04:57 Ticket #2599 (D-BUS-1.0.2 fails with "unknown group halusers" when any group has a ...) created by stevemds0210
This bug had me pulling my hair out last year. After looking into it …


17:57 Ticket #2598 (NFS Utils 1.1.4 Download Link should be .bz2) closed by thomas
17:50 Changeset [8e82479] by Thomas Trepl <thomas@…>
Fix download URL in nfs-utils (#2598) git-svn-id: …
16:40 Ticket #2598 (NFS Utils 1.1.4 Download Link should be .bz2) created by tromador
Sourceforge doesn't seem to wish to deliver nfs-utils-1.1.4.gz, …


21:51 Ticket #2597 (New package, xmlrpc-c-1.06.31) created by ken@…
http://xmlrpc-c.sourceforge.net/ A dependency for cmake, at least for …
21:30 Ticket #2596 (New Package - CMake-2.8.3) created by ken@…
Cmake is a build dependency for kde4. To build it in the absence of …


17:45 Ticket #2589 (gcc reports undefined NULL in inetutils-1.5) closed by thomas
17:44 Ticket #2532 (cURL-7.18.1) closed by thomas
17:44 Ticket #2568 (nfsutils-1.1.4) closed by thomas
17:43 Ticket #2567 (ed-1.1) closed by thomas
17:43 Ticket #2505 (Popt-1.14) closed by thomas
17:42 Ticket #2551 (pkg-config-0.23) closed by thomas


16:30 Ticket #2595 (firefox-3.0.7 / xulrunner- created by ken@…
With this version, the tarball is shipped under two names (they are …
16:21 Ticket #2594 (thunderbird- / 3.0) created by ken@…
Version upgrade.
16:20 Ticket #2593 (lcms-1.17) created by ken@…
Version upgrade, required for firefox3 (or at a minimum, "recommended".
16:18 Ticket #2592 (cairo-1.8.4) created by ken@…
http://cairographics.org/releases/cairo-1.8.2.tar.gz NB firefox3 …
16:14 Ticket #2591 (New package: sqlite) created by ken@…
Usable by firefox3, thunderbird-, nss-3.12, qt4. …
09:22 Ticket #2590 (hald- segfaults on serial device check) created by stevemds0210
HAL- has a repeatable segfault on serial device check. I had …


18:40 Changeset [f4f612d] by Thomas Trepl <thomas@…>
Forgot a comma git-svn-id: …
18:36 Changeset [b834dfc7] by Thomas Trepl <thomas@…>
Several version updates git-svn-id: …
11:52 Ticket #2589 (gcc reports undefined NULL in inetutils-1.5) created by thomas
Compilation (gcc-4.3.2) stops with […] A simple "#include …
09:04 Ticket #2588 (D-Bus needs updated to newest version BLFS svn) created by Brittany Dunlap
Using BLFS svn-20081101. D-Bus needs updated to use newest version due …


17:01 Ticket #2587 (dbus-1.2.4) created by thomas
Version upgrade to 1.2.4
17:00 Ticket #2586 (pciutils 3.0.3) created by thomas
Version upgrade to 3.0.3
16:59 Ticket #2585 (libpng-1.2.33) created by thomas
Version upgrade to 1.2.33
16:58 Ticket #2584 (Apache httpd 2.2.11) created by thomas
2.2.11 is out. The config patch still works.
16:56 Ticket #2583 (PCRE-7.8) created by thomas
Version upgrade to 7.8. For what I have seen, the two patches …
16:54 Ticket #2582 (Postgresql-8.3.9) created by thomas
Version 8.3.4
16:53 Ticket #2581 (CVS 1.11.23) created by thomas
New version 1.11.23
16:52 Ticket #2580 (xfsprogs-3.0.1) created by thomas
New version 2.10.1
16:51 Ticket #2579 (Heirloom mailx 12.4) created by thomas
Version upgrade to 12.4
16:45 Ticket #2578 (OpenLDAP 2.4.21) created by thomas
Compiles (at least) fine with new BerkeleyDB. The 2.4 series is …
16:40 Ticket #2577 (Bind 9.6.1) created by thomas
New stable release of Bind DNS.
16:39 Ticket #2576 (HTML-Tidy) created by thomas
Last export of tidy was over a year ago. 20081102 works well.
16:34 Ticket #2575 (Python-2.6.1) created by thomas
New version 2.6 is out. Bindings in apr-util and svn compiled fine.
16:31 Ticket #2574 (libxml2-2.7.2) created by thomas
Version upgrade to 2.7.2
16:30 Ticket #2573 (sudo-1.6.9p18) created by thomas
Version (patchlevel) upgrade to 1.6.9p17
16:28 Ticket #2572 (Ant 1.7.1) created by thomas
Version upgrade to 1.7.1
16:26 Ticket #2571 (Tcl 8.5.5) created by thomas
This version (8.5.5) would be the same as used in LFS now.
16:24 Ticket #2570 (alsa 1.0.18) created by thomas
Can we use 1.0.18, which is available now, while the kernel stuff is …
16:21 Ticket #2569 (dhcpcd-4.0.4) created by thomas
The version 3.x series has reached 3.2.3
16:17 Ticket #2568 (nfsutils-1.1.4) created by thomas
Version upgrade to 1.1.4
16:17 Ticket #2567 (ed-1.1) created by thomas
Version upgrade to 1.1


21:21 Changeset [3605b10] by Chris Staub <chris@…>
Corrections to installed program/library lists for libgpg-error …
20:55 Changeset [6c03eb1] by Chris Staub <chris@…>
Update Net-Tools instructions to account for newer Coreutils versions …
20:54 Changeset [09d71bd] by Chris Staub <chris@…>
Update date git-svn-id: …


10:09 Changeset [832d359b] by Chris Staub <chris@…>
Various minor text fixes git-svn-id: …
10:03 Changeset [d801c615] by Chris Staub <chris@…>
Update date git-svn-id: …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.