= BIND = == More information on DLZ == To use DLZ (Dynamically Loadable Zones) in Bind[[BR]] https://nlnet.nl/project/bind-dlz/200205-sane/paper.html == Updating the root.hints file with dig == Instead of downloading https://www.internic.net/domain/named.root, you can run: {{{ dig @a.root-servers.net . ns > db.cache grep '^\.\|^[a-z]' db.cache | sort >/srv/named/etc/namedb/root.hints }}} That will give you a file very close to the BLFS example. Sanitized so no leading spaces are introduced. == Verifying the tarball using gpg == You may want to verify the validity of the downloaded files from isc instead of trusting the MD5 from the book.[[BR]] Run these commands if you have gpg installed: {{{ wget https://www.isc.org/docs/isc-keyblock.asc gpg --import isc-keyblock.asc wget https://downloads.isc.org/isc/bind9//bind-.tar.xz{,.asc} gpg --verify bind-.tar.xz.asc }}}