Installing Grep-&grep-version; Estimated build time: &grep-time-tools; Estimated required disk space: &grep-compsize-tools; &aa-grep-down; &aa-grep-dep;    Installation of Grep Prepare Grep for compilation: ./configure --prefix=/tools \     --disable-perl-regexp --with-included-regex The meaning of the configure options: --disable-perl-regexp: This makes sure that grep does not get linked against a PCRE library that may be present on the host, but would not be available once we enter the chroot environment. --with-included-regex: This ensures that Grep uses its internal regular expression code. Without it, it will use the code from Glibc, which is known to be slightly buggy. Compile the programs: make As discussed earlier, we don't recommend running the test suites for the temporary tools here in this chapter. If you still want to run the Grep test suite anyway, the following command will do so: make check Then install them and their documentation: make install    The details on this package are found in .