Contents of Sh-utils-&sh-utils-contversion; Program Files basename, chroot, date, dirname, echo, env, expr, factor, false, groups, hostid, hostname, id, logname, nice, nohup, pathchk, pinky, printenv, printf, pwd, seq, sleep, stty, su, tee, test, true, tty, uname, uptime, users, who, whoami and yes Descriptions basename basename strips directory and suffixes from filenames. chroot chroot runs a command or interactive shell with special root directory. date date displays the current time in a specified format, or sets the system date. dirname dirname strips non-directory suffixes from file name. echo echo displays a line of text. env env runs a program in a modified environment. expr expr evaluates expressions. factor factor prints the prime factors of all specified integer numbers. false false always exits with a status code indicating failure. groups groups prints the groups a user is in. hostid hostid prints the numeric identifier (in hexadecimal) for the current host. hostname hostname sets or prints the name of the current host system id id prints the real and effective UIDs and GIDs of a user or the current user. logname logname prints the current user's login name. nice nice runs a program with modified scheduling priority. nohup nohup runs a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty pathchk pathchk checks whether file names are valid or portable. pinky pinky is a lightweight finger utility which retrieves information about a certain user printenv printenv prints all or part of the environment. printf printf formats and prints data (the same as the printf C function). pwd pwd prints the name of the current/working directory seq seq prints numbers in a certain range with a certain increment. sleep sleep delays for a specified amount of time. stty stty changes and prints terminal line settings. su su runs a shell with substitute user and group IDs tee tee reads from standard input and writes to standard output and files. test test checks file types and compares values. true True always exits with a status code indicating success. tty tty prints the file name of the terminal connected to standard input. uname uname prints system information. uptime uptime tells how long the system has been running. users users prints the user names of users currently logged in to the current host. who who shows who is logged on. whoami whoami prints the user's effective userid. yes yes outputs a string repeatedly until killed.