%general-entities; ]> libxcrypt &libxcrypt-version;
Libxcrypt-&libxcrypt-version; Libxcrypt <xi:include xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude" href="../chapter08/libxcrypt.xml" xpointer="xpointer(/sect1/sect2[1]/para[1])"/> <segmentedlist> <segtitle>&buildtime;</segtitle> <segtitle>&diskspace;</segtitle> <seglistitem> <seg>&libxcrypt-fin-sbu;</seg> <seg>&libxcrypt-fin-du;</seg> </seglistitem> </segmentedlist> </sect2> <sect2 role="installation"> <title>Installation of Libxcrypt Prepare Libxcrypt for compilation: ./configure --target=$LFS_TGT \ --prefix=/usr \ --enable-hashes=strong,glibc \ --enable-obsolete-api=no \ --disable-static \ --disable-failure-tokens The meaning of the new configure options: --enable-hashes=strong,glibc Build strong hash algorithms recommended for security use cases, and the hash algorithms provided by traditional Glibc libcrypt for compatibility. --enable-obsolete-api=no Disable obsolete API functions. They are not needed for a modern Linux system built from source. --disable-failure-tokens Disable failure token feature. It's needed for compatibility with the traditional hash libraries of some platforms, but a Linux system based on Glibc does not need it. Compile the package: make To test the results, issue: make check Install the package: make DESTDIR=$LFS install Installation of Libxcrypt - 32bit Clean previous build: make distclean Prepare File for compilation: CC="gcc -m32" \ ./configure --target=$LFS_TGT32 \ --prefix=/usr \ --host=i686-pc-linux-gnu \ --libdir=/usr/lib32 \ --enable-hashes=strong,glibc \ --enable-obsolete-api=glibc \ --disable-static \ --disable-failure-tokens Compile the package: make Install the package: cp -av .libs/libcrypt.so* $LFS/usr/lib32/ && make DESTDIR=$LFS install-pkgconfigDATA && ln -svf libxcrypt.pc $LFS/usr/lib32/pkgconfig/libcrypt.pc Installation of Libxcrypt - x32bit Clean previous build: make distclean Prepare File for compilation: CC="gcc -mx32" \ ./configure --target=$LFS_TGT32 \ --prefix=/usr \ --host=x86_64-pc-linux-gnux32 \ --libdir=/usr/libx32 \ --enable-hashes=strong,glibc \ --enable-obsolete-api=glibc \ --disable-static \ --disable-failure-tokens Compile the package: make Install the package: cp -av .libs/libcrypt.so* $LFS/usr/libx32/ && make DESTDIR=$LFS install-pkgconfigDATA && ln -svf libxcrypt.pc $LFS/usr/libx32/pkgconfig/libcrypt.pc <para>Details on this package are located in <xref linkend="contents-libxcrypt" role="."/></para> </sect2> </sect1>