Mounting the new partition Now that we've created a file system, we want to be able to access the partition. For that, we need to mount it, and have to choose a mount point. In this book we assume that the file system is mounted under /mnt/lfs, but it doesn't matter what directory you choose. Choose a mount point and assign it to the LFS environment variable by running: export LFS=/mnt/lfs Now create the mount point and mount the LFS file system by running: mkdir -p $LFS mount /dev/xxx $LFS Replace xxx with the designation of the LFS partition. If you have decided to use multiple partitions for LFS (say one for / and another for /usr), mount them like this: mkdir -p $LFS mount /dev/xxx $LFS mkdir $LFS/usr mount /dev/yyy $LFS/usr Of course, replace xxx and yyy with the appropriate partition names. You should also ensure that this new partition doesn't mount with permissions which are too restrictive (such as the nosuid or nodev options). You can run the mount command with no parameters to see what options are in use. If you see nosuid or nodev on the LFS partition, you need to change your mount options. Now that we've made ourselves a place to work in, we're ready to download the packages.